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Messages - nddons

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Spin Zone / Re: Fixing the 2nd amendment
« on: November 14, 2018, 01:38:54 PM »
Unless/until those laws are broken, challenged, and escalated to SCOTUS, the defendant will LOSE in every case. Heller v DC is the gold standard of defense for the 2nd A and here's a snippet at the end of the ruling: "Nothing in our opinion should be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions on the commercial sale of arms."

So, the SCOTUS just carved out a HUGE loophole in the 2nd A allowing lesser govts to stand with their laws and regulations until each one is tested at the fed level. It's estimated that the cost of the Heller decision was about $3.6 million and it took more than 5 years. The court was divided by 5-4, and could easily have gone the other way. While the current court is in no danger of overturning Heller, the forces of gun control took careful note of the arguments, and the limitations of the ruling. Modern laws on gun control have been carefully designed to work their way around Heller. In the case of WA it sounds exactly like they are 'permitting' the individual to keep and bear, but that the 'bear' is being restricted by the various trigger lock, unloading, locked cabinet, etc.

Each and every one of these cases will have to go through state appeals, then the fed circuit, and finally to the SCOTUS. If you live in a circuit with a liberal court, even if you have the money, it will likely get rejected from cert to SCOTUS, and the circuit court ruling against the defendant will stand.

You’re right, and subordinate courts have already ruled in cases that go against the ruling in Heller. Democrats will continue to overplay their hand here, and there should be more cases in the future going to SCOTUS. All the more reason to maintain the Senate and get Trump elected for a second term.

I cringed when I read Scalia’s otherwise insightful opinion in Heller precisely for this reason.


Also says globalism of liberal values is worth defending.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it France who has been the most outspoken nationalists since - forever? As I recall me French history, they have fought with EVERYONE in Europe and parts of the African and islands around them. Refused US troops on French soil under NATO command. they also just passed, and Macron signed a very tough new immigration bill:  to stem the tide of 'global' people from entering the country.

So, I think what he meant is: Nationalism, and being elite in France is good. Nationalism by the US, Russia, Germany, etc is bad - because, well they are not French.

Macron is a lightweight douche bag.
Macron is a twerp who apparently doesn’t know his own history. My dad has a picture of himself and another soldier standing next to the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris. A couple weeks later he “earned” a Purple Heart in Macron’s ungrateful country as the front moved East.

He is a lightweight who must listen to CNN for his knowledge is the USA.

Pilot Zone / Re: Navion
« on: November 14, 2018, 11:21:22 AM »
When flying, might want to avoid any kind of faux uniform, epaulets, leather helmet, goggles, bomber jacket, etc.  ;)

Suggest Hawaiian shirt, cargo shorts, sandals and baseball cap.
I will say that I at first cringed at the CAF rule that all flight crew needs to wear a Nomex Flight suit. However, having about 100 hours in a 75-year old Warbird, I now understand the need for protection.

Reference the C-47 crash in Texas last July. I understand only two got away unhurt. The rest received burns.

Pilot Zone / Re: Navion
« on: November 14, 2018, 11:12:16 AM »
How do y'all feel about Navions tarted up as faux warbirds?

I'm looking to buy a Navion in a few months and I've noticed that a number of them have been painted in military markings.  I've never served in the military, and the particular aircraft has never been in the military.   I can see painting an aircraft to match my service, or having an actual warbird painted in its service colors.  But I see Navions in all sorts of military markings.  I can get past an ugly paintjob, but fake military just doesn't feel right to me.
I’m OK with that, because some Navions were Warbirds. They were initially built like brick shit houses by North American Aviation, manufacturer of the T-6, P-51, and the friggin’ Apollo Command/Service Module. 

They were built by NAA for about 18 months to keep employees busy until they could tool up to build the F-86 Sabre. At that point they sold the tooling and IP to Ryan.  Pretty cool lineage.

I do think having them painted in Military livery honors their service, even if that aircraft didn’t serve.

Plus, a Navion painted in military livery will get you into the Warbirds area at OSH. An RV with invasion stripes?  Uh, nope. Every year there seems to be one or two that try to get in, but they’re told to go to homebuilt parking. 

Frankly I’m way more offended by T-6, Mustangs or Corsairs painted up like race cars for Reno then I am with a Navion painted in olive drab. The former is a sin.

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary 2020
« on: November 13, 2018, 11:52:34 AM »
I have a John Deere.

Fuck you.
Ha!  So do I.

See, asechrest is right. We just validate our viewpoints.

I think I’m going to ban you and I for a while.

Spin Zone / Re: New Found Ballots!
« on: November 13, 2018, 09:16:32 AM »
I agree.  I'm tired of the GOP sitting on their asses and not wanting to 'offend' anyone.  Considering myself an independent now.  It seems that both political parties have nothing on their minds except reelection and obtaining more power.
The GOP starts focusing on an election about 6 months out. The Democrats started the battle for 2020 on 11/7/18. Therein lies the problem. Political work ethic.

Pilot Zone / Re: Do I deserve another plane? What would you buy?
« on: November 13, 2018, 09:04:42 AM »
A friend on our field has a South African T-6, and used to have an RV-3.  He sold that and bought a Thorp T-18, and recently purchased a Rose Parakeet. (Yea, I had to look that one up myself.  It’s a small biplane from the 1930s.  Talk about a put-put.)

Spin Zone / Re: New Found Ballots!
« on: November 12, 2018, 02:35:37 PM »
I blame the GOP, who, ONCE AGAIN, we’re asleep at the wheel.

