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Messages - bflynn

Pages: 1 ... 305 306 [307] 308 309 ... 321
Spin Zone / Re: Trump Shatters Republican Primary Vote Total
« on: June 10, 2016, 06:15:03 AM »
If Trump is overthrown at the convention, it won't be in favor of Ted Cruz.

I'd like to think that Trump would recognize what is going on around him, but I think the hubris of running for president makes him blind to his actual chances of winning.  The media has started hedging on Donald, after the Republican convention, they will turn on him.  No chance.

You will not see "a spike" because changes like this in economic policy don't produce spikes. Nor are the effects immediate, there is a delay in seeing results of economic changes.

If someone is determined that an economic policy works or doesn't work it is rarely possible to get them to understand that the proper answer is usually "it's pretty complicated" and beyond the law of supply and demand, there isn't one answer that is always right.  However I think the extremely low unemployment rate through the 80s is strong evidence that when people have more money, it eventually finds its way into funding businesses and creating jobs, producing higher revenues.

But then I am biased because I think letting people keep more of their money is better than taking it from them.

Spin Zone / Re: Guess the Presidential Candidate
« on: June 10, 2016, 02:51:24 AM »
Trump won, Cruz was crushed.  You'll have Hillary, Trump or Johnson to vote for or no one. Pick one and move the fuck on.

None of the Above.

They aren't paying "a bit less" they pay a lot less.  They don't have the skills either, they're lying to get hired.  Companies cannot find people to do the work because they have turned preferences into requirements and the only person qualified to be hired is the person who just left the job.  Sometimes that person doesn't even meet all the requirements.

I am not xenophobic either.  But I do think companies should be required to hire an American for a job first, because this is America.  We should not be importing bodies to fill out jobs and then have citizens and legal residents sitting idle.  In addition to all the economic problems it causes, it is disrespectful.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump Shatters Republican Primary Vote Total
« on: June 10, 2016, 02:38:51 AM »
What I see is that 1/3 of the voters in your total would rather vote for someone who isn't running than vote for Trump.  If you included Kasich, that goes over 50% who would rather not vote for Trump, doesn't it?  Yes, Trump is a candidate of the people...

The evil of two lessers indeed.

Spin Zone / Re: Civil Asset Forfeiture in Oklahoma
« on: June 09, 2016, 10:48:11 AM »
That's the idiocy of this whole thing.  Having $20k in savings is (believe it or not) atypical and puts you under suspicion for running an illegal operation.  You're right in the crosshairs of this.

I would be if I carried that ATM card with me.  It's locked in the safe at home.  Of course my Roth is attached to the ATM (non debit) card that I do carry, so I guess I'm just screwed.

The issue is not what credit cards you have.  Credit cards aren't what they're really looking for unless the card carries a (large) positive balance.  They're looking for any card with a large balance, gift cards, etc.  The trouble is they're not really following any law in taking money. 

Spin Zone / Re: Civil Asset Forfeiture in Oklahoma
« on: June 09, 2016, 08:53:56 AM »
"Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should."

Civil forfeiture has been out of control for a long time.  Are they going to stop me, read my ATM card and then say "Mr Flynn, you have $20k in your savings account, so we are seizing it?" 

Yes, it's my SAVINGS account!!!!  I SAVE IN IT!!!!!

Spin Zone / Re: Critical topic of concern
« on: June 09, 2016, 08:46:08 AM »
And has an off switch.

Right.  You can throw it out when you're done with it, it doesn't keep getting in your face and keep running.

Spin Zone / Re: Interesting History lesson
« on: June 08, 2016, 12:57:46 PM »
This from the "most" transparent administration ever...

If LOL means I'm laughing can I use COL if I'm crying?

Spin Zone / Re: The corrupt doormat has enough delegates
« on: June 08, 2016, 12:55:59 PM »
A slight correction - the doormat CLAIMS to have enough delegates.  She is depending on pledged superdelegates who probably are for her but are not required to make a choice until the convention voting.  If something goes off the rails, they still have the opportunity to change and vote for Bernie.

Spin Zone / Re: D-Day, June 6, 1944
« on: June 08, 2016, 12:20:29 PM »
I didn't.  I knew EXACTLY what FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION meant.  It meant the dismantling of traditional American and all that makes America great as Obama views us as a exploitive, empire building, criminal country.  Read his book, "Dreams of my Father".

Many of the Great Bastards of History have books where they wrote exactly what they intended to do.  Nobody bothered to read them, then they were surprised when they go what they got.  Mein Kampf comes to mind most prominently, but there are many others

BTW, both Hillary and Trump have books.  How many have read either?

Spin Zone / Re: French Revolution......
« on: June 06, 2016, 01:30:01 PM »
French 2020

The Laffer Curve can model most anything with respect to tax rates versus government revenues.  The version that was being promoted in the Reagan administration was used to justify lowering taxes by claiming it would reduce the deficit.  It did not.

The reporting I've seen on this, the real numbers on revenue went down while spending went up and of course the deficit rose.  But that is just 3 data points of a very complex financial model.  When adjusted to current year numbers (the analysis I was reading was done in 2005), spending was way up and revenue rose after the tax cut. 

My conclusion is the deficit rise was caused by excessive spending, not by reduced revenue. 

Spin Zone / Re: Wow! 38,000 new jobs!
« on: June 05, 2016, 12:51:36 PM »
Jeez.  Talk about spinning without facts!

You are making up things about what I thought, who I criticized and why with absolutely no idea of my history.

I'm not even going to respond AGAIN, to this.  My recent post said what I meant and you apparently intentionally ignored anything that didn't fit your preconceived idea.

You distrust the spin.  You said that.  What I was trying to explain is that formula is not new and the spin is not new. 

So, have you always distrusted the government or is that new?  Is is because of a preference or dislike of one side or the other?  I presume that if you distrust government spin then it's because of a distrust of the current government. 

You are correct, I do not know your history.  I can't google it on the internet and I don't know you personally.  That's why there are questions in my post.  Are you faulting me for that?

You're never required to respond. 

Spin Zone / Re: had a scary thought
« on: June 05, 2016, 12:45:58 PM »
This is exactly the point behind that question I've asked several times about the way ahead. If Hilary wins, then what? Do we just fall in line behind whomever the candidate in 2020 is, even if it's someone like Trump or Romney or McCain, purely for the sake of stopping Hilary? The work of finding conservatives always seems to be after some other event has happened instead of before.

You won't have to worry about it.  The Republican party is dead, they just haven't stopped moving.

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