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Messages - bflynn

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Spin Zone / Re: French Revolution......
« on: June 02, 2016, 07:29:20 AM »
I'll give the Ds enough rope to do anything they want and see if they hang themselves.  Hell, even if they turn us into a true socialist state, I'm old enough that it won't bother me for too long.  And maybe they will take care of me in my old age.

The only trouble that I can see with your plan is that they're likely to hang all the rest of us right along side themselves.

Spin Zone / Re: Students Too Busy Demonstrating To Study...
« on: June 01, 2016, 09:48:13 AM »
Don't selectively pretend outrage going just one way.  You'd be worse than Hillary.

Anyone can break the bribery cycle.  They don't because it would place them at a large disadvantage relative to their peers.

Spin Zone / Re: Students Too Busy Demonstrating To Study...
« on: June 01, 2016, 09:11:49 AM »
Trump has admitted that he donated to politicians to greese the wheels.  That's an admission that he expected favours in return for the money, or effectively an admission that he gave them bribes.

I've not seen a similar admission from Clinton that she sold influence.

On the balance of probabilities, we have an admitted briber vs an alleged bribee.

DO you really think there is anyone here that does not believe our government is led by professional whores?  Every political person in the government is for sale for the right price.  And I do mean sale, you can obscure it and pretend that it goes to a charity or to this fund or that fund, but everyone is in on it.  Lobbyists are the ultimate proof that the Republic has broken down.  "Giving money" is how you get YOUR law through, otherwise Fracking Schuster wouldn't be so obstinate about a program that nobody except his donors want. 

Spin Zone / Re: Whoops! DOJ Just Destroyed Women's Sports
« on: June 01, 2016, 04:29:20 AM »
Who knew North Carolina was so racy.  Maybe I am not "fully" educated about all the different motivations of transvestites, but we seem to have more of a definitional issue than one of information.  As I understand it, if one believes themselves to be of the opposite gender, then they are transsexual and not a transvestite.  You seem to be lumping them all together.

Perhaps you ought to define the terms before you accuse someone of being ignorant.

You're not even partially educated and it's not a definitional thing.  But you're learning so this is positive.  The most commonly accepted definitions can be retrieved via Google and I'm sure you've done that.

The only thing I lumped together was "the group of people who wear clothing of the opposite sex" because that is the group relevant to HB2 and where the source of the problem comes from.  You cannot identify someone's motivation by looking at them.  Bathroom access laws open the door to predators with a very low barrier to entry.  That has been proven and places are walking back their access laws for reasons of safety.

And FWIW, I travel for work frequently and try to get out and experience nightlife where I am.  The three individuals I mentioned are from Toronto, LA and San Francisco.  Two were met through friends and one hit on me in the hotel bar.  Perhaps the third one is a stretch to call a friend since we talked at the bar and then he went away and I've never seen him since.

The violent crime rate peaked in the 90s and has been reducing steadily ever since. As I recall, crime rates today are similar to those in the 1960s.

I think you are probably suffering from Good Old Days Syndrome. We tend to romanticize the past, but what we are often seeing is either the same as it always was, or new ways to do the same old things.

You think that I"m romanticizing it?  I know that nobody pulled guns in school.  There were no drive by shootings that killed 5 year olds.  A drug problem was when you ran out of cough syrup on a Saturday night.  Yes, crime existed but the rate was relatively low.  The crime rate today is more like the late 70s than the 60s.  We would have to to reduce it to about 1/3 the current rate to have a crime rate like the 60s.

You've got some horrible prejudices in here that I'm going to challenge because I see these preconceived notions about people as why you and they give up.

The things that got them trapped in the ghetto in the first place are forces beyond their control

The thing that has them trapped is their own mind.  There is not a single person that could not walk out of that ghetto today and get help to move up to something better.  There are job assistance programs out there that will help you move up, assuming you blew your first chance in primary school.

But that's the issue, I'm defining "better" in a way they don't.  To them, better is Obama paying their mortgage and free cell phones and that just isn't sustainable.  Who perpetuates the idea that living off freebies from others forever is even categorized as good?

They are not trapped, they are making a choice to take free stuff because we continue to make the free stuff available to them. 

...most damaging factor in all this mess, sending most of the males to prison before they have any chance at becoming a decent MAN.

"Most" males don't go to prison before they become decent men, the number is high at 35% and that includes the entire lifetime of adult males.  They go to prison BECAUSE they fail to become decent men and BECAUSE they break laws.

Assuming there IS a job out there for you, if it's not a fun job,

Where do you have the idea that a job should be fun?  Work is a four letter word and you don't get paid to do what you want to do, you get paid to do what needs to be done.  A job doesn't have to be fun, some of them really suck. 

