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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: Get Back to LIVING!
« on: May 24, 2020, 01:56:59 PM »
Heaven forbid we just have nature take its course and people develop immunity like most other viruses of this nature. 

Spin Zone / Re: Think This Can’t Happen?
« on: May 24, 2020, 12:01:15 PM »
Alternatively Biden wins Amy K is vp. Not much really changes. Clinton bush obama and trump and there have been no sweeping cultural economic or spiritual changes brought about by any one party.

Except SCOTUS appointments, Trade Deals, Energy Policy, BORDER POLICY, Illegal Alien gift programs, etc.  That's what you will get with Klobuchar ALL wrapped in the Green New Deal!  Can you imagine more Ginsburgs, Sotomayors and Kagans!   NO!!!!      >:(

Spin Zone / Re: Get Back to LIVING!
« on: May 24, 2020, 08:06:59 AM »
"Flatten the Curve" was a canard.  More like Flatten the Economy to Flatten Trump. 

I apologize for speaking for Jim but I’m going to guess it’s because he votes in accordance with his values. I’m a libertarian too and I understand that. Every election that I don’t vote for the Libertarian Party I feel like I am betraying my values. But I believe that of the two main parties, one is significantly worse than the other and so I compromise my values and vote for the lesser of two evils, because the damage to the country done by the other is so great I can’t in good conscience allow my third party vote to let them win.

I understand and my question was not to be judgmental because I can certainly understand the FAILINGS of the Republican Party.  In many ways they are Democrat Lite and have a core interest in growing Government to enlarge their piece of the Pie.  However, to Becky's meme, there really is no pragmatic choice to at least try to counter the Democrats utter INSANITY.  Look at SCOTUS appointments alone.  Would we want Hillary's or Trump's? 

Um, if SD or any other solid red state goes for Biden, then civilization as we know it is dead. I haven’t voted R or D for president most of my adult life.

What is your objective for voting Libertarian?  Is it to make a statement?  Hope that the Libertarian will actually win?  I believe the Establishment Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same coin, but I don't see another Party emerging to rival them.  For me Trump is the first President with at least some, anti establishment leanings. 

Spin Zone / Re: Get Back to LIVING!
« on: May 24, 2020, 05:16:56 AM »
A use of tracing can be to provide data showing the outbreaks and, by extension, areas that are not seeing much infection (if any).

While I'm concerned (understatement) about the misuse of tracing data, I have this hope (pollyanna, I know) that the data can inform rational people that they don't need to live in fear.

Of course, as soon as the contact tracing data doesn't show widespread death, it'll get quietly ignored by the people inciting fear, panic, and chaos.

Any bets that contact tracing will be used to show the racial bias of COVID-19?  or any other pet cause?

I hope you are right and that the data shows the obvious over reaction to this Virus that society has allowed Government to install.  My cynical view is that they will use cooked numbers to reinforce how bad this is or can be to justify this SCAM.  In addition they will collect more sensitive information on people to be used for dubious purposes. 

Spin Zone / Re: Get Back to LIVING!
« on: May 24, 2020, 04:37:35 AM »
Our wonderful Governor said to today when ask that question, it was so we can do COVID tracing.  Read that as you have no private life big brother knows all.  Wonder how many John Doe reservations they will get now.

Why are they so obsessed with this TRACING when it is not that deadly of a Virus and the vast majority of people that die from it are very old, in nursing homes and already dying from other ailments?  This is the worst brainwashing of a society since Hitler. 

Spin Zone / Re: Do your Patriotic duty
« on: May 23, 2020, 01:56:42 PM »
Massachusetts like these other Democrat controlled Communist states are no longer America. 

Spin Zone / Re: Who Believes the Lockdowns Were About Science?
« on: May 23, 2020, 11:04:48 AM »

I am starting to get scared of “science”.

Not the scientific method that I grew up with of hypothesis, proof, and conclusion. But this strange and questionable “science” upon which public policies are now getting based. It is starting to remind me all too much of other policies based on “science” in the past. Historically, when public policies have been based in the science of the time, the policies have often led to dangerous and painful results.

