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Messages - Number7

Pages: 1 ... 420 421 [422] 423 424 ... 547
Spin Zone / Re: Largest Opposition Research Organization Ever?
« on: July 23, 2017, 06:58:49 AM »
Yeah... guess those are the smart ones!  ;)

Smart meaning that they KNOW their voting fraud will be uncovered? Then I agree.

Spin Zone / Re: Food Stamp Use Falls to Lowest Level in Seven Years
« on: July 23, 2017, 06:57:46 AM »
Welfare was Lyndon Johnson's strategy for hijacking the minority vote.
He even claimed it would sew up the black vote (he used the "N" word) for the next two hundred years.
Liberals conveniently forget the facts and blame racism on republicans because lying is so much easier than dealing with fact and truth.
When Gary claims Obama did such a good job "selling" obamacare, he did it with his tongue forcefully pressed against the corner of his cheek because lying IS the democrat party answer to everything.

Spin Zone / Re: Can you imagine if Trump were a Democrat
« on: July 23, 2017, 06:53:57 AM »
I think the timing is right. 
Concede the Republican party to the far right radicals.  They are a loud vocal minority that probably makes up about 15% of the population, at most.
Concede the Democrat party to the Sanders/Socialist, violent protesting group.  They are probably another 15% so both ends of the Bell Curve are marginalized.

The remaining 70% in the middle can join the new party.

...and the ultimate circle jerk would be non-stop as the new party would instantly become a battleground so heated that the current toxic conditions seem like a spring day in the park.
The fight for supremacy between the Lindsey Graham faction and.....  oh, yeah. There are almost ZERO moderate democrats currently holding seats.

Knowingly participating in such a conflict of interest could be cause for disbarment.
I look forward to some kind of legal action against Comey's best buddy and DNC hatchet man, Mueller, sometime soon.
Any principled person would have refused to accept the assignment but democrats don;t know the meaning of integrity.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump Criticizes Sessions
« on: July 23, 2017, 06:49:44 AM »
All presidents experience a deterioration of polling support in the early days as the reality replaces the make believe.
Even Obama slid in the polls (except the manufactured ones).
The constant death watch by liberals and make believe centrists is just another form of denial and wishful thinking.

Spin Zone / Re: Food Stamp Use Falls to Lowest Level in Seven Years
« on: July 22, 2017, 11:13:25 AM »
The problem with all of you - conservatives and liberals - not wanting able bodied people to live on the dole is being able bodied does not necessarily mean a job is available. Bring manufacturing back to the inner cities and to rural small towns. Get rid of regulations on small businesses. Get rid of regulations on big businesses.  Get rid of taxes on all businesses. Stop incarcerating people for non violent offenses.

...or just stop punishing hard work and rewarding parasitism.

Spin Zone / Re: Food Stamp Use Falls to Lowest Level in Seven Years
« on: July 21, 2017, 11:26:13 AM »
Sane liberals (I already know the witty retort you're thinking of, no need to post it) recognize that welfare reform is an integral part of cleaning up our finances. Like most of you, I don't appreciate perpetually funding the lifestyles of the able-bodied.

I am in favor of firing congress, also.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump Criticizes Sessions
« on: July 21, 2017, 11:25:19 AM »
Until Sessions fires every single person hired during Obama's eight years, we won't know what the DOJ is doing.

Spin Zone / Re: Vote Buying is Expensive!
« on: July 21, 2017, 07:41:53 AM »
Clearly this Trump's fault.

The special council needs to enlarge his investigation to include how Donald Trump is 'forcing' democrats to cease giving money to the DNC and another special council needs to be appointed to investigate how Russia is behind it all.

My mother survived less than six months after being diagnosed with it.
She also exhibited some odd behaviors before diagnosis but i wouldn't rush to blame the cancer for it, as I wouldn't rush to blame it on canvcer with MCCain.

Spin Zone / Re: Largest Opposition Research Organization Ever?
« on: July 20, 2017, 10:38:25 AM »
The Attorney General needs to fire Mueller and recommend a special council to investigate his behavior.

Spin Zone / John McCain: Particularly Aggressive Form of Brain Cancer
« on: July 20, 2017, 07:32:00 AM »
Apparently John McCain's blood clot caused doctors to look more closely at his former cancer site and they found what is described as a "particularly aggressive type of brain cancer.'

"Subsequent tissue pathology revealed that a primary brain tumor known as a glioblastoma was associated with the blood clot," his office said in a statement late Wednesday.

According to the American Brain Tumor Association, more than 12,000 people a year are diagnosed with glioblastoma, the same type of tumor that struck McCain's close Democratic colleague in legislative battles, the late Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts. The American Cancer Society puts the five-year survival rate for patients over 55 at about 4 percent.

The senator and chairman of the Armed Services Committee had been recovering at his Arizona home. His absence forced Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., to delay action on health care legislation.

In a statement on Twitter, his daughter, Meghan McCain, spoke of the shock of the news and the anxiety over what happens next. "My love for my father is boundless and like any daughter I cannot and do not wish to be in a world without him. I have faith that those days remain far away," she said.*/Article_2017-07-20-US--McCain-Brain%20Tumor/id-844b2d967a9f4289b6748fb95956633b

Spin Zone / Re: Why Government Can't Fix Healthcare
« on: July 19, 2017, 09:18:04 AM »
The best way to fix a debacle i to blow it up and let the market forces dictate the outcome.

Anything less is just perpetuating democrat corruption..

Spin Zone / Re: Why Government Can't Fix Healthcare
« on: July 19, 2017, 09:02:41 AM »
The government takeover of Health Insurance was part of the government takeover of student loans.

With so much money changing hands, the democrats jut HAD to cut themselves in on the corruption.

As obamacare was being written and arms twisted to get it passed, the amount of bribes (donations) paid to certain democrats by insurance providers increased and was focused to those who would be in a position to help influence the massive amount of policy to be made by the HHS Secretary.

As with anything government, democrats just HAVE to put their beak in the water and suck. They can't help it. It's what democrat politicians do.

Put health insurance back in the open market, take the artificial government restraints off of it, and allow people to decide how and when they CHOOSE to be covered and pay for their own coverage, without paying for every shit bag democrat's dreams, the prices will stabilize and drop of their won accord.

Democrats HATE freedom of choice. They want to choose for you because that paves teh way for graft, bribery, corruption and power flowing their way.

This discussion has never been about anything but money and power. Least of all, it is about health insurance.

Progressives always ignore obvious truth to further their agenda.
Just because places that circumvent the constitution to impose idiotic and short sighted gun control, to keep the citizenry under the boot of authoritarian liberalism, suffer uncontrollable violent crime, it does not compute that their final solution idiocy is not helping.
The basics of communism, which is all liberalism is, requires adherents to surrender individual thought to group think imposed by the ruling junta.
Anything less is heresy.

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