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Messages - EppyGA - White Christian Domestic Terrorist

Pages: 1 ... 395 396 [397] 398 399
Spin Zone / Re: Racism @ Mizzou
« on: November 10, 2015, 01:32:39 PM »
And now this......

Spin Zone / Governor "Mooonbeam" in the News.
« on: November 06, 2015, 06:52:16 AM »
Another "do as I say, not as I do" liberal is in the news.

SAN FRANCISCO –  [/size]Gov. Jerry Brown last year directed state oil and gas regulators to research, map and report back on any mining and oil drilling potential and history at the Brown family's private land in Northern California.[/color][/size]After a phone call from the governor and follow-up requests from his aides, senior staffers in the state's oil and gas regulatory agency over at least two days produced a 51-page historical report and geological assessment, plus a personalized satellite-imaged geological and oil and gas drilling map for the area around Brown's family ranchland near the town of Williams.

Spin Zone / Re: We Invented Jesus Christ
« on: November 05, 2015, 05:24:03 PM »
I had a history professor in college that took a sabbatical to study why Jesus was crucified.  From his study he came away with that Jesus was crucified because he rode a donkey into the city on the Holy Day and using transportation was forbidden.  He said that Pilate was very concerned about not just having him crucified because the elder clergy wanted him gone.  I'm sure he'll be very disappointed to find out what he learned was just B.S.

Spin Zone / Re: Cop was Fired
« on: November 05, 2015, 05:16:44 PM »
The modern LEO so often, simply makes things worse. Instead of dealing with the situation like an adult, he chose to deal with it like a thug. Sorry if that offends the sensibilities of those who think government is the final authority on all things, but escalating a BS problem like a freaking phone in a freaking classroom, is as stupid as beating a motorist because they refuse to act sufficiently meek.
The idea that adults can;t act like adults it the real problem, not a spoiled, stupid brat.


The response was disproportionate to the "crime."

Now, had she actually been disruptive--and I've experienced that in my classes--that's different. Looked to me like she simply wanted to disengage. After several attempts to get her attention or take away her phone, she continued to resist. So? Write up a report, and send her back home to her sad life.

They should have tazed her and been done with it.  She could have been easily removed from the classroom then and it would have sent a message.  As it is most of the students in the class were backing the policeman.

Spin Zone / Re: Snopes Defends Academic LIAR Who Accused Police
« on: November 04, 2015, 08:16:33 PM »
Knowing that the police officers are typically armed with guns and are a lot bigger than my 5 feet, 4 inches, I had no interest in my life’s story playing out like Trayvon Martin’s death. I stopped and asked the two officers if there was a problem; I don’t remember getting a decent answer before one of the officers asked me where I lived and for identification.


[/size]She lied in the op-ed right out of the gate.  They told her early on they were concerned for her safety.

Spin Zone / Re: Snopes Defends Academic LIAR Who Accused Police
« on: November 04, 2015, 08:07:04 PM »
Not surprising at all.  They would not take the time to determine if asking for ID was routine for the police or not, doesn't fit the template.

This young guy may be smarter than all of us and figured out an easy to get some Lewinskys.

Spin Zone / Illeglal Immigrants
« on: November 04, 2015, 09:05:32 AM »
During her Fox and Friends interview, Mendoza expressed her frustration with Washington more broadly, stating: “The Democrats want [illegal immigrants] here for voter base, and the Republicans want them here for cheap labor, so we are basically hitting our heads against the wall.”

Kind of sums it up well.

Spin Zone / Re: Ohio votes to legalize weed today
« on: November 03, 2015, 03:51:01 PM »
I wonder how the prices will be since it is a monopoly?  Government at its best. I'll bet some legislators got some serious campaign donations in their coffers.

Might even be built from Boeing plans  ;)

Spin Zone / Re: Stopped for Walking While Black
« on: November 03, 2015, 06:58:55 AM »
I was a little curious why she didn't use the sidewalk.  She wasn't really running, just walking fast and flailing her arms.  Did it not used to be the law that when walking you always faced the traffic?

Ben, I was curious about asking for ID also. It is quite possible that it is standard procedure to run the ID for past warrants for anyone they talk to?  Don't really know for sure.  They wouldn't really know if she lived in the neighborhood or not.

Spin Zone / Stopped for Walking While Black
« on: November 02, 2015, 05:55:59 PM »
Dorothy Bland is the dean of the school of journalism at the University of North Texas. An African American, Bland also became a recent viral phenomenon when she accused white police officers of detaining her for “walking while black.”

Dash cam to the rescue for these two policeman who were trying to keep her out of harms way and she had to go and write an op-ed about it and end up making a fool of herself.   Sad, very sad.

So we put a lost of names together of politicians we do not like.  Where's the proof?   Is this more of the new "prove your innocent" mentality.  Kind of like when Harry Reid told us all that Mitt Romney did not pay income taxes and folks on the left just believed it.  WTF is happening to us? 

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