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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 445 446 [447] 448 449 ... 714
Spin Zone / Re: Rush & Stan? How ya doin?
« on: September 09, 2018, 10:05:20 PM »
Thanks for asking Josh. Had a few polyps but all small. My dad passed away from colon cancer so I get a scope every couple of years.  Every time I’m reminded of the Led Zeppelin album “In Through the Out Door.”  .

Rush and Josh, hope all is well with you. I control acid reflux with Omeprazol and being a good boy. Last night I went to a late Mexican dinner with my wife and a few cervesas. That didn’t go well.

Spin Zone / Re: ASS Access from Down Under (of course!)
« on: September 06, 2018, 09:05:59 PM »
Wow. This succeeds in making my colonoscopy prep night even worse, and that's saying something.
No kidding?  I just finished my prep for one tomorrow AM. Ha.  For once in my life I’m not fully of shit, thanks to 4,000 ml of “solution.” 

Yes.  :)  Although I am not on a faculty. Are you mixing me up with somebody else? Or maybe my brain is misfiring right now.
Ah my mistake. I thought I was responding to azure. Sorry!

Spin Zone / Re: Americans should know that there are adults in the room
« on: September 06, 2018, 12:27:13 PM »
Michael, you are just saying stuff to get a reaction again.  I know that, but others may not.  It hurts your credibility, and makes you look juvenile.
Same shit, different day for him. I don’t enjoy debating children.

Spin Zone / Re: Americans should know that there are adults in the room
« on: September 06, 2018, 12:15:30 PM »
This “senior administration official” will turn out to be a jock sniffer wannabe power broker deputy to the assistant secretary of the department of hand towel supplies.

If it was a real player, Trump would already know who he is, and will secure his resignation by 0800 tomorrow.

There are hundreds of these types working in the White House or the Executive building.   

Spin Zone / Re: Cohen Guilty...
« on: September 06, 2018, 10:09:12 AM »
I'm right there with you Rush.  I feel the same way about Trump.

I have never bought a Nike product.  I had Chucks as a kid, then Adidas.  I was an NCAA athlete and wore Adidas, but that was before Nike bought off all the programs.
Should have gone DIII - you can get whatever the hell shoe you want because you have to buy them yourself.

For football they just had to be black. I had Ridell football cleats.

For discus and javelin, I bought whatever fit my narrow size 13’s. Don’t recall any brands.

Well shit. My favorite shoes are Nikes. I wear them every day. What am I gonna do now?
Better keep them. Your faculty colleagues will think you can now walk on water.

Spin Zone / Re: Kavanaugh Hearing Turning into a Chaos
« on: September 06, 2018, 09:49:50 AM »
Can't do that. Rules require that senate business on constitutional matters be public. All he could do is go after his peer in the senate. The people who were protesting in the gallery were handled but Grassley was too afraid of all Dems to take her on for intemperance and interference. I'm sure he was afraid of the headlines for 'badgering the minority woman senator who was just trying to do her job of protecting the people from Kavanaugh' or some horseshit like that..
I would think C-SPAN gavel to gavel coverage would cover the senate rule. Further, I would think there is a clause to evacuate the chamber in the event that disruptions are disrupting the Constitutional business of the committee. 

Spin Zone / Re: BURNING MAN
« on: September 05, 2018, 01:59:46 PM »
Party?  Drinking, drugs, hooking up?
Herpes, hepatitis, heroin?

Spin Zone / Re: McCain still shitting on conservatives from the grave
« on: September 05, 2018, 11:50:14 AM »
Good god. All I see here is pissing on the grave of a dead man. For shame. :(

My university held a memorial service for McCain last night. I didn't always agree with his politics, but I'm grateful to him for his years of sacrifice while in the military, so I went. It was a "silent muster", preceded by a bugle call and ended with taps and Amazing Grace on bagpipes. The entire Corps of Cadets was there, and all of us stood in silence for about 15 minutes. Impressive service, and IMHO wholly appropriate. I'm glad I went, though as far as I could tell I was the only faculty member there. Even here, most of the faculty are liberal/progressive.
Relax. If you were a dick when you were alive, you don’t get to avoid being considered a dick after you die.

To make matters worse, he dictated dick things to happen after he died, like who was not invited, who was asked to give a eulogy knowing they would turn it into a political rally, and other things. The premise of the OP is accurate.

This was his politics, and his politics sucked. He turned from a selfless officer at the Hanoi Hilton to a selfish, vindictive, career swamp dweller in his elected life.

If I was in Annapolis I would stand at attention at his funeral and fully respect the sacrifice he gave as a POW.  For that he deserved such a send off.  He didn’t deserve the political royalty treatment he received in death.

FYI: Whitlock is all about racism. He is a babbling megaphone for nonsense.
In this case, he’s right, and said it’s not about racism. It’s designed to further the “look at me” brands.

FYI: Whitlock is all about racism. He is a babbling megaphone for nonsense.
In this case, he’s right, and said it’s not about racism. It’s designed to further the “look at me” brands.

Spin Zone / Re: Kavanaugh Hearing Turning into a Chaos
« on: September 05, 2018, 10:41:08 AM »
I have to go back and think about all SCOTUS appt hearings in history. In all the history of the US never has anyone been so abrupt and politically infuriating than Harris was today.

If the senate had any balls at all, they would censure her. It does not as a body have the balls to do it, and that is the worse for us as a nation. We will not begin the descent into anarchy in our houses of govt like the Brits, French, Italians, etc. Harris was playing for the audience(they all were) and she was out of order in all cases. Contemptible is the most charitable explanation I can give.
Chuck Grassley needed to strap on a pair, use his gavel to shut Kamilla and company up, evacuate the chamber of all members of the public, and get on with the business at hand.

Grassley and Hatch lost control badly.

Spin Zone / Re: Cohen Guilty...
« on: September 05, 2018, 09:16:15 AM »
Just in case Azure doesn't remember, Stan was definitely NOT a Trump fan at first.  That came AFTER Trump showed he would keep his promises and that his policies are good for the country.  That is just one example that disproves Azure's theory that Republicans are turning away from Trump.

At least, I think that is how it was.
That’s exactly right. He was literally my 17th pick. I campaigned for Ted Cruz, who won Wisconsin. 

I have been impressed with his ability to move the needle, keep his promises, and not back down from a fight. The rest of his tweets and shit are just noise, and I could not care less. 

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