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Messages - jb1842

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Spin Zone / Re: Glass top stoves are the work of Satan
« on: October 11, 2023, 07:56:40 AM »
Glass or gas fireplace?  We have a gas starter in our fireplace, but  my wife is allergic to wood smoke.  We are thinking about what to do there.  She likes the look of the glass pebbles with the flame coming out but an alternative is to convert to gas flame with the concrete wood looking logs.  Either way we need to replace the firebox and we're just not motivated enough for that yet.  Maybe when the snow starts flying and a fire in the fireplace would be very cozy.

Gas insert with fake logs. It would have been $10,000 plus to fix the chimney, etc., to burn wood. The gas insert was $1,600 and $500 to run the gas lines to it.

Spin Zone / Re: Glass top stoves are the work of Satan
« on: October 11, 2023, 06:11:59 AM »
I'm all electric. We have a natural gas, underground pipeline going through my neighborhood, but no gas service to our homes. Ironic, huh? I could get propane, but that's more expensive, so I just deal with the electric stove with coils. Thank God, no glass top!.

One of the first things I did when I bought my current house was have a gas line run and replace the glass cooktop with a gas one and put in a gas fireplace. Our gas utilities ran the line from the street to our house for free. We just paid for the plumber to run it inside and hook everything up.

Spin Zone / Re: Pray for Israel
« on: October 09, 2023, 10:12:57 AM »
We have a nuclear power plant about 30 minutes west of me. We don't get our power from them. And they don't supply any local communities power. It's a joke.

Spin Zone / Re: Happy Columbus Day
« on: October 09, 2023, 06:39:41 AM »
At my son's yesterday to go out to dinner for our grandson's Birthday. They were talking about having today off work and school. I asked why and they said, "Indigenous People's Day" and I responded with "Columbus Day". They didn't seem to like that, in fact my grandson made some comment about not celebrating a mass murderer any more.

But the indigenous people participated in the genocide, stealing of land, and enslaving of different tribes.

Spin Zone / Re: Pray for Israel
« on: October 07, 2023, 08:39:37 AM »
  And the FJB Regime knew exactly where this would go.   They are beyond evil.

Yep. And the equipment left in Afghanistan. It was all planned.

Spin Zone / Re: Pray for Israel
« on: October 07, 2023, 08:38:20 AM »
  Yep.   And our government does nothing. 

   Victor Davis Hanson has stated the next 12 to 18 months will be the most explosive time in our history.   We have an entire Army (not ours) already in place inside our borders.   Sleeper cells everywhere.   The FJB Regime gifted the Taliban with $80billion in weapons and ammunition, and much of it has found it's way onto the black market.

   The democrat communist are losing control, and the desperation is setting in.  Desperate people do really stupid shit.

They are doing nothing on purpose. They want it to happen to create their new world order. Their is a very good chance WW3 started today in Israel. And Biden funded and equipped the bad guys.

Spin Zone / Re: The EV fantasy
« on: October 03, 2023, 07:05:26 AM »
I heard that article discussed on conservative talk radio in Milwaukee this morning. The host also read something that Ford is losing $60,000 for every electric F-150 they sell.

Democrats never heard of things called “business models” and “profits.”  Just keep the subsidies flowing and they think they can accomplish their green goal, economics be damned.

Do you think Biden brought that up to the UAW workers on strike when he went to support them in Michigan last week?

Spin Zone / Re: The EV fantasy
« on: October 03, 2023, 05:32:25 AM »
Pay attention to the used market.  Lots of low miles EV's on the market now.   These are from people that bought the hype, bought in and are now dumping them.

 Looking at I found 226 used Teslas in the Orlando area.   Many are labeled "Selling Slowly" due to time on market and many have price reductions due to slow movement.

I wonder if people down there are finally realizing that living in a state that gets hit by hurricanes and can lose power for weeks isn't the best place to have your life possibly depend on an electric vehicle.

Spin Zone / Re: The EV fantasy
« on: September 30, 2023, 08:48:31 AM »
Solar is dangerous. I dropped a solar panel I was installing on my RV on my toe the week before Oskosh. It's still black and blue.

Are the Republicans not now the majority in the Senate?

Maybe until the left can find some false charges to bring up against some of them and force them out.

