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Messages - Dav8or

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Spin Zone / Re: Is Self-Defense a right?
« on: July 28, 2016, 08:16:29 AM »
Do we have a right to live? 

This topic of rights and natural rights seems to pop up on this forum regularly from time to time. The answer always seems to come down to whether or not you believe in some super natural being that grants you rights when you are born. The "inalienable rights" always seem to have some root in religion and not the physical world.

To a religious person, rights are bestowed by their creator and to a non religious person, rights are bestowed by whatever government, ruler, or person that has ultimate power over others. These perspectives apply to all rights including the right to life itself.

Spin Zone / Re: So, What Have we Learned here on PS?
« on: July 28, 2016, 07:10:42 AM »
Then why have liberal talk shows all failed miserably, as Joe stated?

I listened to Air America when it was on the air, and it was nothing but negativity and anger. Sure, you have some of that with conservative talk radio, but you also get optimism and love of country. That was completely absent from Air America. Completely.

The Left has NPR and that's really all they need. It's been around forever and will continue on I'm sure.

Spin Zone / Re: So, What Have we Learned here on PS?
« on: July 27, 2016, 10:55:40 PM »
It is for the same reason that liberal talk shows never survive. They can't backup their beliefs in a two way discussion.

What!!?? Are you kidding me??! Name one conservative talk show that actually participates in a two way discussion. They use the same "debate" tactics seen here. Insult, name call, shout down with pre-perpared stock answers and when all else fails, hang up on the caller. I listen to Rush, Michael Savage, Mark Levin and Sean Hannity on a pretty regular basis when I'm driving. I flip flop between them and NPR. I only have respect for Mark Levin but even he is prone to ridiculous theatrics and abusive treatment of anybody that doesn't brown nose him on the phone.

There was a guy they used to have on named John Bachelor who was conservative and had fascinating shows, but they dropped him here because I believe he made people think and people don't want to do that. They just want to hear the words and then repeat them. His show was like a conservative version of NPR with guests on to discuss things instead of just the idiots of America calling in.

Spin Zone / Re: So, What Have we Learned here on PS?
« on: July 27, 2016, 10:33:52 PM »
what do you expect to happen when liberals won't engage in discussion?

What in the hell do you mean- "discussion"??! I have witnessed the brave liberals that have ventured here get nothing but abusive behavior including name calling and standard right wing shout downs provided by the right wing media. Very few here actually want to discuss anything with a liberal, they just want a whipping boy to vent their frustration on. I don't blame liberals one bit for looking in, checking out a few threads and saying- "Screw this bullshit!"

Face it, this site is pretty much a conservative circle jerk. Pretty much only Jaybird, Kristin and Asechrest make it interesting and I do miss FastEddie too. I do give credit also to Jeff and Stan for exposing the Trump BS where possible.

Spin Zone / Re: Where is the Flag.
« on: July 27, 2016, 08:53:56 PM »
Your eyes are brown.

He is exaggerating, but he is not that far from the truth. The left is dissatisfied with America and where it has been. They speak of "transformation" all the damn time. When you hear their ideas for this transformation, you realize they don't want America to be... well, America at all. They would much prefer a humble, socialist European state.

Given enough time and success at the transformation I'm sure there would be a movement to change the name of our country to something less offensive, more inclusive and representative of the indigenous peoples of North... uh... well insert the happiest naive word you can think of here. Or maybe just the United States of Namaste.

I'm only half joking. If you listen to the origins of most of the Left's ideas, meaning San Francisco, New York City, Chicago, etc and you close you're eyes and concentrate on this kind of thinking, this idea of "transforming" the country and even renaming it once the transformation is closer to completion, is much more clear.

The reason the right wing is so nasty and angry is people on the right like the country we are and have been. They like it a lot. They don't want "transformation" and ultimately, the Left is winning and the Right is losing. Frustration is bound to set in.

The big problem the Left doesn't fully comprehend is, if the Right is truly forced up on the ropes with threat of extinction too soon, the Right is well armed and it will be a blood bath. They will likely wait a generation or two until their control of the media and the education system is successful in indoctrinating 80%+ of the young people to the "correct" way of thinking, the courts they control have open the way to implement all their great new ideas and their laws, taxation and regulations wear the Right down to the point they are very weak.

Make no mistake, the Left intends to bury the Right. They are hopeful they can do it with "proper" education and not force.

Spin Zone / Re: Is Self-Defense a right?
« on: July 27, 2016, 07:59:30 PM »
Clearly we have the right to defend ourselves. Every movie and TV show tells us so. It's obvious that Hollywood believes that a fire arm is the best choice for defense as this is illustrated over and over again. Movies and television are art forms and art reflects life, so it can be deduced that the depictions in these dramas are true to life, ergo we have the right to defend ourselves and the best way to do that is with guns.

