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Messages - nddons

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Spin Zone / Re: Cohen Guilty...
« on: September 04, 2018, 12:42:24 PM »

But beyond that, Trump's quirks and actions that draw some of that negative attention are real - the incessant tweeting, tweets that sometimes contradict statements by his Cabinet members, the deference to Putin in Helsinki - all real.

Spin Zone / Re: Cohen Guilty...
« on: September 04, 2018, 12:34:11 PM »

The thing is the Republican party has become more the party of Trump than the Democratic party ever was the party of any single president, certainly not Obama. Whether the midterms are generally a referendum on the sitting president or not, I think this upcoming election probably will be a referendum on the controlling party, and that doesn't bode well for the Repubs.
Respectfully, you really need to get out of the faculty lounge.  With the resistance to Trump from Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan, Trump has been successful IN SPITE of the Republican establishment, not because of it.

The Republican Party is not the party of Trump. The Party mechanism is fighting him every fucking step of the way.

Conservatives, or even moderates, ARE becoming the party of Trump, for no other reason than he is keeping his promises made to the voters. Few of us appreciate the inane Tweets, except when he is tweaking his opponents. But we appreciate that he is trying to do the job for the AMERICAN PEOPLE.  We don’t vote for saints or for moral leaders. We vote for someone to keep their promises and do the job for which they were elected. Those that do that are a rare, once or twice in a lifetime presidencies. We are seeing one of those right now.

Spin Zone / Re: Cohen Guilty...
« on: September 04, 2018, 12:09:34 PM »
The only person you are fooling is yourself.

The “ultra polarization” of politics can be laid directly in the laps of the progressive wing of the democrat party.  The over the top “resist” movement is a perfect example. The unhinged msm is another prime example. 

 The ultra left wing meltdown that began on election night 2016 is all a product of the Democrats.
This is true. I’ve not seen anything like this in my life.

I was 8-9 years old the summers of 1968-1969, and the rage and rioting, while always inappropriate, was aimed at a far-away war, not a single person or party. In fact the youth were protesting the DEMOCRAT National Convention in Chicago, not the Republicans.

Today, after 8 years of Obama creating racial strife and fueling racial and economic division, I as a Republican and Trump supporter am being called a racist, Nazi, homophobe, and any other noun or adjective they can come up with to dehumanize me and my family. 

The result is increased violence and anarchy on the streets, usually directed at conservatives and businesses, and the democratic leadership is fanning that flame, not tamping it down.

This violence will increase with time.

What the left doesn’t understand is that instead of trying to convince the other side of their positions, they are using shouting, violence, and mob rule to try to claim the high ground, unsuccessfully. They are pushing normal, moderate voters farther away from ever being able to be on the same page as a democrat, on ANY issue. In turn this is moving the independents and moderates away from that fringe, with only one way to go, and that’s toward the right. 

Spin Zone / Re: Cohen Guilty...
« on: September 04, 2018, 11:52:47 AM »
Evidently anything that disagrees with your view of the Trump phenomenon as a revolution is "alt left talking points".  ::)

And I never said there would be an actual blue wave in the midterms to compare with the red wave in 2010, just enough Repub losses for them to claim such.

And if you think I would be gloating if that came to pass, you'd be mistaken. The Dem Party is moving farther and farther to the socialist left as the Repubs move farther right into Trump nuttiness. I will likely vote for Phil Scott in our gubernatorial race this November and some of the more moderate candidates for local seats, and sit everything else out. I HATE what is happening to politics in this country. :(
Please provide proof that “Repubs move farther right into Trump nuttiness.”  As a Republican, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Yet you are parroting the line being advanced by the far left CNN and MSNBC. Saying things over and over and over doesn’t make it true, but apparently you’ve bought into it, unless you have actual direct knowledge or experience with said nuttiness.

Spin Zone / Kavanaugh Hearing Turning into a Chaos
« on: September 04, 2018, 07:53:28 AM »
Watching it live on C-SPAN at work. Desperate people taking desperate measures. Pathetic.

Spin Zone / Re: Nike hires Kaepernick
« on: September 04, 2018, 07:42:09 AM »
This phenomenon of corporations willing to piss off half of their potential customer base is bizarre and self-destructive.

I hope they fold, for the sake of their child laborers in foreign countries.

Spin Zone / Re: McCain still shitting on conservatives from the grave
« on: August 30, 2018, 08:12:21 AM »
Agree she is a class act. I would love to have her as the first female president. There are so many blacks I would have loved to have as the first black president I can't list them all but look what we got. On election night when there was a chance Hillary was going to win I was almost sick to my stomach.

I can't believe some people voted for her just to have the first female president. Doesn't it matter more the character than the gender?
Not to the pussy hat wearing crowd. The only two things that matter are lady bits and a “D” on your jersey. Literally nothing else matters.

