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Messages - nddons

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This was a 100% self-inflicted wound. Boo hoo. Now go away.

You didn't answer my question, but what brief? I have posted excerpts from the court case Sherrill v. H Knight.
This precedent doesn’t give you a reason for their holdings, and that section starts with “in our opinion...”. I imagine the actual legal rationale might be gleaned from all the cases included in that opinion, but I have no time or inclination to look them up.

There is simply nothing in the written opinion to justify the holding, based on what you cut and pasted.

Quite a reversal from the first page of this thread, where you said the lawsuit had "no merit".

I did find interesting the details of the case that provided the precedent in this lawsuit.
Not a reversal. The lawsuit did not have merit IMO. It was never ruled upon, except for the issuance of a TRO. As I said above, you have to pick the hills you are willing to die on.

WH folds.

What a chickenshit way to go. I like the 2016 Trump with balls of steel. The 2018 Trump, not so much. The swamp is now up past his knees, and rising. There will be no draining.
What’s chickenshit about it?  The rules are pretty much what they should be.

You have to pick which hills you’re willing to die on. This wasn’t one of them. Swat away the fly and move on.

Pilot Zone / How unstable were WWII fighter aircraft?
« on: November 19, 2018, 03:22:07 PM »

 These aircraft typically have higher wing loading and operate at speeds well above most GA aircraft.  With that higher engine HP comes things such as greater torque.

 Take a guy who's only flown SE types like Pipers, Cessna, etc and he's gonna be way way behind the curve. We're talking several hours of dual coupled with many hours of supervised solo (instructor riding along). 

 I believe Stan is involved with warbirds (CAF?) and they have a very structured program.  Hopefully he'll give some insight.

 Now, would I go for a ride in a privately owned P51 with a low time PPL owner?   Not on your life (or mine).
Yea, I fly a Warbird with the CAF, albeit a very slow and simple one at the moment.  I fly a 1943 Fairchild PT-26 Cornell, which was a primary trainer for the Royal Canadian Air Force during WWII.

As for Anthony’s question, they say 75 hours in the Mustang should qualify you for the T-6, even though the T-6 was obviously the advanced trainer for fighters.  The T-6 was designed to be unstable enough to prepare you for fighters. There was no intermediary step, so cadets had to have at least 75 hours in the T-6 before moving on.

As for the CAF, it depends on the Unit, but the T-6 is a huge step up for me. CAF requires you to have a minimum of 500 hours, 25 tailwheel hours and 75 tailwheel landings within the past 12 months at a minimum to begin training in the T-6. That being said, some units like ours don’t have the instructors willing to take a new student and work my way up. So I’m going to go to one of two Warbird training centers next spring for a 10-hour checkout course, which should bring me to solo their aircraft. Probably a $8-10k investment. Only after that will I apply to be a CAF sponsor of our wing’s T-6 (actually a Navy SNJ) and begin to get transition training for a commercial-level checkout in our SNJ.

Our PT-26 has had some unscheduled repairs and has been down for the past month, which is pushing back my schedule. So I’m going to try to get my commercial ticket locally over the next 2 months which should be helpful and continue to advance my hours and skill set.

^^^^^^^^^^I think you are over thinking it.  Acosta is not rebelling.  He is being intentionally disruptive to deny the President the ability to articulate his message and substituting his own message in an aggressive manner.  If Acosta wants to protest and rebel, he can do so on the air, on any street corner, or public square.  This is the Presidents Press Briefing.  It's his show.  Not Acosta's, nor CNN.  So I think your entire premise is BUNK.
I totally agree, which is why this lawsuit fails on First Amendment grounds.  Acosta is demanding a right TO BE HEARD.  That right doesn’t exist.

People falsely claim that the right of free speech is not absolute. Sorry, but it is. However, in doing so you must also accept the consequences to that speech, so the old canard about not being able to shout “Fire!” In a crowded theater doesn’t fail on limitations to the first amendment.  It fails because the consequences of such action may lead to physical harm and disruption to others.

Pilot Zone / Surrender your Sporting Rifles or Face Prosecution
« on: November 16, 2018, 02:09:39 PM »
The next two years will be fascinating, now that the left believes it has been unleashed. I predict a 1984-level win for Trump if they keep this shit up, and I’m certain they will.

