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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 430 431 [432] 433 434 ... 714
Spin Zone / Re: Your divorce is Trump’s fault!
« on: November 28, 2018, 11:31:39 AM »
There are a lot of brilliant liberals.

Just ask them.

Sadly, many brilliant geniuses are some of the most stupid people on the planet. I used to hang out with a bunch of nuclear PhDs. some of the smartest people in the world. I'm guessing many of them were liberal. They didn't understand jack-shit about economics, business, social policy, Marxism, dependence or sovereignty, etc. But - they could design the hell out of a Tokamak reactor. (not that it ever worked as intended)
Wait. We were told by our resident PhD that PhDs are smarter than most anyone and their vast intelligence applied in pretty much any other aspect of life and society.

Spin Zone / Re: Black Rifle Coffee Company
« on: November 28, 2018, 11:12:40 AM »
I love their coffee. I drink it everyday.
I need to try them. Is it only online or are they in any stores?

By the way, be safe out there Josh.

Spin Zone / Re: PoA mods do it again...
« on: November 27, 2018, 05:32:47 PM »
He's not.  He's an internet bullshit artist.  That guy never flew for the Air Force, but he sure has convinced a bunch of people there he has.

 Pretty sad considering he's a pastor.
Wow. That’s quite the story he posted there. I vaguely remember him. I’m guessing he also flew the last chopper off the embassy too?  Sorry, don’t know the guy, but my bullshit meter pegged when I read that.

Spin Zone / Re: ERA ratification?
« on: November 27, 2018, 02:12:51 PM »
Don't forget America's longest war: Afghanistan.  Bush started it, but he didn't put much effort behind it.  IIRC, Obama said that was the war we should be fighting, and he escalated it.
That is from a memory which seems to be failing me more and more lately.  Correct me if I am wrong.
And three American soldiers were killed today in Obama’s Afghanistan war. 

Spin Zone / Re: PoA mods do it again...
« on: November 27, 2018, 02:10:12 PM »
Maybe y'all should get together, and have a MASS banning!  :)
Hell, I would jump back in for that. That would be fun!

Spin Zone / Re: Standing up to invaders
« on: November 27, 2018, 11:25:07 AM »
So all the news outlets were busy putting out this picture yesterday as representative of the situation. The situation according to the narrative, that is.

Like the letter bomber, and Kavanaugh, and boxes of ballots, however, a few discrepancies cast suspicion on the narrative.

Tear gas is clear, is it not? Smoke makes better optics, though. No one seems to be clutching their eyes or face.
Wow!  Thanks Becky!

Spin Zone / Re: ERA ratification?
« on: November 27, 2018, 09:28:57 AM »
They are equal. Intangibles like length of service and likelihood to get pregnant and quit your job, and likelihood to take more sick time and less inclination to put in overtime hours are and should be included in the compensation. If women were actually getting paid less for equal value units of work then every employer would be scrambling to hire only women.

In fact women are probably being overcompensated for their value when these things are taken into consideration. The more you require equal pay for a job regardless of seniority etc. the more you will incline employers to stick with men. As usual, social justice warriors "solutions" only make matters worse.
I think the marketplace IS trying to make it equal, but not in the way that would make sense to normal people like you and me.

The prevalence of PATERNITY leave is becoming huge. (Actually I think it falls under FMLA - Government at work so you don’t have to.). Just in our office (and we have about 100 offices around the country, I know of 4 guys who took up to 12 weeks off when their wives had kids. No word as to whether or not they were lactating during those 12 weeks.

I recall taking 3 days off when my daughter was born 30 years ago.


Spin Zone / Re: The island you can't visit
« on: November 27, 2018, 08:55:45 AM »
Best border control agents ever. If Congress gets cheap on the border wall, Trump should hire these guys! 

Spin Zone / ERA ratification?
« on: November 26, 2018, 09:41:36 AM »
I’ll probably have to ban myself for this but I thought this was pretty damned funny.

I cited a small portion of the decision. You may want to read the whole decision, which decidedly does NOT suggest the WH can't deny or revoke a hard pass. I'm also not sure what a parking space has to do with this.
It’s called an analogy. Since I can’t make the connection to the 1st and 5th, I’m trying to touch on the “voluntarily provided” language that you mentioned as apparently being critical to the holding. An employer can voluntarily provide prime parking spots to certain employees. It seems ridiculous that I would have due process rights it it was taken away.

Thanks, but I posted that link in reply #49, and have read the entire decision, including part two involving Thomas Forcade. Whether or not someone is a "bona fide" journalist does not seem to be the linchpin of the decision. Rather, after acknowledgement that the president has no obligation to cater to "every conceivable avenue" with which a citizen may want to gather information about the running of the FedGov, they note that the WH voluntarily created press facilities, and, thus, must make consideration of first/fifth/due process rights with respect to those facilities.
I read what you cited, but still see zero connection to the 1st and 5th.  By voluntarily creating press facilities, the WH now can’t withdraw a credential?  If my firm gives my underground parking space, of which it has a limited number, to a new employee, do I have a due process right to have them not take it away from me? 

Seeing moonbat Nancy get the Speaker's gavel is sort of like watching your mother in law drive off a cliff in your new BMW.

Really mixed emotions.
Haha. Ok, that’s funny right there.

Spin Zone / Re: How far left will be TOO far?
« on: November 20, 2018, 12:02:00 PM »
And more acquired outside the law than ever before.
Really.  You have evidence of that?   

Spin Zone / Re: Hollyweird boycotts Georgia
« on: November 20, 2018, 11:10:08 AM »

 Seems the Hollyweird elites don't like elections where their selected candidate loses.
Because the elites have SO much knowledge about what’s going on in Georgia.

The dem candidate even had to take to twitter to tell the Hollywood morons to back off because they’re hurting the people that are employed by the GA film industry.

It will be fun to see her own party show her the door.  She has been so smug about getting a second chance at Speaker.
It would be even more fun to see the Dems try to boot her, but the Republicans rally around to push her over the top as Speaker again.  Every member gets to vote for Speaker. That would be awesome.

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