Wait... why don't the people in Hollywood like guns again?? Now I'm confused! :o  ;)

I love that the folks on the left are so much more concerned about where the leaked emails are coming from, or what motives are involved, than what is actually in the emails!

Spin Zone / Re: Where is the Flag.
« on: July 25, 2016, 08:07:14 PM »
They need to be humble if they hope to get us in the EU...

Spin Zone / Re: The Wiki Leaks DNC document dump
« on: July 25, 2016, 06:54:36 PM »
A note today from a liberal I know following news stories today regarding the leaked emails: "man I might have to vote for Gary Johnson, this shit is getting ridiculous".

Woo Hoo!! This is Gary's year!!  ;)

Spin Zone / Re: Taking MMGW Lies To Task
« on: July 25, 2016, 06:10:52 PM »
Where are all these stronger weather events?

For example, the US is in the longest period in recorded history without landfall of a major hurricane.

They are in the news. You can't just use hurricanes as the only metric. Ask the folks in West Virginia how they feel about rain. Every year the news reports "record" weather events, they just don't happen to all be hurricanes. But of course the media lies and are part of the most intricate, complex and far reaching conspiracy to ever occur on the planet. So there's that.

Spin Zone / Re: Taking MMGW Lies To Task
« on: July 24, 2016, 11:23:58 PM »
We also don't know if the change will be beneficial or detrimental to us.

For example....A warmer climate moves food growing area farther north, where there is more land, thus more land available for food production.

That's true, but warmer climate also drives more powerful weather systems. So we also have to consider huge rain fall, floods, stronger hurricanes, stronger tornados, extended droughts and huge freakish snow fall.

Spin Zone / Re: Massachusetts Gun Ban?
« on: July 24, 2016, 10:54:00 PM »
The future holds nothing but tough legal battles on the topic of gun control. This is an area that the left is comfortable with. The Constitution guarantees the right to keep and bear arms, but it doesn't define what those arms are to be. The courts have already sided with restricting access to fully automatic machine guns, so what's a little further by adding semi auto to that? We would still have plenty  of access to bolt action, lever guns, pump guns, revolvers and breach loaders. Does this not satisfy the "arms" requirement?

You see where they are going with this? As the years roll by and the Constitution, the founders and the times they lived in become more and more abstract, the interpretation of what the "scholars" say the founders meant by this document become muddy or irrelevant. Given enough time, the second amendment will become a collective right only.

It's sad that only now in these late hours before this election where we are faced with either Clinton or Trump, that some conservatives only now see the seriousness of the situation and desperately cry for Trump... because Hillary!!! Where was this conviction and concern at the beginning of the primary elections??!

Yeah, he's another old white guy, but he has radical Muslim friends, so that makes him "diverse", right??    ::) >:(

Spin Zone / Re: Donald Trump Wins GOP Nomination on First Ballot
« on: July 24, 2016, 09:53:13 PM »
When did being a liberal equate to being such a bad thing?  I thought political discourse was a good thing, or is groupthink really the way to go?

About the time when the left wing realized that they controlled the media, the schools, academia  and much of the courts. They then realized that if they made a "movement" or a "cause" out of something they could effect real change. Then they were "educated" or came to the conclusion that everything was better in Europe and the socialist ways they do things is superior to our provincial, back waters ways and set abut changing that.

Once the left did this, the reaction from the right was, "You're either with us, or agin' us!" Black or white, no shades of gray. They laid out hard, inflexible "principles" and "core values" that must be adhered to or... your agin' us. The right wing has been boxed into just AM talk radio, the internet and Fox News. From these places they provide plenty of slogans and derogatory phrases to attack the enemy with. They get repeated again and again.

These media outlets proclaimed "liberal" a dirty word and it has stuck amongst the right wing faithful.

Spin Zone / Re: Donald Trump Wins GOP Nomination on First Ballot
« on: July 23, 2016, 10:15:00 AM »
Then you should read a little more. He's been a good governor with conservative bonafides, unlike the guy at the top of the ticket.

The ranking I saw was he has been an OK governor with mediocre approval ratings.

His particular conservative bonafides are the ones I care least for personally, but it is easy to say that he is way more conservative than Trump. Trump really isn't a conservative, or a liberal. He's just Trump. Ralph Kramden goes to Washington, with Pence as Ed Norton.

BTW, here is what the real Ralph Kramden thinks of Trump-

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