In what world did they think that there was no need to have GOP attorneys sitting in EVERY Broward polling place, accompanying every box of ballots, and accounting for every early and absentee ballot, to help enforce the integrity of the election from known cheaters? 

Ditto for AZ, GA, and Texas, among other places. 

I’m so sick of being on the receiving end of these cheaters’ dirty tricks.

GOP:  do your damned job, and make sure the law is followed. Is that too tough for you? 

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary 2020
« on: November 12, 2018, 01:48:34 PM »
Totally cannot get on board with the optimism in these last few posts!

Midterms showed us clearly where the trend is going. The kook Sinema is winning in AZ as they count. Will anything really be done about FL fraud? $69 million spent on Beto and he came very close. Look at MN! Ellison and Ohmar were ELECTED! As was the airhead Octavio Cortez! Come on, people!

Education controls the majority of the young. Socialism and open borders are the new hope for all!

The kind of bucks the globalist backers of the left have is inexhaustible. The constant barrage of falsehoods and criticism about the President and Republicans has not let up for one millisecond since the 2016 election. And it will not let up.

I’m not saying there won’t be a miracle. I pray there is. A massive exposure of the controlling evil, a takedown of top Dems for sedition or felonies, the mask ripped off the globalists’ nefarious dealings and deceptions, I hope, I hope!

But barring that, nope.
I agree. Sorry, Lucifer. But if after 2016 we can’t get on the leading edge of democratic cheating and work to prevent it, we are totally fucked for every future election. Without being called on it, prosecuted on it, jailed, the democrats and their sycophants will just laugh at us as they create their next fraudulent “blue wave.”  Im certain they are already working the voting lists in every ward, every precinct in the country looking for the names of people who didn’t vote in the last two elections, who will suddenly become democrat activists and vote in 2020, at least that’s what their voting records will show.

It’s sickening.

Spin Zone / Re: Fixing the 2nd amendment
« on: November 11, 2018, 12:44:29 PM »
If you want guarantees, the only thing I can suggest is North Korea. I guarantee you will not be shot by a rogue with a gun there, because the public is not allowed to own guns, or bullets. I'm working with what I have now. That is - massacre in a 'gun free' zone. It is either a gun free zone, or it isn't. If it is a gun free zone, then the people who have declared it so, have to back it up with the actual power to stop anyone with a gun being there. If it is not, then a nut with a gun will hopefully be met with a citizen with a gun(militia member, or otherwise).
I’m not asking for it expecting guarantees. I am highlighting the folly of anyone thinking that any law can prevent such things, and your belief that it can. 

Spin Zone / Re: Fixing the 2nd amendment
« on: November 10, 2018, 04:40:21 PM »
We're moving into criticism for the sake of acting like shit-for-brains. If it doesn't work for you, tell me why. If you don't like your gov change your gov. I can tell you what my gov would say right now: Everyone of lawful age is expected to be a member of the militia of the state. There are no restrictions aside from the standing fed restrictions on rockets, missiles, claymores, nuclear weapons, etc. No requirements for those people of good standing. Should one be convicted of high crimes or felonies, then no arms for them. Buildings and locations which the owner/manager deems as 'gun free' will be required to provide armed, and defensible security for those who visit the gun free location, and insure that no one ever brings arms inside, except for state LEO.

If y'all don't want to pony up your own suggestions, and leave it as is, then say that, and we'll live with the next massacre, and the next, and the next, and the next after that.
How exactly would the ideas in your original post stop the next massacre and the next and the next and the next after that?

Spin Zone / Re: ‘How do I get an apartment?’
« on: November 10, 2018, 04:19:13 PM »
Working in Congress can be really tough for the Representatives.  They have to maintain a residence in DC, one of the most expensive cities in America, and in their home districts as well.  Salary is 174AMU's/annum, which sounds like a lot but isn't when you have to maintain two houses and get between them frequently.  And I think they're primary job is fund raiser for their parties, thus they have to be on the phone every day.  Sounds kinda miserable, to be honest.
No they don’t. She’s just looking for yet another source of Other Peoples Money.

At least 50 Congressmen sleep in their offices. Is she incapable of doing so?

Spin Zone / Re: I am done
« on: November 08, 2018, 01:36:44 PM »
I don't see this surviving a SC decision, and it would be challenged.

 It's a liberal wet dream.
I agree but can you imagine the disruption from Election Day (or the Electoral College vote day) to January 20th if the following year?  It would make Bush v Gore look like a checkers game.

Spin Zone / Re: 2018 Election results thread
« on: November 07, 2018, 12:27:54 PM »
Here's a little fact the MSM would rather not talk about this morning:

2010 Obama: -63
1994 Clinton: -52
1958: Eisenhower: -48
1974 Ford (Nixon): -48
1966 Johnson: -47
1946 Truman: -45
2006 Bush: -30
1950 Truman: -29
1982 Reagan: -26
2018 Trump: -26

 These are House seats lost in a mid term.  Notice the two at the bottom?  And notice who had the highest?

 The "big blue wave" was a yellow trickle.  And it was no "referendum on Trump".

 And the media is still refusing to acknowledge the Senate pick ups (5) (Florida, Arizona, Missouri, ND and Indiana) as well as the losses of two high profile governor races in Florida and Georgia.

 Keep in mind yet another fact:  The competitive races in which BHO endorsed the (D) candidates, all lost.  BHO did more harm than good in this election.
To add, this net loss is DESPITE dozens of Republicans quitting and giving up the power of incumbency. If they stayed on, I’ll bet we could have at least broke even. But good riddance, losers.

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