Spin Zone / Re: Nazi as sexual orientation?
« on: September 27, 2023, 02:03:26 PM »
That's the current thought process from "minor attracted persons" or whatever they call themselves.  Trying to mainstream paedophilia.

Then I'm sexually attracted to watching their heads explode with a well placed .45 bullet.

Spin Zone / Re: Nazi as sexual orientation?
« on: September 27, 2023, 01:07:23 PM »
Wouldn't a rapist be a sexual preference then? They prefer to have sex with the non-willing? Same way as gays prefer have sex with the non-straights? They just say they were born that way and we have to accept it.

Spin Zone / Re: Gov owned stores
« on: September 27, 2023, 01:04:32 PM »
Re: testosterone, I debated whether to mention that I am on hormone replacement therapy which for women, and the type I'm getting (bio-identical pellets) is estrogen AND testosterone, but of course a much smaller amount of testosterone than they give men or women trying to be trans.  Normal women have a tiny bit of testosterone produced by the ovaries and the adrenal glands but, like it does with men, as women age, it declines and in my case had gone to zero. 

The hormones taken orally that are synthetically created by the pharmaceutical companies are associated with bad health effects but the bio-identical ones aren't. It's kind of controversial because if you can imagine, mainstream medicine defends the drug company profits. But the hormones have made a HUGE difference in my mood and general quality of life. It's way better than any anti-depressant I ever took.  YMMV.

I'm looking into the pellets.

Spin Zone / Re: Gov owned stores
« on: September 27, 2023, 12:35:25 PM »
That's exactly what derailed my pilot certificate. I was nearing my checkride when I had a major back/nerve problem flair up, had to get on several meds for a while, and basically concluded my choice was pilot license or treat my pain adequately.  Since my husband had his and I could fly with him all I wanted, I really didn't NEED the certificate and, you really can't be a safe pilot when in severe chronic pain anyway, so it was a no brainer.  Other than just being very disappointed that I hadn't achieved the piece of paper.

One of my meds was an antidepressant, did nothing at all for the pain, and I had bad side effects. I went through years trying to find the right treatments. The thing that seems to have really improved it was getting on B12 shots, as well as dietary changes (cutting way down on sugar which is pro-inflammatory) and now I have temporary bouts more than constant all the time pain. The only drug I take for it now is a mild muscle relaxer at bedtime occasionally.

Unfortunately I started getting arthritis real bad, especially the hip so was back on all the drugs for that until the hip replacement. And then the root canal infection, I mean if it's not one thing it's another.  Getting old sucks.

I was trying to get on ketamine therapy. I think that would be my best option. But workers comp won't cover it and the closest pain clinic that does it is an hour away and would be an all day thing. I don't have anybody who can sit at a hospital for 8 hours once a month while I get the treatment. I'm looking into testosterone therapy replacement right now. If I could do both I think I would be a new man.

Some of the meds mess me up. I'm like a zombie. I don't register stuff. I've almost gotten into a car wreck because I saw the oncoming car but didn't realize it was coming at me and pulled out in front of it. Thank god at the last second he slammed on the brakes and I accelerated. And I don't know how many times I drove to the store and didn't realize I walked into it, or walked once walked into a women's restroom and had no idea where or why I was in there.

Spin Zone / Re: Gov owned stores
« on: September 27, 2023, 11:02:25 AM »
I know some very productive people who are smokers, others who are not. The ones who are not, were never productive to begin with. Personally, I'm for it. I've seen too many people with lives ruined over it with bad legislation. We get our panties in a wad over people smoking a plant to alter their brain to feel better for a few hours, but don't bat a eye when people ingest a plant made into a liquid form to alter their brain to feel better. My brother suffers from PTSD from 2 tours in Iraq. Smoking has been the best thing for him to help manage his symptoms and lead a better life. Don't tell me that popping multiple pills a day is better. I take at least 7 pills a day for my back/nerve pain issues, and sometimes they have some serious side effects. I have talked to my multiple doctors about medical marijuana. I may go that route. My meds are grounding me as it is. I think I would rather take a couple hits off a vape pen at night or chew an edible than take all those pills, which are some serious antidepressants that are used off label to treat nerve pain.

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