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Messages - Anthony

Pages: 1 ... 338 339 [340] 341 342 ... 899
Spin Zone / Re: FedEx Pilot Jailed in Singapore
« on: May 16, 2020, 11:11:30 AM »
They'd have probably said the same thing if you went out to eat.  Some people think harder and deeper than others.

Your wife, being a highly trained and accomplished medical professional, is probably on the side of extra cautious, or does her Progressive ideology make her that way?  Or both?  Or, to be fair does she think this is way overblown?   I have cousins that are M.D.'s, degree'd nurses and Pharmacists and they are ALL preaching super caution, but they live in Jersey, so......

Spin Zone / Re: Get Back to LIVING!
« on: May 16, 2020, 07:35:29 AM »
Wonder how long before that video is taken down?

Not long.  Google/YouTube, as you know is the worst.  It reinforces this entire thing is a LEFTIST hoax and scam purposely being used to bring us down, and get rid of Trump. 

Spin Zone / Re: FedEx Pilot Jailed in Singapore
« on: May 16, 2020, 07:34:00 AM »
I listen to a sports talk radio program Saturday and Sunday mornings if home or driving in the car.  Same two guys both days.  They're a bit older than me and have been around for a while, so not Millennials.  They know the old sports history and that's why I listen.   Lately, I have been having to turn them off.  They give the most Left sided view of this whole Virus shutdown and are telling people that we are still in the middle of it and to follow ALL government rules, masks, social distancing, etc.  They proclaim the end is nowhere in sight and we need to keep hunkering down until government says its 100% safe. 

This seems to be the viewpoint of that 95%+ of the Media I am always talking about including sports media which is also LEFTIST. 

Spin Zone / Re: Barrow County, Georgia Primary Ballot
« on: May 16, 2020, 06:54:30 AM »
WTF is that kind of question doing there?  Sharia Law is unconstitutional, so that question should not appear and whomever is responsible for that be raked over the coals. 

Spin Zone / Re: FedEx Pilot Jailed in Singapore
« on: May 16, 2020, 06:18:45 AM »
Much of Michigan outside of Detroit/Wayne County is republican.   When only 28% of all eligible voters show up, and most of those are in Detroit/Wayne county, it's not hard to see which way the election goes.

 Voter apathy is destroying this country.  In many states we are allowing a select few to elect government, and now we are seeing the results.

This is the same dynamic occurring in every State with a large Metro area, multiple metro areas or neighboring Metro Areas.  The population is concentrated in the Metro areas and they can mobilize easier due to their proximity and also use Voter Fraud as an art form.  The Metro areas are overwhelming the entire geography and that's why we need to get out a much higher percentage of the vote than they are. 

Spin Zone / Re: FedEx Pilot Jailed in Singapore
« on: May 16, 2020, 05:03:17 AM »
If what you say is true, that gives me hope. Maybe these shutdowns will motivate them, except for the nervous nellies that swallow the we’re all gonna die propaganda.

I don't know if that is true as the population has consolidated and continues to consolidate in the Metro Areas (cities, suburbs and now ex-burbs are all Democrat).  Of course it helps if those people mobilize and also helps if some of the Metro people stay home.  Trump won due to that in 2016 because Hillary was such an awful, uninspiring candidate. 

Spin Zone / Re: Wisconsin Supreme Court Throws Out Lockdown
« on: May 16, 2020, 02:36:36 AM »
Wisconsin does. You can Google it to see.

However I don’t have any belief in their truthfulness. Andrea Palm, the unconfirmed secretary-designee of the Department of Health Services who issued these unconstitutional orders, is not an MD or even a PhD.

She is a liberal political operative with a Masters in Social Work.  Her LinkedIn profile doesn’t even show that she works in Wisconsin. She clearly was dropped into Wisconsin by Ever’s New World Order puppet masters.

Check this out:,5126.1&SUIH=DcobVQI7aR89lYVW4QubbA&redir=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubGlua2VkaW4uY29tL2luL2FuZHJlYWpwYWxt

Which means COMMUNIST plant.

Spin Zone / Re: FedEx Pilot Jailed in Singapore
« on: May 15, 2020, 01:10:19 PM »
Singapore like much of Asia is a POLICE STATE.  Act accordingly.  Now the U.S. is becoming one. 

Spin Zone / Re: The Movie Thread
« on: May 15, 2020, 12:00:14 PM »
Ewwww.  Just ewwwww........

Spin Zone / Re: Synthetic motor oil
« on: May 15, 2020, 11:44:32 AM »
I love gauges with numbers.  Analog gauges.  Old school Smith and Jaeger type gauges like they had in my old MG's.  My GUESS is that the synthetic oil is causing less friction and less heat, but your statement about the thermostat is true.  I am NOT a mechanic!

Spin Zone / Re: The Movie Thread
« on: May 15, 2020, 09:52:26 AM »
Speaking of fecal spray, have you ever gone into a bathroom after someone pooped and smelled it?  Or even smelled your own?  Well, what you smell are actually tiny bits of fecal matter floating through the air into your nose.  Yeah, that's someones shit in your nose.

Even worse are those forced air "sanitary" hand dryers in public restrooms.  As it turns out, they are blowing that shit laden air into your hands, under pressure.

So I wouldn't worry so much about fecal spray.

I will be wearing a Hazmat suit everywhere from now on.  I hope you feel better now.   >:(

Spin Zone / Re: The Movie Thread
« on: May 15, 2020, 09:46:22 AM »
Beware of the Blob.........

Spin Zone / Re: Wisconsin Supreme Court Throws Out Lockdown
« on: May 15, 2020, 07:48:46 AM »
imagine that.  More testing can result in more cases being detected.

Given the number of people who never show any symptoms...

They may never show symptoms, never know they had it, or may just have minor cold and flu symptoms they dismiss.  So, who knows how many people got it?  The stats will never capture that, nor the so called "EXPERTS" nor the MEDIA ever mention that.  This is a totally politicized, exaggerated, "Pandemic". 

Spin Zone / Re: The Movie Thread
« on: May 15, 2020, 06:43:18 AM »
I was a tiny kid when I first saw The Blob! Loved it.

That's the Colonial Theater in Phoenixville, PA.  It still looks like that. 

Spin Zone / Re: The Movie Thread
« on: May 15, 2020, 06:33:21 AM »
Six Foot Fecal Spray terrorizes Phoenixville and Downingtown!!! 

The movie "The Blob" with then "Steven" McQueen, was filmed in my area in 1958.  That's the Colonial Theater in Phoenixville above, which still stands and shows movies.  They have a "Blob Fest" every July.  Many of the places the film was shot in Phoenixvllie, Downingtown and Chester Springs are still there and look the same.  You can do a self walking Blob Tour, but I think they also have group ones during Blob Fest. 

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