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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 367 368 [369] 370 371 ... 714
Spin Zone / Re: Romney
« on: October 28, 2019, 12:40:23 PM »
That's one of the major problems with most of the current Red Flag laws, but it ties mostly into the lack of accountability of police forces. 

Red Flag laws are not a bad idea, but they right now are implemented in a way that will inevitably infringe on the constitutional rights of innocent people.
Do you have an example of a red flag law that doesn’t infringe on a person’s due process, unreasonable search and seizure, and second amendment rights? 

Spin Zone / Re: Romney
« on: October 27, 2019, 11:39:03 AM »
Yes, I do consider that to be fanatic.

A Red Flag law is not inherently against the Constitution, unless you take the stance that it is NEVER permissible for the government to remove a weapon.  In that case, you'd better be getting petitions together to rearm felons and the mentally ill. 

Red Flag laws can be implemented in a fair manner, but unfortunately most of the ones that are out there right now are not.
Fail. Someone who is a felon has already had his due process.

Let me know how someone who has not committed a crime and has had his weapons confiscated by the police has received the Constitutionally-protected right to due process.

Spin Zone / Re: Romney
« on: October 27, 2019, 07:36:58 AM »
I think that advancing your ball is a virtue. When you get so caught up on being right that you lose, then it’s bad.

Compromise is a tool. Properly used with give and take, it can be used to advance the things you care about. Again, chapter 2 of trump’s book.

How about being fanatical on just some things?  Wouldn’t that make a person overall just a little fanatical?  Think bigger.
Is it fanatical to not want to compromise on the Bill of Rights?  For example, Red Flag laws are being pushed as “common sense” gun laws.  Yet these don’t just violate the second amendment. They also violate the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th. Do you consider no willingness to compromise on a red flag law as being fanatical? 

Spin Zone / Re: Romney
« on: October 27, 2019, 07:15:20 AM »
Yes, Reagan and all of us had a valuable lesson reinforced with that one.  When you do actually compromise with the Democrats make sure they do what they are promising to do before you actually do anything.  They usually don't come through with their end of the bargain unless FORCED by you not doing yours. 

Democrats are the DISHONEST fanatics and prove it over and over with things like immigration, and other issues.
This is why “Omnibus” or “Comprehensive” bills are worthless. They hide too much shit, and prevent accountability to their terms.

“Comprehensive Immigration Reform” is code for “Let’s fuck with Republicans again so they never get their wall.”

Spin Zone / Re: Katie Hill
« on: October 25, 2019, 09:28:30 AM »
Yes, but you had a different perspective then, so you can't judge your previous self by your present self.   Have a shot of Bourbon and call it even.  :)
I know you weren’t talking to me, but I’m going to take that advice tonight regardless. I have a bottle of Buffalo Trace that I need to crack open tonight.

Spin Zone / Re: Katie Hill
« on: October 25, 2019, 08:42:30 AM »
yeah, that's one example of not being nationally popular.
Good point. I’m embarrassed I even campaigned for him. That was primarily for my home state hero Paul Ryan, but now I’m even more embarrassed - no make that pissed - that I campaigned for those two guys.

Spin Zone / Re: Katie Hill
« on: October 25, 2019, 07:40:57 AM »
He should have been charged and convicted of DUI and Manslaughter at the minimum.  Shows how brainwashed the Far Lefties of Mass are.  At least it stopped him from running for President, at least that is the theory.  What a socialist hell hole, but so is the rest of New England.
But it didn’t stop him from running.

He wasn’t elected POTUS, but it’s not for a lack of trying. He ran for the democratic nomination in:

1968, 1972, 1976, and 1980, where he came in second to Jimmy Carter.

Since July 18, 1969, Mary Jo Kopechne has been unavailable for comment.

Spin Zone / Re: Katie Hill
« on: October 25, 2019, 06:58:30 AM »
Used to be the only things that could stop a popular politician were a dead girl or a live boy.  Not so certain about the latter these days.
Since when did a dead girl stop a popular politician?  “Lion of the Senate” Ted Kennedy left a woman to drown in his car, and he spent 47 years in the US Senate thanks to the voters of Massachusetts. 

