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Messages - Anthony

Pages: 1 ... 333 334 [335] 336 337 ... 899
Keep your enemies closer?

Yes, there is an element of that, but also wanting to get Establishment Republicans to support him, and/or take their pulse through Rove.  Which is as I think about it, keeping your enemies closer.  So yeah.  Rove will not be his only advisor. 

Spin Zone / Re: Who Believes the Lockdowns Were About Science?
« on: May 22, 2020, 10:21:15 AM »
^^^^^He doesn't care about LOGICAL arguments.  We make LIFE/$$$ decisions every day and have forever.  We accept elements of risk because we have to in order to live our lives.  Sometimes people die. 

Spin Zone / Re: Mask Deniers
« on: May 22, 2020, 08:53:57 AM »
Because you lack stones.  Never had so much fun in my life.  Were I not married I'd be living there after that.

Back at Fire Island again, huh Mike?

Spin Zone / Re: homemade masks
« on: May 22, 2020, 08:52:20 AM »
Masks do one thing really well.  They stop you from transmitting the virus if you're asymptomatic.  Not all homemade masks are equal.  Mrs. Steingar made ones that were two layers fo cloth sandwiching a pocket into which you can insert a hepa filter or coffee filter.  Probably not as good as an R95, but pretty damn close.

Totally false and very bad information. 

Spin Zone / Re: Who Believes the Lockdowns Were About Science?
« on: May 22, 2020, 08:49:13 AM »
Once again, Conservatives care not who dies so long as the money flows.  You'll all get your wish soon, gentlemen.

Yeah, the Progressives (Democrats) closed all the roads because of the 40,000 deaths per year to avoid those deaths, right?  They also stopped all the elective medical procedures that are risky because of General Anesthesia too.  No more boob jobs or Liposuction!  There are a million more analogies. 

At what point do you stop living life over a relatively normal Flu type virus?  We've never had a LOCK DOWN before.  Why now?  Get rid of Trump?

Outlaw small planes, motorcycles, etc.?  For SAFETY?  If we can just save one life, right?

Spin Zone / Re: Oprah
« on: May 22, 2020, 08:38:24 AM »
I know some old retired Milwaukee Police officers that remember a young Oprah being a hooker back in the day.

Oprah agrees with them.  I respect her a lot more that she admitted it even if it was in a book she never released.

In her 23-year-career as America’s most influential national talk-show host, there’s seemingly little that Oprah Winfrey hasn’t shared with her loyal viewers. From weight battles and romantic ups and downs to dark childhood secrets, the 56-year-old Winfrey has earned a reputation for candor about her own life.

But Kitty Kelley, the celebrity biographer who developed a reputation as a lightning rod for controversy with her tell-alls on Nancy Reagan and Frank Sinatra, says that Oprah’s life is nonetheless “choked with secrets,” and she digs them out in her new book, “Oprah: A Biography.”

Speaking with Matt Lauer on TODAY Monday, Kelley said that in researching her book, she was given the opportunity to read Winfrey’s own 1993 autobiography, a book Oprah ultimately decided not to release — and that in it, she referred to herself as a “prostitute” during her troubled, wild adolescence.

“There are so many secrets in her life, secrets about her relationships, secrets within her family,” Kelley told Lauer. “Even when she was writing her own autobiography, and she was finally going to come forward, she described herself as a ‘prostitute,’ which is a rather harsh description, I think.

^^^^^^^Ban Lucifer AGAIN!!!!!

For LittleJoe.        ;D

So you can't be Black and be for Trump.  In effect Biden is saying you're NOT ALLOWED to support Trump if you are Black.  You have to go along with the Democrat VICTIM HOOD mentality and welfare dependency and control.  Biden is a complete fool.  A 50 year Democrat Hack career politician.  Obama knew he is/was a joke, but needed an old White guy to balance the ticket.  That's why Obama didn't endorse him, and still really hasn't. 

