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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: China threatens Cold War
« on: May 26, 2020, 06:16:21 AM »
I guess I took it wrong, but I was unclear about what you meant by:  I was wondering if you were disputing that the Constitution still makes us exceptional, as watered down as it is.  If it gets even more watered down, or parts repealed, then we will be in real trouble.

I think people embraced personal liberty, freedom, and Natural Rights more as a concept and lifestyle in the past.  They didn't need a document to give them Rights, or remind them they had them.  Today, especially over the past 40 years or so, popular culture, society, the Media, Government and Education has watered down these concepts and has given Government a lot more power over us.  Yes, I am generalizing. 

I think the 0.26% is inflated, but even it it is not, there should have been no lock down.  There are so many people that either don't get symptoms or get symptoms so minor they do not seek medical attention nor get tested.  Where are those statistics captured?  They're NOT. 

Spin Zone / Re: Think This Can’t Happen?
« on: May 26, 2020, 05:55:39 AM »
Abortion Clinics were deemed as "essential", but anyone needing a cancer screening, a minor procedure or regular doctor visit?  Nope, all deemed "non-essential".

 Also, in Michigan Whitmer deemed a gay bathouse as essential while forcing other businesses closed.

When government started picking winners and losers by selecting which businesses were "essential" and which were not, I knew it was a LEFTIST SCAM.  Trump was unable to muzzle Fauci and other "experts" who promoted the scam response due to what the Media would have done to him.   Also, the Democrat States promoted the scam with their own "experts".  Some like with PA and DE were Far Left TRANNIES. 

Spin Zone / Re: China threatens Cold War
« on: May 26, 2020, 05:39:24 AM »
What part of what I said are you disagreeing with me on?  The Constitution is what allowed us to be exceptional.  It is true that it is being shredded but that was what gave us the edge in the first place, and still would if we followed it.

Where did I say I disagreed?   I think the attitudes were there anyway, but the Constitution made them long lasting. 

Spin Zone / Re: China threatens Cold War
« on: May 26, 2020, 05:09:31 AM »
I don't believe that is a function of anything special about the people living in the USA (ie, "Americans").

I think it is a direct result of our Constitution and our form of government.  That is why it is so terrifying that the left wants to tear it up and make us look like everybody else.

At one time, earlier in our existence, I think it was very true.  Americans left Europe, rebelled against the Royal system and created one where citizens could participate and had codified, guaranteed Rights.  I do think in many that attitude still remains which does make us Exceptional and different in the world.  However, the trend seems to be that many, mostly Leftists, want a large, controlling Government to "give" them safety, security and a living.  They accept a new Royalty, less freedom, less liberty and are willing to compromise basic Rights like free speech and gun ownership. 

That’s me. They’ve overshot the price point with me, I will NOT pay extra. Too many alternatives like Netflix. Free market competition is grand. Until they all merge under google of course.

I reluctantly signed up for Amazon Prime, mainly for the programming, but also the shipping benefits from Amazon.  I vowed it would be the only service I bought since I cut the cable many moons ago.  So no Commie Neflix, Hulu, nor others.  Yes I know Amazon is Commie also, Bezos, etc.  M-effers all!  But we're stuck!   The Left has a monopoly on Tech, Media, and now most of the rest of Corporate America.  Even my internet provider is Communist.  Comcast (Commiecast) who is backing, financing, and promoting Biden like they did for Obama and Hillary!  Verizon is no better.   >:(

Spin Zone / Re: China threatens Cold War
« on: May 25, 2020, 08:09:47 AM »
It was probably somebody replacing Rush, or Rush himself, or maybe Sean, that's been saying lately that at first when we opened trade with China the expectation was that as they lifted out of poverty and modernized they would see the benefits of capitalism and become more democratized. That was a terrible miscalculation. They have indeed seen the benefits of capitalism, as they stole our technology and implemented a state-approved form of capitalism under their social totalitarianism. But become a democracy? No, they are not becoming like us.

What has occurred instead is we have become more like them, on the verge of voting in totalitarian control of our economy. We are even all walking around in those stupid masks.

Many people, worldwide DON'T WANT, nor can they handle particpative Government.  The Chinese are one of them.  Look at much of the Middle East, and Asia.  Even Japan is largely a Police State.  Saudi Arabia, and most of the M.E. except for Israel, Iraq, Afghanistan, Singapore, China, etc.  They don't want our form of government.  The sad fact is may want to be ruled and governed because that is all they know.  Feudalism is alive and well in much of the world. 

A Core characteristic of the Chinese is they are DISHONEST LIARS that do not respect anything Western.  That is how they justify the LIES.  We are inferior and subhuman. 

Spin Zone / Re: China threatens Cold War
« on: May 25, 2020, 07:55:51 AM »
China needs a market to sell to.  The US has been that market, and we've let the Chinese exploit it, steal from us and place heavy tariffs on our goods.

 Now that the tables have turned, they don't like it.  Their economy can't survive without selling to us.

 Now, the real sad part.  We have many in our government that are bought and paid for by the Chinese.  These scumbags will stop at nothing to further sell us out and make the US dependent on China.

Yes, many of our Politicians of both parties, and many in the Bureaucracy are beholden to the Chinese due to being PAID OFF.  That's Treasonous.  I think their needs to be a moratorium on Chinese lobbying and pay offs to Americans in Government.

Spin Zone / China threatens Cold War
« on: May 25, 2020, 07:30:53 AM »
I don't see the U.S. wanting to "CHANGE China", rather minimize the impact of their negative aspects on us like Viruses, Bad Trade Deals and practices, stealing of our technology, expansion, etc. 