My mistake... apparently confused by the title of the thread.
No prob. Just wanted to make sure there was no Civil War II with Massachusetts being governed by a Utah lawyer.

And that is the reason why, even though I don't like him, I support and defend him.  He does what he says he will, to the best of his ability.  He's not superman, so he often gets beaten up by the coalition (msm, hollywood, DNC).  But he keeps fighting and trying to do what he promised.
Don’t forget Never Trumpers, career politicians (regardless of party), the Swamp, the political Consultant Class, the Lobby Class, etc.

Spin Zone / Re: Getting our boys out of the way
« on: October 24, 2019, 10:03:58 AM »
India has an advantage, but they are slowly losing it.  My experience is that they are unable to maintain the British level of infrastructure, so as things crumble, they are not efficiently replaced. 

I was last over there about 2 years ago.  While I was there, I watched as they replaced about 200' of street curb.  When I arrived, they were putting in the wood forms.  When I left 4 weeks later, they had not poured concrete yet.  Entire parts of sidewalks were missing and there's no streetlights.  If you're not paying attention, you could step into a 2 ft deep hole into the drain under the sidewalk and put your foot down in who knows what.  While I was there, the festival of Ganesh Chaturthi happened and in preparation, everyone started cleaning the streets.  But otherwise, they're filthy the rest of the year, even to the point of having so much dirt on the them that you can no longer see the lane markers - not that anyone there cares about lane markers.

Certainly a shithole.
Sounds like the unionized municipal government employee workforce in the US.

Um, not quite.  He was Governor of Massachusetts.
Um, I’m talking about Mike Lee, not Mitt Romney.

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary just may be onto something!
« on: October 24, 2019, 07:41:39 AM »
Here’s my theory: the election is won on superficial appeal, nothing else. This is because the dedicated right and left know their ideology. It’s the swing vote in the middle that will throw the numbers one way or the other, and many swing voters don’t know ideology from a hole in the ground nor are they well informed on issues.

Suppose there were identical twins running for president. Exact same position on all issues, but the only difference is one talks with a British accent and the other with a hillbilly or Deep South drawl. Which will win? The Brit of course. Americans have been conditioned by the entertainment industry to believe hillbillies are ignorant inbreds, and southerners are narrow minded, racist religious fanatics.

Unfortunately this is less true today than in the past because nowadays the mainstream media is far too biased, so the uninformed are automatically pushed Democrat. But let’s say the news was actually unbiased. All else equal, the taller candidate has an advantage. The better looking candidate has an advantage. Possibly the male still has an advantage and the white may have an advantage over a person of color. People vote largely how their subconscious directs them to.

Have you ever been at the booth and confronted a race about which you had failed to do your homework?  A local race where the party affiliation is not mentioned plus you have no clue what their positions are on the issues and you have never even heard of either candidate? You know nothing at all about them except their name. What do you do? The choice is, leave it blank, vote based on name alone, or, research has shown, more people than not just vote for the first name on the list.
My dad taught me that if I wasn’t sure about a race, vote for the person with the Polish name.

Now here in Wisconsin we have a tool that will hopefully never die. When the leftists voted to recall Scott Walker, they had to get xxx,xxx number of people to sign a recall petition. Those who signed presumed that their signature was private. It was not.

Conservatives banded together to memorialize those signatures. I was one of those people. Now, when I get a judge or a school board member that I haven’t heard about, I can look them up before I vote to see if they signed the recall petition.

You can have fun with this. Jeffrey Skiles of Miracle on the Hudson fame signed it. The database will link back to the original signature on the petition. Good stuff.

His owners have stepped up and muzzled him.   Career politicians are owned by the establishment.
But he’s not a career politician. He has been an Assistant US Attorney, but both before and after that he was in private legal practice.

That’s what’s concerning. He’s only 2 years into his 2nd term as a senator, and never held elected office before that.

I wonder which Master of the Universe got to him.
I don’t have time to look back at the things that irritated me, but it seemed to coincide with Romney’s election.

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