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Messages - Number7

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Spin Zone / Re: We need more Libs here
« on: March 12, 2016, 10:14:49 AM »
The new left is simply communist, through and through. There is nothing that even gently resembles the liberal movement of the sixties. The new left is all about shutting down free speech, and cutting off the free change of ideas, in favor of forced group think, complete with psychological "treatment" for those who insist there are other viewpoints.

Spin Zone / Re: How about Kasich?
« on: March 10, 2016, 09:57:10 AM »
Kasich is the guy liberals and progressives think they can live with. There is no doubt. Just like progressives and liberals thought John Huntsman was their kind of guy.

Spin Zone / Re: Liberalism is the new slavery
« on: March 10, 2016, 09:44:47 AM »
Is that right?  Then why is America so much more riffe with antiscoience initiatives than any of the other industrialized nations?

Because so many in the 'scientific' fields are as self obsessed, childish, and delusional as you, causing producers to turn their backs on your spiel.

Spin Zone / Re: Liberalism is the new slavery
« on: March 10, 2016, 09:43:47 AM »
Not at all.  If I'm to be painted as a parasite merely because I work in the pubic sector, then anyone else in the public sector must be a parasite as well.  That includes soldiers, teachers, police, firemen, and lottos other people who are paid from the public trough.  I can curse quite well in four languages (five if you count Klingon) and don't know the invective strong enough for this sort of shortsighted rhetoric.

The vast majority of medical and technical advances in this nation came from people in the public sector.  Those who've pioneered almost all the scientific discoveries that have driven our economy for the last generation almost all worked in Universities or for government institutes.  No doubt they were all parasites.

The really sad thing is this model, where we generate technological progress which spreads to the rest of the world, is a really good one for Americans.  We are far more creative than almost anyone, for a number of interesting reasons.  The problem is people like you would rather have Americans denying science and its achievements.  You vilify scientists calling them parasites.  Don't worry, this mistrust and outright vilification of scientists is quite widespread.  That's why we have idiocy like Creationism, anti vaccine movements and boycotts of GMOs.  Now ask yourself, with all this widespread vilification, who's going to want to go into science?  Who's going to want to be the technological drivers of tomorrow?  The answer is nobody.  And if you think we're second fiddle now, think about what the nation will look like when all the new technology is developed elsewhere.

You are a progressive parasite in the mold of Ben Affleck. He is the hollyweird nit-wit who claimed acting in a movie was just as dangerous as fighting in Afghanistan. If you are so desperate for attention that you have to pretend to be just as important as our fighting men and women, then you are just as pathetic as Ben.

Your real problem is you are a bigot, and like many, if not most bigots, you need to dress up your bigotry inside something else to sell it and not admit you indulge your bigotry at every opportunity.

You see you are the same guy that swears Man Made Global Warming caused an unseasonably warm day in Ohio one winter, ignoring that weather is a changeable force. And you are the same bigot that claims anyone who disagrees with your conclusions is an idiot, or insane, just because, while calling those who dispute your conclusions names to try and avoid discussion of your bigotry.

In your world,parents are servants of the far left ideologues who passionately fight individualism, freedom and creativity, under the guise of 'what's good for you,' and 'what's good for society.' It's the opinion of progressive wind bags, like you, that people have no right to think and behave within the confines of THEIR conscience, if they come to differing conclusions than you and your pathetic contention that parasitic academics are the, 'most deserving people.'

Spin Zone / Re: Who likes the new POA format?
« on: March 09, 2016, 10:06:56 AM »
I see that Everskyward closed the thread. How tolerant and inclusive of her...
What a joke that forum became.
I can see why they would have to have threads attacking free speech, since they don't allow any over there, unless you do so within very strict parameters, which isn't free speech at all.

Spin Zone / Re: Liberalism is the new slavery
« on: March 09, 2016, 10:02:30 AM »
You've just painted the valiant members of our military (who are STILL living off the taxpayers) with the same pathetic brush. I don't own an epithet strong enough to describe my thoughts at this.

That is utter bullspit, and you know it, even if your pathetic whining covers up the truth. You are such an intellectual coward, that you want to compare yourself to soldiers to try and avoid any actual comparison from taking place. A typical parasitic, progressive at work, here.
There is a universe of difference between members of our military and pathetic, progressives, living off the taxpayers, complaining about those that fund the government by actually producing revenue.
Go play with yourself some more and see if your bullspit gets any better.

Spin Zone / Re: Where's the Eye Bleach?
« on: March 08, 2016, 06:05:34 PM »
What was Roseanne Barr doing out in public in the middle of the day?

Spin Zone / Re: Yet Another Kick to the Nuts of the Tenth Amendment
« on: March 08, 2016, 06:01:33 PM »
You know, we fought a Civil War over issues like this in large part.  Unbelievable.


And might have to again one day soon...
As the federal government goes bankrupt at a faster and faster pace, they will absolutely ramp up preying upon citizens and businesses to remain solvent as long as possible, no doubt causing armed reaction.

Spin Zone / Re: BUFFs to Bomb ISIS
« on: March 08, 2016, 05:58:03 PM »
Is it treason for DOD "officials" to release this kind of information, or is it Obama's lame attempt to sound tough?

I can't fathom how this disclosure helps us kill more of the enemy.

President Obama probably plans to give those bombers to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Spin Zone / Re: Liberalism is the new slavery
« on: March 08, 2016, 05:57:01 PM »
Gotta love conservatives bitching endlessly about welfare when we spend orders magnitude more on white-collar welfare.

As it seems YOU are a perfect example of white collar welfare, the statement you made is rather 'unusual.' Of course you will defend your circumstances with rhapsodic statements about how vital and crucial your 'research' has been, but living off the taxpayers IS STILL living off the taxpayers.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump bails on CPAC
« on: March 07, 2016, 09:43:51 AM »
According to Matt Schlapp, chairman of CPAC, Trump wanted to dictate the terms of his visit to CPAC, including not taking questions.  CPAC wouldn't accept those terms, so Trump didn't show. 

Coward comes to mind.

A lot like Hilary Clinton refusing to be asked pointed questions about her extracurricular corruption.
Rose Law Firm double billing, where the records magically disappeared until one day after the statute of limitations expired, comes to mind.
Whitewater Development Company.
Pork Futures.
Vince Foster.
MENA, Arkansas and young boys being decapitated, then the ME appointed by Bill found they had died of natural causes...
just a few...

Spin Zone / Re: Trump's Support
« on: March 07, 2016, 09:41:01 AM »
I have never found the progressive media to be the least bit interested in facts when a good rant against conservatives will do, instead.

Spin Zone / Re: The Classy Lady is Gone
« on: March 07, 2016, 09:39:49 AM »
It is amazing how the party that talks incessantly about inclusiveness and tolerance is anything but, all the time.

Spin Zone / Re: I'm turning over a new leaf
« on: March 06, 2016, 10:39:04 AM »
That has got to be the gayest thing I've ever seen.

I wonder if Bryan with a "Y" and Aunt Peggy are singing it together... :) :) :)

Spin Zone / Re: Trump bails on CPAC
« on: March 06, 2016, 10:36:53 AM »
According to Matt Schlapp, chairman of CPAC, Trump wanted to dictate the terms of his visit to CPAC, including not taking questions.  CPAC wouldn't accept those terms, so Trump didn't show. 

Coward comes to mind.

Why is it ok for Hilary Clinton to dictate these types of things, but not Donald Trump?
I am NOT a Trump voter, by the way.

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