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Messages - nddons

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Spin Zone / Re: Dancing with the Stars.....
« on: October 30, 2019, 09:05:44 AM »
But you have the discipline to do that.  You are also displaying ADM and RM skills.

 Unfortunately many in the GA world don't share those same attitudes.   A quicky IR rating that is minimum standards, and then not kept current is deadly when the pilot encounters deteriorating weather and decides to press on because "I have the rating".

 Also, RM comes into play on a small airplane with a single source vacuum or a single source attitude indicator.  Doing an ILS to minimums with low weather surrounding your destination for 100 miles or more is running up the risk above what many low time inexperienced pilots can safely deal with.

 Unfortunately, remaining current in the GA world is on the honor system.  Some choose to exercise good ADM skills, and others do not.
Your premise was that the IR was worthless unless you maintained proficiency and currency.

I gave examples of why it was not worthless, even though I’m no longer current.

The rest of your premise that you are MORE dangerous by having it and not being proficient can literally apply to anything, including the guy who flies once a month to a $100 pancake breakfast 25 miles away.

Spin Zone / Re: Dancing with the Stars.....
« on: October 30, 2019, 08:00:51 AM »
The instrument rating is only as good as the holders willingness to stay current and proficient.   Absent that, the rating is worthless.

 Countless accidents have happened where the pilot had an instrument rating, was not proficient or current, and turned into a smoking hole.

 The average GA airplane is not well equipped for actual low IFR environments and operations.  A single source vacuum, or a single attitude indicator can turn deadly quick.   Sure, pilots train for partial panel, but in reality a partial panel low IFR approach is beyond most capabilities.
I strongly disagree. I received my IR 9 years ago, but haven’t been current in 5 years (since I started flying warbirds.)  so I can’t and won’t fly in IMC until I get an IPC and go beyond to get proficient again.

However, the discipline in flying at known pitch/power settings, stabilized approaches to landings, holding headings and altitudes, assessing Wx, comfort in radio communications, comfort in night flying, unusual attitudes, even steep turns and other VFR maneuvers are ALL benefits from getting the IR rating.

Bottom line is it made me a much better pilot. It also gives me options that simply don’t exist if you don’t have your IR (and can become current and proficient.)  If Im going on a long trip, I’m getting Current and proficient in IMC before I launch on a long XC. A VFR-only pilot doesn’t have that option.

Pilot Zone / Re: Looming pilot shortage lifts aviation schools
« on: October 30, 2019, 07:47:27 AM »
So, over 100,000 pilots at any given time, and your tiny sampling is what you use to paint the entire industry with your broad brush.

 How about all the professional pilots I've know over the years that have had successful careers?  Oh, and I promise you that I know many many more than you will ever come in contact with.

 Guess it's easy to hate something you don't understand.
There’s two sides to the pilot shortage - supply and demand. He’s only looking at the demand side, which I think he is mistaken.

Even in a bad economy, people still travel. No doubt there is a downturn when unemployment rises to Obama levels, but such unemployment levels don’t accompany every economic downturn. Of course when your president ridicules companies for having meetings in Las Vegas, there’s going to be some diminution in business travel.

Much of the pilot demand is foreign.

On the supply side, how many young people to YOU know that are pursuing flying as a hobby, then avocation, then career? 

There is something about the Millenials that seem to reject such paths in life. This, the supply of pilot candidates is shrinking.

When I was a kid most cities were badly polluted, the Cuyahoga river caught fire, Lake Erie was dead and so was the Chesapeake.  Air and water quality are way, way better, and yes you can thank the EPA and related legislation.  You can thank govco for your national parks, all of which were proposed for development by industrialists.  Horrors like the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire are history because of workplace regulations.  Boy could I go on.
You sound like the Union proponents who look back to the child labor days for their continued justification, when they really have outlived their usefulness, especially in the public sector.

“No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we'll ever see on this earth!”

Ronald Reagan

Spin Zone / Re: Rent Control
« on: October 30, 2019, 07:21:15 AM »
Calls for Rent Control are happening in Massachusetts (in 1994 we barred rent control via a state referendum).

I'm wondering if people understand what housing costs (property taxes, cost-of-money, building maintenance, etc).

Does California have rent control?  What about other areas with extremely high housing costs?
Didn’t DeBlazio recently implement rent control in NYC?

Spin Zone / Re: Dancing with the Stars.....
« on: October 29, 2019, 08:31:05 PM »
I'll need it.  Going through Rod Macho's book right now.  I get to download and install an update for the GPS next week.
Enjoy it. I really liked getting my IR. I did a lot of my training at night which really helped (no shadows on the panel like when you’re under the hood in the daylight.). Try to get as much actual IMC as possible with your instructor. It’s a LOT different than being under the hood.