Wang Yi, the Chinese foreign minister, said Sunday that the U.S. should “give up on its wishful thinking of changing China” and avoid bringing the two countries to a “new Cold War.”

“China has no intention to change, still replace, the United States,” he said, according to the Washington Post. “It is time for the United States to give up it's wishful thinking of changing China and stopping 1.4 billion people in their historic march toward modernization.”

The relationship between the U.S. and China has been strained for some time. President Trump has criticized Beijing over a trade imbalance and the outbreak of the coronavirus lead both to accuse the other of an improper response. Trump recently said that he may completely end U.S. funding for the World Health Organization over its cozy ties with Beijing.

The White House has insisted that Beijing downplayed the virus' threat in December, which led to the subsequent outbreak. China has denied the charge and accused Trump of shirking responsibility to the organization, according to the AFP

I embrace some Libertarian characteristics, so often call myself a "Conservatarian", but I vote Republican for pragmatic reasons.  We need to get more anti Establishment Republican candidates running, and instill in them they can not embrace the Dark Side (Deep State Corruption) just to get ahead in the Party and Politics.  That is the hard part.  How do you do that?

Amazon is doing a lot of that. It’s got to be a result of the shutdown. There is so much demand now, it’s raising the price point.

It's annoying.  I figure I am paying for the service, just out of principal, I'm not going to pay and additional fee to watch something. 

Spin Zone / Re: Get Back to LIVING!
« on: May 25, 2020, 06:10:52 AM »
Horowitz: The CDC confirms remarkably low coronavirus death rate. Where is the media?

More evidence of this total, and criminal over reaction. 

I was going to watch The Wire for the first time and it is now pay to view on Amazon Prime.  So I've been watching "The Man in the High Castle" and "The Americans".  Both pretty good.  Can you believe I've never seen "Silence of the Lambs?, but know the story.  May eventually check out "Hannibal". 

Spin Zone / Re: Think This Can’t Happen?
« on: May 25, 2020, 06:03:35 AM »
Things remained relatively stable because free market capitalism was the basic system, even under the Democrats. Economic collectivism was implemented only in certain areas and in a limited fashion and the traditional establishment Democrat was never a full fledged economic collectivist. If they had idealistic leanings in that direction, they were not able to implement it.

What we see now that’s different than ever before, is the Democrat party taken over by radical leftists, and by that I’m not referring to identity politics or social liberalism. I’m referring to economic collectivism: Forced redistribution of wealth, power and land on a mass scale. A large part of the Democrat party now embraces this.

We have not had this til now. In the 60s there was an importation of “neo-modernists” (re-packaged Marxism) into the universities. The kids taught by those professors are now mature and have jobs in government and the DNC, and the young generations since have been taught that the U.S. free market system is exploitive and evil, while not being taught the evils of Stalin, Mao, and Kim Il-sung, so those who would vote for extreme forced economic collectivism are no longer a fringe minority.

This was never the case even as late as 2008. Obama dared not run on an openly socialist platform, but in 2020 when Bernie Sanders did, he almost beat out Biden, and when he dropped out, he actually announced publicly that Biden would implement his own socialist agenda.

This is not the so-called socialism of Western European countries, with their universal healthcare propped up by an underlying capitalism. What Sanders and radicals like Warren want is to do away with capitalism completely. Or more accurately, put themselves in complete control of it. There were early hints that the Democrat party was headed in this direction. Back when Billary was in the White House, Mrs. Clinton announced that the government should nationalize the gas industry, and of course there is her infamous healthcare plan.

That’s what they do:  “Plan” the economy. In her case she was starting with just portions of it, but when you want to control all of it, it’s called a “planned economy” (economic collectivism) and what it means is simply this: We know better than you how to run things. We will design the economy from top down and force it on all you little people.

For the first time ever in our history there is the possibility that such people will take over and try to implement massive redistribution of wealth, power and land. Of course this is always sold to the public as redistributing it to the little people but it always is actually redistributed to them, throwing just enough crumbs to the little people to keep them docile. Even so it requires restrictions on liberties such as the first and second amendments.

Trump caught and reversed the slide into leftism which is the real reason he is so hated, while the public is told fake reasons such as he’s a racist and so on.

So yes, this year’s election is different from all others, and the turning point in our history. The left is desperate to never again lose the momentum they had prior to Trump. If they win this year, you can expect rapid, extreme measures to secure all future elections. There will be a large push to abolish the electoral college, open up the borders, give convicted felons the vote, and permanently allow absentee voting.

Well said and accurate!   Yes the Democrats are different now.  Full blown Communists with a twist.  A nod towards continued Capitalism.  They call it Democratic Socialism which is an Oxymoron as we all know.  They use Man Made Climate Change and now this other crisis of this virus to implement more.  The Green New Deal is ALL about Income and Wealth redistribution and Social and Economic "Justice".  Ha!  Justice. 

Spin Zone / Re: Think This Can’t Happen?
« on: May 24, 2020, 02:01:38 PM »

Those 30 + years of cultural change that you ignore now have us in a precarious situation.   If the dims wind up with both houses and the WH, we are done as a country. The last 3 years needs to be a wake up call.

Boy, you said it.  We've all lived through this and seen it first hand.  You're tight it really started with Clinton, maybe a tiny bit in GHWB.  However, Clinton really ratcheted it up especially with the Gay pandering and other Social type changes.  We an effing terrible three decades. 

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