Spin Zone / Re: Who Believes the Lockdowns Were About Science?
« on: May 22, 2020, 06:43:16 AM »
They used the Man Made Climate Change Models, but crossed out the name and wrote Covid-19 Pandemic in with Crayon. 

Yeah, not a fan of "Hate Crimes".  Too Orwellian.  Just prosecute the guy for Arson and make the punishment fit the crime. 

Spin Zone / Re: Oprah
« on: May 22, 2020, 06:07:22 AM »
I used to like her, many, many years ago before she got all into politics and before “Democrats” became de facto communists.  She has charisma, and a way of sounding very down to your level and empathetic. It is of course the last thing she is, down to the level of us ordinary folk. Her struggle with weight for example. I stopped feeling that she empathized with me when I saw a spread about how her private chef prepared delicious low calorie dishes for her.

I saw an interview with her not too long ago.  Maybe a year or two.  She was asked what she would change, or do differently now, looking back and with all her success and wealth.  Her answer?  She said she would focus more on losing weight and being thin.  Really?  That's what the sum total of your rise to fame, wealth and power taught you? 

To that shows a true pathology in view of "SELF".  Very telling. 

5022   Nope nothing to do with old infrastructure.

So the State of Michigan was fine with a hydro plant operating with SAFETY violations and without the required licenses?  If so that is Misfeasance and Malfeasance in which I would think the Governor is ultimately responsible.  I guess Man Made Climate Change overrides all that though.       ::)

Spin Zone / Oprah
« on: May 22, 2020, 05:41:33 AM »
I had a conversation recently with a woman that I've known for years as a work colleague and friend.  I typically respect many of her views.  However, we got talking about potential Biden VP candidates, and tangentially Oprah came up.  I asked her why Oprah had this mystic Svengali effect on many women.

She said:

Oprah "gets" women.
She is "on the side" of women.
She is viewed as a giver, nurturer, and a generous person.
She's viewed as nice and has a pleasant, HONEST personality and persona.
She is viewed as understanding and a good listener.

My view of Oprah is:

She's convinced women that MEN have dominated, controlled and abused them since forever.
Whatever women't predicaments are, "It is NOT THEIR FAULT".  Mostly it is Men's and societies fault.
Women are always VICTIMS.
Women need others to "EMPOWER THEM". 
Women need some type of government affirmative action to get ahead.
There is a "Glass Ceiling".
Government is benevolent, benign and there to help you.
Men are the enemy and not to be trusted.  Only put up with them if they can be dominated and controlled.  "Cucks" if you will.
Women DESERVE (entitled) to get things and preferential treatment based upon past 'WRONGS". 

Also, reports are Oprah is anything but her public persona when off camera or not in public under Media scrutiny.  She is rude, condescending, Narcissistic, harsh, critica, extremely demanding, and just overall NOT a nice person.  Here entire shtick is an ACT which she carefully developed purely for her own financial gain.

Am I off base here?

Spin Zone / Re: AP continues its TDS
« on: May 22, 2020, 05:21:45 AM »
I love how some people say how unbiased AP and Reuters are when, as we have witnessed, both are LEFTIST biased.  Some of the drive by's that have come here like to promote this falsehood.  The major problem is that AP and Reuters are picked up by every major "new" outlet and re-printed as FACT or real, unbiased news.  Journalism is dead and has been totally replaced mostly by LEFTIST propaganda. 

Spin Zone / Re: Our next VP? Maybe not
« on: May 22, 2020, 04:57:45 AM »
Sorry, but drawing conclusions from a picture is not a very convincing argument. 

It is all part of the package.  She's a smarmy, entitled PRICK who looks exactly like what she is. 

If you went by the pictures of Trump in the MSM you would think he is Lucifer's kin folk.  The biggest thing I have against her is that she thinks that being a woman is her main qualification and most of her priorities revolve around that.  That is just as bad as if a man were to signal that he should be President because he is a man.

Trump?  Major Douche Bag, and he looks like it.  That's what many of his pictures convey and they are accurate.  The BIG difference is that his policy positions, actions and priorities are ALL CORRECT.

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