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Messages - Anthony

Pages: 1 ... 336 337 [338] 339 340 ... 899
Spin Zone / Re: Next Hoax?
« on: May 19, 2020, 05:58:29 AM »
not so fast, as much as you dislike colleges and other such self-serving places, there are sciences that simply can't be learned only through online resources.  Material sciences, biology, physics (anyone up for high-energy physics in their basement?), etc etc.

Did you miss the part where I said except for the need for "hands on access"?  My Chemistry Labs, and Zoology courses and others could not be done on line as it is hard to do perform actual experiments or dissect rats and cats online. 

I think it works much better on the college and grad school levels where you don't need hands on access.

Spin Zone / Re: Next Hoax?
« on: May 19, 2020, 05:39:31 AM »
Don't forget that online courses are an option (albeit with their own set of problems)

I've read where on line courses are often not working for school kids due to lack of supervision, motivation and distractions.  Also, how can you monitor "cheating" and properly grade.  I think it works much better on the college and grad school levels where you don't need hands on access.   The Steingars of the world are easily replaceable as are big college brick and mortar TUITIONS.  The scam is being unraveled as we speak.  It has been too long coming. 

Spin Zone / Re: " I’m taking hydroxychloroquine"
« on: May 19, 2020, 04:52:02 AM »
A true Never Trumper, guessing he's the reason Fox fired Trish Regan.

No doubt.  Who is not only smart, but smoking hot. 

Spin Zone / Re: Get Back to LIVING!
« on: May 19, 2020, 04:40:39 AM »
They are doing better than in Minnesota

Maybe somebody can explain this to me.  Minnesota is a Socialist (Democrat) Hell Hole and has been for a very long time.  Should it be moved to the Northeast or West Coast?

Spin Zone / Re: " I’m taking hydroxychloroquine"
« on: May 19, 2020, 04:32:03 AM »
I looked it up because who remembers what the levels are,. BMI > 30 Obese BMI > 40 Morbidity Obese .  The only weight I can find for him is from last year and he weighted 243lbs at 6'3"  That would put him just at the Obese level.  He would of had to pork up pretty good to become Mobidty Obese ~320 lbs. 
I used CDC BMI Calculator because we all know we can trust them :)

Yet Pelosi is fine with Hillary's Moo-Moo wearing FAT ASS, and Michelle (I never met a fried food I didn't like) Obama and her FAT ASS.  When Michelle and Oprah get on David Geffen's or Richard Branson's yachts they have to put them on opposite sides for Weight and Balance reasons.  If Stacey Abrams attends they have a REAL problem. 

Spin Zone / Re: How interesting
« on: May 19, 2020, 04:28:59 AM »

C'mon, be fair.  NBC, and New York Times should get honorable mention. 

Spin Zone / Re: Next Hoax?
« on: May 19, 2020, 04:26:02 AM »
I now hear that many School Districts, Colleges and Universities will NOT be opening in the Fall.  If that is the case, those Schools, and Universities need to LAY OFF ALL STAFF and only keep a very minimal, low cost presence to keep the facilities in a moth ball state.   I will be contacting my School District which I help FUND with that recommendation with a follow up letter to the District Superintendent copying my Local and State representatives.   

Teachers - LAID OFF
Administrators - LAID OFF
Professors, including tenured professors - LAID OFF
All STAFF - LAID OFF (except for skeleton facilities management crew)

Spin Zone / Re: Next Hoax?
« on: May 19, 2020, 04:05:04 AM »
Currently, some Democrats and the Media are talking about a second and third wave of the CHINESE virus.  That means continue or escalating LOCK DOWNS.  In fact the resident CNN, NBC, New York Times parrot, Steingar, indicated that they Fall would be really bad.  That is the LEFT'S contention as they want to extend this shutdown for another four or five months, bringing the total to at least a full six to seven months or more.   It is just another Media/Democrat driven Doom and Gloom LIE. 

Spin Zone / Re: " I’m taking hydroxychloroquine"
« on: May 19, 2020, 03:55:50 AM »
I got rid of cable some time ago, so don't see Cavuto anymore.  Boy, he has become a huge, typical MEDIA douche bag.

Spin Zone / Re: It's Monday, time for
« on: May 19, 2020, 03:53:59 AM »
Actually, the entertainment value of this place is off the charts.  Every other post someone accuses me of being troll.  But you've devoted an entire thread to how regulatory I visit the site.  You guys should make up your minds...

What do you think you are?

Spin Zone / Re: How interesting
« on: May 18, 2020, 04:02:16 PM »
If "YOU" is directed at me, then you've misunderstood me badly.  very badly.

How does that make you feel?

Spin Zone / Re: How interesting
« on: May 18, 2020, 01:14:11 PM »

But I would say that a lot of medical facilities are indeed feeling the crunch... they've lost a lot of revenue because people were staying away from hospitals out of fear of COVID-19.  All the panic being incited kind of backfired on portions of the medical industry.

Good.  They deserve it.  Fuck them for signing up for all this. 

Spin Zone / Re: How interesting
« on: May 18, 2020, 12:48:23 PM »
COVID19 is about 10 times as infective and possibly ten times as deadly than Influenza.  The folks who worry about these things aren't worried about the deaths, as bad as they are.  They're worried about crippling our medical facilities.  And they're right to do so.  You'll see what that looks like this Fall, I suspect.

Don't believe your made up assertions.  The FACT is that the hospitals are largely EMPTY and have been the entire time this phony pandemic has been going on.  The medical facilities were not crippled, in fact they are so not crippled the fact you say that exhibits your total lack of credibility. 

Wearing a mask is purely a public relations, feel good move by government and the MEDIA to make people think:

A.  They are doing something

B.  That things are so bad we all have to go around wearing ineffective masks

Nothing will happen this Fall.  This was a big NOTHING.  The only thing this did is to guarantee TRUMP WILL WIN by larger margins. 

Tell them to bitch to the New World Order, Globalist politicians and bureaucrats who ordered this unnecessary lock down and purposeful economic collapse.  Maybe their high dollar CEO's and BOARD MEMBERS who are well connected to people that caused this mess can convince them yet more government bailouts are necessary.  Of course THEY know they won't pay for it.  Their income and wealth is sheltered.  The Middle Income earner will pay for it. 

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