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Spin Zone / Re: Trump to Ban Transgender Individuals from Serving
« on: July 28, 2017, 01:48:19 PM »
I find a plethora of articles on Yahoo news that come from huffpo, which is nothing but a link driving site. Their far left agenda is used to drive web traffic at the expense of journalism.

I pretty much ignore FOXNEWS on the web because their site is ugly.

Drudge is often my first stop. I like the diversity of submissions and can ignore the ones that are clearly progressive pablum and stupidity. Having a one-stop for all those columnists is a great feature on Drudge.

I used social liberalism in the lowercase sense, which just means I am liberal on social issues like marijuana, homosexuality, etc.

What issues are you not liberal?
Military force?
Out of Control Spending?
Muslim refugees infiltrating the entire world?

I am about as hard rights ass it gets but find I common ground from time to time with you, much to my surprise, so maybe I need to step back and ask the question...

What are you conservative about?

No sweat.

I have no doubt that you never intended the thread to be locked and accept your explanation because I do things like that too.

When I make such a mistake I do notice how scandalized liberals act as opposed to conservatives but still find no fault with your accidental locking. Shit happens and sometimes un-happens.

No Sweat.

I don't see anything particularly "shitty" about Donal Trump, unless getting elected by saying exactly what you want to fix, the going out working to do its that is now shitty.

The actual "anointed one" was elected solely on the color of his skin and certainly not for any skill, experience, or vision he had beyond hope and change.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump to Ban Transgender Individuals from Serving
« on: July 28, 2017, 06:32:53 AM »
Question: Why hasn't the invisible hand of the market taken care of the media bias?

Because corporations are willing to continue to subsidize the progressive media at the expense of stckholders, at least for the tie being. ABC, CBS, NBC and Time Warner all carry the weight to promote the lame stream agenda..

Spin Zone / Re: Trump to Ban Transgender Individuals from Serving
« on: July 27, 2017, 12:10:22 PM »
According to a news report I just heard, trannies medical cost, as opposed to normal people, in the military is astronomical.

That cost is borne by producers and we should have a voice in how much more it costs to keep a tranny soldier as opposed to a normal person.

The mission of the military is not to coddle mentally ill trannies.

It is to kill the enemy and break their things as efficiently as possible.

When i tune in TV news, which is less and less often as the screeching, snowflake, idiocy becomes more the story than the actual news, I see how savage the liberal left is towards anyone and everyone that dares to tell them the truth about their delusions, lies, fantasies and ignorance, i am more and more content that Donald Trump beat that corrupt pig.

Even with the never ending drama queens at every turn, I still love knowing the piece of shit Hilary is a private citizen.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump to Ban Transgender Individuals from Serving
« on: July 26, 2017, 09:38:03 PM »
The gay mafia has weaponized transgender disorder because they got the homo wedding thing through the courts and needed a new made up outrage to keep the angry, unfulfilled, and delusional queer money flowing at previous amounts.
It's all,about money and because they have to have an outrage to keep the gay mafia lobby flush with cash, transgender is the current it.
Look no deeper.
It's all about the bucks.

You almost had me agreeing with your soliloquy until you added your own lefty spin one time too many. We could have found so much common ground but you couldn't stop yourself from elevating the left and denigrating the right to try and pretend the playing field is even.
It isn't.
The left has gone so far off the rails that normal humans don't try to rationalize their idiocy anymore. It's too cultish. Too fascist and too much a sickening cult of death.
Every single person who speaks a contrary word to the offense of the day-du-jour is pounded by death threats so deeply disturbed that any honest psychiatrist would identify the threatener as mentally deranged.
The left demands that we agree that sudden onrush of gender confusion be renamed and any reference to the mental disorder that transgender is be stricken from not only public discourse but the medical profession completely.
It is yet another politically protected mental illness, alongside the gender pronoun bullshit.
Laws are being forced cell fed into daily life stripping American citizens of basic privacy rights to pander to the weaponized homosexual lobby, so sick, so perverted and so deeply mentally disturbed that a lot of those freaks should not be out in public.
And you rationalize how somehow the conservatives are just as bad.
Sorry, Sherlock. You're full' of shit on that score.

An even more interesting question is where did the $300k he transferred offshore come from and for what?

How long before his bullet riddled body is called a suicide???

Spin Zone / Re: Sanders Shows How Socialism Works.
« on: July 25, 2017, 08:25:48 AM »
In the progressive world that would be the fair and equitable re-distribution of wealth.
Obviously Bernie knows the neighbor gets SEVEN newspapers a week, so he obviously DESERVES at least some of them for all his hard, progressive, socialist, work.

Spin Zone / SNOPES on Verge of Collapse
« on: July 25, 2017, 07:58:59 AM »
Fake fact checker, Snopes is claiming to be on the verge of collapse due to a conflict with their web hosting service.
They have resorted to begging for money to continue the fight against conservatism, like so many other liberal organizations do.

Though Snopes has a history of left wing bias and that was outed by an investigation fo their staff not so long ago, liberals constantly use Snopes as their bible for fake fact checking to shore up their fake facts.

Spin Zone / OVER 8,400 Double Voting Cases
« on: July 25, 2017, 07:28:43 AM »
For all those deniers and liars. the Presidential commission studying vote fraud has uncovered over 8,400 cases of double voting in just a few weeks.

Vote Fraud will be proven widespread and liberals will still lie about it, and call anyone who points this out a racist.

Spin Zone / Re: The Republic of Emotion
« on: July 25, 2017, 07:16:25 AM »
Liberalism is a curious mixture of mental illness, fantasy and truly idiotic, wishful thinking.

I can't think of another group of otherwise intelligent adults that behave with such recklessness, self hatred, and a sickening violence whenever anyone challenges their religious fervor for ignorance, hypocrisy and irresponsibility.

Communism has taken off the hood of liberalism and is attacking everything American.
The communists in this country won't stop until America resembles Venezuela and the ruling junta CAN FINISH OFF THE TASK OF LOOTING THE TREASURY AND fleecing every producer.

It is all about power and money to liberals

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