Pilot Zone / Re: Roy Clark has died
« on: November 16, 2018, 01:48:56 PM »
Two guys in the hangar across from me at KFTG died in MU-2's.  Didn't know Roy was a pilot.  I just remember Misty Row from Hee Haw.
Yep, they are demanding aircraft. And loud as hell. I think you can get in trouble fast in them.  The guy who owns the one that I flew is a friend who flew C-130s for the USAF, flies a 767 or 777 for a Major, owns a T-33 and an F-86 Sabre, and flies the Sabre in airshows.  I’ll tell you it was fascinating watching a real pro fly the Rice Rocket (MU-2).

Spin Zone / Re: Creepy Porn Lawyer in custody
« on: November 16, 2018, 01:40:16 PM »
Oh, I forgot, you don't have a sense of humor......the whole "self righteous" thing and all.

 Carry on.
Virtue signaling may be an official Olympic sport in Tokyo in 2020.

Spin Zone / Re: Fixing the 2nd amendment
« on: November 16, 2018, 01:09:31 PM »
That Washington law is a travesty, and a huge violation of the 2A.  It effectively renders the gun useless for self defense.  I doubt if a criminal enters your home, he is going to wait until you unlock your gun storage cabinet, or gun safe, load the firearm, and proceed to defend your life, or the lives of your family. 

Liberal/Progressives are absolutely nuts with this stuff.  Yet another gun law that will be ignored by criminals, thus putting the law abiding more AT RISK.
I read an article in National Review Online today on this. The article attacks the NRA and other groups as going against the electorate.

Unlikely to believe in a greater power than government, I presume these leftists have little ability to comprehend the idea of inalienable rights.  They believe the tyrant of the majority should prevail in all things, including the denial of basic human rights.

This is why we have the Electoral College, people. To prevent tyranny of the majority via the election of the Executive by the mob.

Spin Zone / Re: But..but...but...Oprah campaigned for me!
« on: November 16, 2018, 12:40:08 PM »
She hopes to force a runoff.  She's been led to believe if a runoff happens they know how many votes to "find" and "where" to insure her election.

 She also believed the hype of Hollyweird and BHO.

Prepare to hear, over and over, of how the election was "stolen" from her.
I’ve already heard it. Of course, without a single shred of evidence or even specificity whatsoever.

You would think they would have had their talking points already assembled to tell us how Melba Lee Jackson missed the bus to go to the polling place because she had to answer a GOP robocall and thus was prevented from voting.  These days they don’t have to waste even a single syllable explaining it because their power-starved sycophantic voters eat whatever is put in front of them.

Jesus Christ. Ok, Sarah Sanders should replace Acosta’s seat with a high chair. And then every time he pipes up, she should shush him like a mother telling a kid that adults are talking. No questions taken from Acosta, period.

Pilot Zone / Re: Roy Clark has died
« on: November 15, 2018, 11:35:47 AM »
For those not aware, Roy was an avid pilot and aircraft owner.   He often flew himself to shows in his MU-2.

He owned several other aircraft as well.
Sad. I don’t know he was still around however.

Cool info about flying the MU-2. Tough aircraft to master.

I flew right seat in one from Dallas to Milwaukee last March. What a ride. It lands hot with those tiny wings, and is loud as hell. But that’s the first time I’ve been in the flight levels with a front seat view.  Damn, I loved it.

It's a mix. There is a bureau chief for each segment of the world. There's one in the ME, one in EU, one in SEA and they will take feeds from both US and also will use the editorial agenda from the US broadcasts to re-broadcast with local language. Sometimes they use the US broadcast and simply have a translation below, and other times they use a local outlet(like the Times of India) which takes CNN feed. To be fair, FoxNews also is an outlet with the Times of India, and so is AP. So taking CNN feed is no different.

The problem arises when the national govt decides which feed to take and make more prominent. In the case of England, the CNN feed is almost all they get of the US. Same with most of the rest of EU. However, other nations with a more conservative view will take less CNN and maybe more FoxNews feeds. But - CNN is still the largest aggregator of news feed from the US as they built a world empire back in the 80s when they actually reported news.

Spin Zone / Re: The TRUTH About That “Caravan”
« on: November 15, 2018, 11:24:50 AM »
Truly. The USA we grew up with will be gone in 10 years, max.
The USA I grew up with is already gone. Even with the tumult of the 1960s and early 1970s I didn’t see the threat to the country in my dad’s eyes that I see to the country today. I guess the greatest generation took the hippies and “revolutionaries” in stride.

I don’t have the same comfort with the radical leftist socialists. It’s like the hippies and revolutionaries bred, and bred their progeny in a social media era where we could conceivably lose the country to these literally stupid ideologies who never took a history course. 

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