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary just may be onto something!
« on: October 29, 2019, 10:16:24 AM »
Well, they sure didn't vote for Sarah Palin.
Actually, Sarah Palin was a game changer for McCain. His campaign was dead in the water before home chose her. She lit the Convention in Fire.

Sadly, McCain snatched defeat from the jaws of victory by suspending his campaign to work on the financial crisis, while Obama capitalized on that weakness.

This seems to be a pattern. A real problem is identified and efforts to combat it are made. 90% of it is solved. But to address the last 10% requires infinite amounts of money and other costs (such as loss of freedom). For some reason we are never satisfied with 90% solved, we shoot for 100% and in the process create all kinds of unintended consequences that end up making everything worse. Besides that, anyone given power eventually abuses it.
That last 10% provides perpetual job security for anyone hired to try to accomplish it.

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary just may be onto something!
« on: October 29, 2019, 07:39:19 AM »
People don't vote for VP candidates.
I think with Trump and the current state of the lunatic left, we can throw out the normal calculus of how people vote.

While I think it is a shrinking middle after seeing the Trump wins over 3 years, there will still be a sizable squishy middle that is turned off by Trump, but scared as hell by lunatic socialist candidates.

Those people might think “You know, Bernie is bat-shit crazy, but with his heart attack he won’t live though his first term.  But that Tulsi chick is smoking hot, she’s in the military, and doesn’t seem bat-shit crazy.”

Spin Zone / Re: Dancing with the Stars.....
« on: October 29, 2019, 07:25:49 AM »
That’s just silly. The competition should be judged by people who are skilled and knowledgeable about dancing. Otherwise it’s just a popularity contest.
Ok, I’ll admit I watch it with my wife. I started a few years ago when I quit watching the NFL including MNF.

As Anthony said, some of the pro women dancers are quite hot. Though when I start predicting the scores (that will be a 9,8,9) my wife will look at me like “seriously?”  Lol.

As for Spicer, the OP is correct. The judges are getting visibly upset. I’ve seen this before but I forgot who the celeb was, but the celeb kept moving on even though he was the worst dancer. I think it was the awesome comedian Bill Engvall.

Anyway, to answer your question, the audience gets to text in votes for their favorite couple. This year they changed it up so that while the audience still votes, they take the bottom two and let the judges to decide who goes home.

The problem is that Spicer hasn’t been in the bottom two, so in those weeks he’s not at risk of being eliminated, so they have to send one other couple home.

I swear I think Conservatives are trolling DWTS by voting en masse for Sean Spicer.  Funny as hell!

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary just may be onto something!
« on: October 29, 2019, 06:48:43 AM »
Tulsi is positioning herself for a VP slot on the dem ticket for 2020.
Agreed, and that is very dangerous for Trump. That is about the only thing I’m really worried about in the 2020 election. Well, in addition to mainstream Republicans (meaning NOT Trump) once again somehow snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Spin Zone / Re: Vietnam Wall some history
« on: October 28, 2019, 02:13:11 PM »
You realize that article is almost two weeks old.  Perhaps Trump doesn't think he needs to advertise his upcoming strategy so the enemy knows what is coming, like Obama did.
Exactly. Trump was spot on for not yapping to Pelosi and Schitt about the mission to kill the head of isis.

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary just may be onto something!
« on: October 28, 2019, 02:09:38 PM »
I came across an article that said candidates with the lower (deeper, not quieter) voice win elections. I suppose it meant between two male candidates because it was talking about how voice pitch is a sign of dominance in males (lower is more dominant, stronger, bigger, etc.) but maybe it worked for Trump vs Hillary too.
Tulsi Gabbard has a deeper voice than Hillary. I would listen to her any day of the week vs the shrill shrew’s voice.

Spin Zone / Re: Bureaucratic Rule: By What Right?
« on: October 28, 2019, 01:49:52 PM »
I would correct it - not side stepping, but yes minimizing.  I am more concerned about people losing faith in the law and therefore the Republic than I am about the abuse of power from these individuals.

The number of these people who make up the “swamp” is actually very small.  Yes, theses few have power and need to be dealt with by using their own law against them; they have a great deal at risk when they are exposed.  They also have handcuffs on them because if they overstep their boundaries, they lose everything. That is their weakness.
Until some of these senior people start going to prison for long periods of time, faith in the law will continue to diminish at a rapid pace. At the federal level, very, very few people ever pay the price for their autocratic and illegal behavior.  See Lois Lerner, et. al. 

As for the size of the swamp, you’ve got to be kidding me. 

The top three wealthiest counties in the US surround Washington DC.  Government is big business, and business is doing well for those people directly and indirectly sucking at the teat of the bureaucracy.

The swamp is more pervasive than anyone  can even imagine.


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