Spin Zone / Re: McCain still shitting on conservatives from the grave
« on: August 30, 2018, 08:12:18 AM »
Agree she is a class act. I would love to have her as the first female president. There are so many blacks I would have loved to have as the first black president I can't list them all but look what we got. On election night when there was a chance Hillary was going to win I was almost sick to my stomach.

I can't believe some people voted for her just to have the first female president. Doesn't it matter more the character than the gender?
Not to the pussy hat wearing crowd. The only two things that matter are lady bits and a “D” on your jersey. Literally nothing else matters.

NOT about social justice.

So said Jason Whitlock, Fox Sports 1 Anchor on the Tucker Carlson show tonight.

I agree completely. And FYI, Whitlock is black.

Spin Zone / Re: Gerrymandering
« on: August 29, 2018, 01:41:51 PM »
Actually what should be interesting is the next time Democrats get to draw a state map anywhere.  If Republicans are not immediately on it, challenging it on equal protection, then they'd be stupid.  Sometimes they are stupid.

I really don't see how any federal judge has the authority to rule that something was the wrong political decision.  They certainly do not have the authority to tell us that we cannot have elections.
The article describing the NC case said it was “unconstitutional gerrymandering.”  I don’t recall the Constitution caring about the districts, beyond apportioning electors by “numbers” of persons (14th Amendment)

In fact, the 10th Amendment should guarantee that the state’s can do whatever the fuck they want in terms of apportioning districts, as long as it meets the number requirement.

Spin Zone / Re: I can’t even
« on: August 28, 2018, 09:32:18 AM »
They are the party of hate, bigotry and racism.  They are the party that helped create the KKK, fought against abolition, fought against civil rights and openly fought for segregation.

 They have now been hijacked by the alt left progressives (communist) and are further pushing the party more radical.  They are heading into the mid term elections with no message, no inspiration.  Their only "message" is "We Hate Trump" and "We Hate Trump Supporters".  Yet their beloved MSM is once again manipulating polls and the narrative lulling them into believing the great blue wave is coming.

 You think they're melting down now and apocalyptic, just wait till November 6th when the election results come in.  You ain't seen nothing yet.
A GOP Red Wave or even a Red Wall, maintaining the House and Senate at a minimum, will stop this impeachment nonsense, leaving the left with nothing left except violence.  Mainstream democrats will be revulsed by this violent fringe, and without any bench strength for normal or reasonable democrats, will come over to Trump if the country is running as well in 2020 as it is today. Trump will win re-election with both an electoral and popular vote majority. And the Democratic Party will be destroyed for good.

Another Win for Trump.

Spin Zone / Re: NASCAR driver Conor Daly loses his sponsorship
« on: August 28, 2018, 07:50:25 AM »
Lots of sports have "changed".  Look at NFL Football.  In an effort to attract more women, and others, and be PC, they have alienated their base to the point where revenues are declining.
I played college football, so football has been an important part of my life. I used to have season tickets for the Bears before moving out of Illinois.

Even before this kneeling fiasco, I lost interest in the NFL. Part of it was it was becoming more about player personalities than about the team. “Look at me, look at me” self-congratulating dancing and mugging for the crowd after making a tackle when you’re down by 21 points on the 4th quarter and getting your ass kicked.  Winning for the team is less important than trying to get that ESPN Sports Center hit of the week. Also, players are starting to look at thuggish as the NBA. Not many good citizens out there any more. Lastly, the NFL has become so feminized it makes me sick. Rules have been so tightened that they are pushing manly aggression out of the sport. Pink shoes in October. Super Bowl halftime acts that don’t match the personality of the people that I used to sit with when it’s -5 degrees and snowing.

So the kneeling fiasco was a deal breaker, but the horse already left the barn. Trying to fix it won’t change my personal boycott of the NFL.

Spin Zone / Re: John McCain has passed
« on: August 27, 2018, 12:10:30 PM »
Oh yeah, I forgot that. Add man-whore to his resume.

Also, I just read a piece that said it was McCain who was instrumental in passing on info from the discredited dossier to Comey at the FBI in 2016. Man the guy had zero scruples, and he's not wanting Trump at his funeral. As if Trump would have attended anyway.
I think Trump would have. While he has the thinnest of skins, and I understand his irritation with McCain, he also understands the office of POTUS, and some of the things that presidents should do.

Spin Zone / Re: PoA now deleting threads
« on: August 27, 2018, 12:03:10 PM »
I don't remember the last time I was on POA.
I don’t think I’ve been back since the SZ was killed. I don’t miss the douchebags, the biggest of which was Henning and his bizarre alleged expertise in everything.

The delusion of those on the left that are so desperate to get rid of Trump is really frightening.  That would be like if Fox News and every other Republican screamed for Obama’s impeachment after he did his first Hate America foreign tour.

These people are losing their grip on reality, and the MSM truly thinks it can shape history by forcing the impeachment issue.

I’ve noticed a distinct silence on impeachment from the democrat leaders. No doubt they’ve already drafted the articles of impeachment, but I suspect they are cringing at the MSM for publicly announcing their war plans against Trump.

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