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Messages - bflynn

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Spin Zone / Re: Where do you draw the line?
« on: May 28, 2016, 07:01:17 AM »
Wait, where's the little lamb?

Win! Let's get some likes going... :)

Spin Zone / Re: "The Dangerous Acceptance of Donald Trump"
« on: May 28, 2016, 06:55:25 AM »
I was kind of wondering how many people would reject his concerns because of where they were published.  ;)

I think it's more that I reject the premise of the question.  Acceptance of Donald Trump is not dangerous.

I'm still not voting for him for conscience reasons, but those who opposed him before and accept him now are not doing a dangerous thing.

Spin Zone / If the president-elect were convicted of a felony...
« on: May 28, 2016, 06:52:42 AM »
If the president-elect were convicted of a felony then they become ineligible to take office and the VP elect takes as president - according to the 20th Amendment, section 3.

Prediction:  If Obama likes Hillary's VP choice better than he does Hillary, then she gets indicted on Nov 9th and convicted before Jan 20th.  Hillary had better choose carefully.  Just remember that you heard it here first :)

Pilot Zone / Re: Did TSA look into my laptop?
« on: May 27, 2016, 06:36:30 AM »
I don't mean boot it up, I mean open it and look inside.

After I got on the plane I opened my laptop and the keyboard was askew, loose, partly off.  Did TSA take it off to look inside and make sure it wasn't a bomb?

I was busy in the nudogram to see what they were doing but I did see one of them lift up my suitcase and take it away from the conveyor belt (I assume they pawed through that too).  I had a biohazard kit in there with a metallic transport bag. Maybe that showed up on the x-ray as a solid block?  Ooooo she has medical tubes, maybe her laptop is a bomb.

After I pushed the keyboard back in place, my laptop works fine.

The part I find most astounding about this is that you have a laptop where the keyboard could be lifted out and taken out without disassembling the bulk of the computer.  I've never seen any model like this and I've torn into more than my fair share of computers.

Family of pharmacists, and there's lots of literature to back me up.  Heck, there were recent pieces on CNN.  Rush is right though, we have real problems in our society.  You can't have a healthy society with a sizable disenfranchised fraction, something's gotta give.  That's why we have massive drug and gang problems, folks haven't anything better to do.  If they did, they'd be doing it.

If you correct that to "folks haven't anything easier to do", then I'd agree with you.  There are better things to do, they just take a bit of hard work, getting up in the morning, not staying out late at night, being cordial to customers, etc...the adult things.  But to say that people are criminals because there are not other opportunities for them is just not believable. 

I disagree with the notion that those opposed to Trump on principle grounds are "standing in the way". It's just another excuse to blame those who didn't vote for Trump should he lose instead of taking responsibility for how he ran his campaign (again, assuming that he loses - if he wins it's a moot point).

and I'll add, blaming those of us standing our ground is a cover up for the fact that the Republican system of choosing a candidate is flat out broken.  Looking at it from the outside, they picked the WORST of the lot. 

I think that's the fault of the party system.  The one who is popular with the party is not the best candidate to win. 

Spin Zone / Re: Students Too Busy Demonstrating To Study...
« on: May 27, 2016, 05:59:37 AM »
Goes beyond that.  When I am looking to hire, I usually take a little time and research backgrounds, schools included.  Stories like this about the school reflect negatively upon graduates of that school.  I'd rather see (and have seen) a NCAA investigation that basketball players are getting "improper" tutoring because then at least I know the school cares to teach students. 

So, thanks to certain activist, there are a number of schools that I just flat out will not hire from because the school is rotten.  Think about this if you have someone headed off to college...

Spin Zone / Re: Today's Funny on Free Choice
« on: May 27, 2016, 05:53:41 AM »
Was this it?

Many of those Flag Officers have (potential) Conflicts of Interests regarding their relationships and their military job functions.

Can you elaborate?  You state "many" flag officers, which I take to mean more than half.  But for grins, let's say means just 10%.  There are over 5,000 living retired Army generals in the United States.  Can you show even 50 of them that have accepted jobs that constitute a conflict of interest?

No, I can't either.  So if you cannot show even 1% of retired officers then you have no business impugning the integrity of the men who dedicated a career to protecting this country.  Once again your ignorance is showing and it says more about you than it does the one that you attack.

Spin Zone / Re: Primed To Fight The Government
« on: May 27, 2016, 04:31:52 AM »
That's when the republic falls.

With respect, the republic falls when the rule of law is abused.  We are well into that already.  When The People can no longer trust that government is protecting their rights via fair and equal application of the law, then they resort to seeking to replace the government.  It is the pattern of how it happens and the only thing worse than a failing Republic will be the government that follows it.

Spin Zone / Re: Fair and Impartial Jury?
« on: May 27, 2016, 04:28:21 AM »
Police in the south against a Black Man are guilty until proved innocent in my eyes.

Jaybird, you have yet to identify a reason that would result in the defendent's confession being excluded.    You should be prepared to be surprised because if you cannot present a reason beyond "they're all racists", then you've invoked the invalid strategy of hoping. 

This is probably the most racist and bigoted thing posted in this thread.  As a southerner, I am offended by you making this accusation.  It says far more about your ignorance than it does about our officers.

It seems like the partisan prosecutor has some questions to answer as far as her behavior, also.
The entire case seemed like a charade to appease race hustlers and black lives matters idiots to me.

Yes, but who is going to ask the questions?

Spin Zone / Re: An IRS what if........
« on: May 26, 2016, 08:49:53 PM »
I see the same trouble with executive orders.  If Obama passed an executive order prohibiting anyone from criticizing President Obama, that would also be an unlawful executive order.  But that wouldn't stop him from doing it if he wanted to.

The second problem I see is that if Obama passes an executive order which requires employees of the government to violate the law then he has really put them in a tough spot.  "I was only following orders" does nothing for the employee but not following the president's order could get them fired.  With a vindictive president WOULD get them fired.

The last problem I see is that they're temporary.  Every single one of Obama's orders will be cancelled when a republican president is in office.

Spin Zone / Re: "The Dangerous Acceptance of Donald Trump"
« on: May 26, 2016, 08:41:12 PM »
Any merit to this?

An article from the New Yorker that presumes any acceptance of Trump must be dangerous?

Nope.  No merit at all. 

Spin Zone / Re: Whoops! DOJ Just Destroyed Women's Sports
« on: May 25, 2016, 06:26:16 AM »
You must know more transvestites and gay drag queens than I do.  I always that they were doing it for kicks and not because they thought they were actually female.  I will bow to your superior experience on that.

Yes, I do actually know a few, 3 actually, which I am astounded at.  But I also live in NC and HB2 is a direct law for me.  Therefore I have sought more education.  The reasons people dress as the opposite sex runs the gamut - because they're legitimately convinced or have convinced themselves that they are supposed to be the opposite sex, it's fun, it's a challenge, it's work, it's kinky, it's taboo or it's a way to gain access to places they're not supposed to be so they can get a sexual thrill.  I've probably missed quite a bit.  These people can be gay, straight, bi or claim some orientation that you and I don't comprehend.  Some are really good and some are not.

Do you often form opinions on things that you're not fully educated about?

HB2 posits that there are more perverts who would have taken advantage of the Charlotte city ordinance than transgender people that it would have helped.  Based on my research, I have to agree.  More people will be victimized by legitimizing bathroom choice than by than will be helped by it.

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