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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: Think This Can’t Happen?
« on: May 27, 2020, 09:54:19 AM »
Bingo. Spot on.

Falcon, have you read the first Amendment? 

I presume not, so read this:

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

That’s it. There are no exceptions because people are sick, or if governors want to arbitrarily and capriciously shut down churches “for safety of the people.” 

The free exercise clause is absolute. At least until 2020 apparently.

That doesn't stop government on every level from violating it.   The Second Amendment says "Shall not be infringed" yet we have 22,000 laws that are Infringements already on the books and they want MORE.    >:(

I think there needs to be law suits brought against every State for violating the 1A and 2A. 

Spin Zone / Re: U.S re-enters manned space flight
« on: May 27, 2020, 09:49:10 AM »
^^^LOL!!!   That's Man-SPREADING!  Also, NOT ALLOWED!!!

Spin Zone / Re: Think This Can’t Happen?
« on: May 27, 2020, 09:21:40 AM »
I think the moderators should do a search of PS to see how many of these ^^^^^ things are attributed to Rush’s posts. I think she wins the prize.

^^^^^^This!   Oh wait.......

Spin Zone / Re: homemade masks
« on: May 27, 2020, 09:10:33 AM »
Dr. Bruce helped me out with a couple Class III medicals when I briefly needed an SI. Nice guy in person, but could be a real ass on the AOPA Forums. He flew P-3s for the Navy.

That's my take also.  Good guy one on one, but can be difficult on ALL the aviation forums and has a habit of taking his marbles and going home.  I give him a few months on that other place.  That's his M.O. 

Spin Zone / Re: U.S re-enters manned space flight
« on: May 27, 2020, 09:07:05 AM »
No, they are two toxically masculine white men - one USAF guy and one Marine Colonel  who flew F-18s.

I’m quite offended.

Well now you're just Mansplaining so I'm out. 

The second wave would go virtually unnoticed if we didn't have a MSM so intent on creating chaos.

The Democrats and the Media, which are essentially one in the same, will falsely promote any "second" or "third" wave like it is the coming of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse.  Even if they have to make up statistics and false stories about it.  Our only saving grace is that SOME are seeing through this RESPONSE SCAM and are sick and tired of the Lock Down. 

I'm kind of leaning towards a Modified Anarchy type of system, where government is highly restricted to providing a few basic services that are ALL outsourced to the private sector. 

He got involved with liberal women too young and/or he’s too henpecked to think for himself.

Ahhh, yes.  The Vagina Card. 

My brother was a Marine (“is”? Once a Marine always?) and he’s completely lost to liberalism.

Strange.  I wonder why?  Easily indoctrinated? 


Guess what? Yes, cases in our county are WAY up, and we opened three weeks ago. So, is the virus now spreading rampantly? Many doomsayers will nod yes. But, let's look at what else has happened in the last three weeks. Our county has opened many new drive through testing locations, and now anyone who wants tested may be tested. Doctors orders no longer needed.

So yes, cases are up, but I believe that is to be expected as a result of greatly increased testing and the fact that I believe a majority of the population has now been exposed to the virus, sheltering or no sheltering.

Cases are up due to more testing as you say, but if the people outside of Nursing Homes are getting it now, then the mortality rate will go way down.  This is NOT a death sentence for the vast majority of people like the MEDIA and Democrats want you to think. 

Believe it or not, He was a Navy Pilot back in the 70s.  He is as far left as I think someone can be.

Well color me surprised.   I guess anyone can become a KOOK Lefty. 

Spin Zone / Re: Bias
« on: May 27, 2020, 06:28:24 AM »
^^^^^Mango Mussolini approved!!!

Posted today by a FB friend...

Ignorant Republican Governor’s opening up the Country led by the most Stupid President in our lifetime - that don’t believe in science and facts or the truth !
 12 States - Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Minnesota, North Carolina, Nebraska, Missouri, Arkansas, South Carolina, Tennessee, North Dakota and Oklahoma that are opening up and the spike in cases are rising and will lead the second wave to hit our Country. These are Republican states that believe in “Herd Immunity”. Tens of thousands of Republican voters will get virus ! The blind leading the blind !

Let me guess.  Your FB "friend" is a Woman?   These people are brainwashed, indoctrinated anti freedom IDIOTS.   Another reason I could never be on Facebook, irrespective of the privacy issues. 

Spin Zone / Re: homemade masks
« on: May 27, 2020, 06:14:33 AM »
This is something I agree with.

 "Do or do not, there is no try" - Yoda

Gotta love those who quote meaningless fictional characters.    ;D

If you're going to lock down, do a total lockdown. Tighter than a gnats ass. None of this half assed dragged out everyone (governors and mayors) calls their own shots. Total nationwide lockdown, for length of illness plus a safety factor. They say it takes 14 days to recover, add 7 days to it, call it 21.

If it's a total lockdown, it not only works, but there is a set end date. No dragging it in...

I knew this Lock Down was a total scam once Government started to pick winners and losers of who was "Essential" and who was not.  Arbitrary, unfair, destructive, and senidn mixed signals and the wrong message.  Mask?  No Mask?  The MEDIA pushing panic mode.  All a freaking joke.   

"Democrats suck." - Scroda

While libertarians would like to see a certain set of principles govern America, the sad truth is that they’ve not come up with any (not one) inspiring or electable candidates for president. In fact, their presidential candidates typically have serious and visible weirdnesses that put people off rather strongly. Yet here is where the “principled” L hews to his party on principle and votes for the L candidate.

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