When over 100 Chicago clergy opened their doors this past weekend to provide the essential services of spiritual nurturing through prayer in defiance of the stay-at-home order of Illinois Gov. Pritzker (D), the governor tweeted that he had “sympathy for leaders struggling with those choices — but not for those so intent on disregarding science & logic that they put people’s lives at risk.”

Governors Cuomo (D-New York) and Newsom (D-Calif.) have imposed draconian measures of quarantine and isolation based on “science” and in the process have determined that cannabis clubs, abortion clinics, and bike shops are all more “essential” than religious institutions.

The World Health Organization claimed on April 6 that science had determined that face masks were unnecessary for healthy people, and then determined by May that the science showed that everyone should wear a mask
. Mayor Garcetti of Los Angeles has determined that the science shows that everyone needs to wear a mask as soon as leaving the house to prevent further spread of the virus.

Like most everything else in society, the LEFT has politicized and weaponized "SCIENCE".   We've seen it with Man Made Climate Change where bogus "models" are used to advance their phony agenda where all the "fixes" are income and wealth redistribution, more taxes, more restrictions and more control by big government.

Now, we see it with COVID-19, the Chinese Virus.  Of course the MEDIA will not admit the "Science" was wrong, nor that the people pushing the fake science were wrong.  Because, the Media is a big part of this big LIE.  We also see how government gleefully enacts unconstitutional edicts using "safety and health" as the excuse.   When the dust settles, as it is starting to do so, it is becoming obvious this was a huge over reaction to a Flu like virus and all these shut downs that forced economic collapse were totally unnecessary.  Yet the MEDIA will not hold those responsible accountable.  WE MUST HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE.

The Democrats, Media, and the Totalitarian types worldwide owe us TRILLIONS of $$$.  I think we should take it out of their collective hides. 

That's a disturbing scenario.Let's hope so.  Even if they don't vote for Trump, it will be half a victory if they don't vote for Biden either.

Another scenario is that this reinforces the call for a brokered convention, which could be the worst of the three.

If Biden continues to be the Democrat nominee, many will stay home that would normally vote Democrat which is great.  Now if they get rid if Biden, then who knows.

otoh - Democrat policies have hurt everyone...

True.  Especially since LBJ and the Great Society/War on Poverty.  It should have been called The War on America to buy votes from the Black and poor communities and keep them dependent, controlled and voting Democrat. 

Wow.  Biden REALLY stepped in it.  I didn't think even the Progressive Blacks would turn on him.  I thought they'd just say it was "Joe being Joe" like with the Pedo and sexual harassment stuff. 

Black progressive influencers expressed shock, outrage, and dismay at Joe Biden’s already-infamous “you ain’t black” comment Friday.

As Breitbart News reported, former Vice President Joe Biden (D) declared Friday morning that if black Americans are unsure whether to support him over President Donald Trump in the November election, “then you ain’t black.” He made the unsolicited, racially-charged remark as he departed his virtual interview with Breakfast Club co-host Charlamagne tha God.

Black authors, activists, pundits, and entertainers — including some Biden supporters — were consistently negative as they reacted over social media. Several described Biden as having a “white savior complex,” “unmitigated gall,” and “audacity” to make this rule for their racial authenticity. Others condemned the comments as “racist” and “disgusting.” Some lamented that Biden is a “demotivating candidate” who has “doomed” the country to another four years of Donald Trump.

Spin Zone / Re: Mask Deniers
« on: May 23, 2020, 05:38:11 AM »
Cruising Cherry Grove?

Don't know what that is, but maybe Mikey does.   ;D

Spin Zone / Re: Who Believes the Lockdowns Were About Science?
« on: May 23, 2020, 05:29:08 AM »
Apparently, Fauci is now considered a conservative.

So, now he is saying everything he's been recommending (forcing) for the last two months is null and void??? 

Spin Zone / Re: sign language interpreters
« on: May 22, 2020, 11:07:03 AM »
Any else seeing sign language interpreters not wearing masks when they are up there doing sign language during press briefings?

Yes, but the entire signing thing is ridiculous and distracting.  More effing Virtue Signaling.  I am so sick of it. 

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