And there ARE jobs out there.  There are job training programs out there for anyone who wants it.  The trouble I see is that government has made being idle tolerable or even comfortable.  It should never be a tolerable choice, it should be uncomfortable in order to very strongly encourage everyone to work and to gain the self respect of self sufficiency.

Being a famous musician or actor has got to be one of the most high pressure jobs possible

Sorry, but "famous musician" doesn't make anybody's list of most high pressure jobs.  Firefighter, police, military, pilot, LEO, teacher, corporate executive, heck even taxi drivers have more stressful jobs. 

If you have a job that is very meaningful and rewarding, you're less likely to do drugs but if you get your engineering degree and can't find a job other than flipping burgers, and someone enables you by paying your rent and groceries, you escape worrying about your dismal career prospects by doing drugs. 

There are a lot of people with engineering degrees doing drugs rather than flipping burgers?  Here,, 300,000 engineering job in the United States.  If you want to complain that the standards are too high, then complain to businesses, I have the same complaint.  But the jobs are there and it's a matter of marketing yourself correctly to get them.

If you don't like that, then there ARE jobs flipping burgers.  Or driving the garbage truck.  Or even sweeping up the barbershop floor.  Every single person has the ability to contribute something and if they choose not to because they'd rather hang out then I really don't have sympathy for them.

There are lots of places that I place the blame, but one is social promotion in schools.  If a kid hasn't learned what they need to know then passing them to the next grade tells them that knowledge is irrelevant when the exact opposite is true.  I don't care if you get 18 year olds in the 4th grade because they can't master the material.  Set the standard and require that people meet it to advance.  That's the best lesson they can learn in school, achievement matters.

Then take away the free stuff, there is nothing more disrespectful than to suggest to someone that they're worthless and cannot do anything.  Everyone contributes.

Gotta pull rank on you on this one, I interact with more young people than anyone here.  Yeah, connectivity is different, more on screen, less face to face.  But they're still no different than any other generation.  To put in another way:

The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.”

― Socrates

Nonsense, our generation was never like that!

I do disagree.  As far as I can tell, no previous generation would pull out a gun and shoot you for bumping into them at the mall.  Or pull out a gun and shoot their teacher in school for being mouthy...

You know that what I'm saying is the truth.

Just for the record, I pretty much count on what you say to be twisted and to bear only a passing resemblance to reality.  What I do read pretty much gets flushed because I find issues at a deep level and then dismiss everything else as derived from the diseased tree.

But you put a lot of effort into writing it and I encourage that as it keeps you busy.  Keep it up!

I'm not 100% convinced the child would have died, I am convinced there was a significant risk that the child would have been harmed and human > animal.  I'm sorry an animal had to die but because of the chance of an accident, it was the right thing.

I have heard of this happening before where the male gorilla not only chased off the other gorillas, not only stood guard over the child, but eventually gently picked the child up and handed it back to the mother.  Gorillas are not viscous, but they are very strong and cause injury more through an accident or neglect than through intent.

So much for the Laffer Curve.

Do you understand what a Laffer Curve is?  Google that and then explain how it relates to your post please?  Because right now I'm pegging you with another topic (economics) that you're woefully uninformed about and shooting your mouth off on.

Spin Zone / Re: State Department Faults Clinton For Emails
« on: May 31, 2016, 07:14:40 AM »
At best, the doormat failed to properly handle classified material.  If the average guy with a clearance had done what the doormat did, he'd be lucky to avoid jail time.

If an average Joe did this, they would already have been accused, tried, convicted and be in jail.

Prediction - if Obama like's Hillary's VP choice better than Hillary, she will be indicted, tried and convicted sometime between Nov 9th and Jan 20th.  Hard to take office while wearing an orange jumpsuit.

Spin Zone / Re: Does Gary Johnson have a chance?
« on: May 30, 2016, 02:33:49 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: Today's Funny on Free Choice
« on: May 30, 2016, 02:27:34 PM »
You've been profiled.  Mwwwwaahhhhahhhh :)

Just a really good guess based on "Free Choice" and past posting.  I googled free choice funnies and found this which fit.  "was this it" really was a guess.

Spin Zone / Re: Today's Funny on Free Choice
« on: May 29, 2016, 07:57:39 PM »
You linked it off a dropbox account that wasn't public.

I can see Hillary offering Bernie the VP slot to get his voters.

I think not - I have a separate thread where I just posted a prediction - if Obama likes Hillary's VP more then Hillary will get indicted the day after the election and convicted before Jan 20th.  It's much more likely to happen with Sanders as VP.  Obama has not hesitated to use illegal or barely legal means to get what he wants, do you think he would hesitate to use a legal way to put a socialist in the White House?

I first thought of this 3 or 4 days ago and I thought it was crazy.  But the more I think about it, the more rational it becomes.

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