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Messages - bflynn

Pages: 1 ... 304 305 [306] 307 308 ... 321
Spin Zone / Re: Fifty killed in gun-free zone
« on: June 13, 2016, 12:12:46 PM »
Are you aware of why he was on the FBI's radar and was interviewed?

I am, but I have to agree that being under investigation or even being accused of something is no grounds for removal of Constitutional rights.  If you can remove 2nd Amendment rights on an accusation, then why not others, say the 5th and 6th?

Oh wait - we've done those already.

But you get the quality you pay for.  H1 visas are limited to 65K a year but the majority of them are "imported" on shorter term visas that have a lower skill level requirement that a H1.

85,000 a year, there are an additional 20,000 for those with a master's degree. 

I never said that companies were smart about who they hired.  If a manager budgeted for 2 million using US labor but can suddenly get it for a million using cheaply imported labor, then if they believe the cheap labor can do the job, they're going to choose the one that makes them look good to their boss.  Now all they need is the delivery, which comes across sloppy, at least in the jobs that I've had to go clean up.

Spin Zone / Re: Fifty killed in gun-free zone
« on: June 12, 2016, 07:31:23 PM »
And you are correct, no version of Christianity calls for the killing of anyone.

No, you are both incorrect.  The Klu Klux Klan identifies as a Christian group, their full name is the "Christian Knights of the Klu Klux Klan".  Their version of Christianity calls for killing certain groups they identify as mortal enemies.  Now, whether YOU consider them Christian or not is not the point.  You can deny it, but when they stand up and declare themselves Christian, all Christians get painted with their brush until we completely denounced them. 

The same thing happens to Muslims except that very few of them deny it.  Muslims all over the world own this violence.  They endorse it as much by their silence as by their celebration.

Spin Zone / Re: Fifty killed in gun-free zone
« on: June 12, 2016, 04:20:17 PM »
Does a reason for shooting 50 people and for committing terrorism on American soil exist? Their religion instructs them to kill. The group identity of their victims is an excuse, not a reason.

By "their religion", I mean the religion of fundamentalist Muslims.

Muslims everywhere endorse this with their silence. I condemn them for that as well.

Spin Zone / Re: Fifty killed in gun-free zone
« on: June 12, 2016, 01:17:41 PM »
OK, fast forward and Obama is no longer president. Whoever that president is, they call things like this out as Islamic Terrorism. How does labeling it help do anything about it other than make many Americans potentially turn against all Muslims living amongst us? Remember, in theory, the new President is supposed to be bound to uphold the Constitution, so what are they supposed to do?

Labeling them makes the rest of the Muslim community own up to their problem.  Their ego makes it unlikely they would accept condemnation from outside the Islamic community.  As long as we refuse to call it Islamic terrorism, we play into their goals because we enable them to have free movement and access to everything in the United States that makes it easier for them to carry out attacks.

If we had never confronted people with the KKK, if we had called them "dissenters" or "workplace violence", would the Klan have ever stopped murdering people and blowing things up?

I regret that so many people were forced to stand like cows in a slaughterhouse rather than being afforded an opportunity defend themselves.

Spin Zone / Re: something that CAN be done about firearms
« on: June 11, 2016, 05:18:41 AM »
It is serious. If someone is alleged to be in a gang, why should that change their Constitutional rights?  Someone alleged to be in a gang has the same right to own a gun as you and I do.  The fact of accusation should change nothing.

Now, if you can prove they committed a crime then an individual is a criminal, but that is different. Plus this was Boston, a bastion of liberal mis-thought. 

Spin Zone / Re: something that CAN be done about firearms
« on: June 10, 2016, 07:07:25 PM »
Legally, nothing. But the gang member is far more likely to be looked at harder (profiled, if you will) than you are.

So?  Are they also far more likely to have their civil rights violated / have a gun illegally taken from them?  In other words, will the police protect them less than they protect me?

Spin Zone / Re: Change of Pace - BrExit...what do you think
« on: June 10, 2016, 07:05:07 PM »
The UK cannot exit a currency they never joined.

Was thinking of Greece, Italy, Spain...

Spin Zone / Re: something that CAN be done about firearms
« on: June 10, 2016, 05:07:54 PM »
What is the diference between an alleged gang member having a gun and me having a gun?  Assuming we are otherwise equal, not felons, etc.  or for that matter, an actual gang member.

Spin Zone / Re: Change of Pace - BrExit...what do you think
« on: June 10, 2016, 05:05:37 PM »
What has the EU been successful at doing? 

Personally, I expect the UK to "leave" in some form because they have a history of independence from Europe.  I am surprised they ever joined in the first place.

There are levels of leaving. A country can exit the currency but keep reciprocal trade and border agreements in place. They could exit the governence and keep border crossings open. Or they could step away entirely and go back to the days of having customs all over.

Spin Zone / Re: Prosecutor Withheld Exculpatory Evidence...
« on: June 10, 2016, 04:59:27 PM »
A prosecutor who fails to turn over any evidence to the defense should no longer be a prosecutor.  They have betrayed a public trust and shown themelves to be untrustworthy.

It is the prosecutor's job to prove a case. If there is evidence that might show innocence then they should not be bringing the case in the first place.

Spin Zone / Re: DNC member thinks nobody should own a gun
« on: June 10, 2016, 04:38:56 PM »
If we go with original intent then you would need to include bigger things. Individuals "bore" private ships and cannon in the Revolution. Why should tanks, artillery and aircraft be excluded today?

Spin Zone / Re: DNC member thinks nobody should own a gun
« on: June 10, 2016, 01:28:59 PM »
The primary reason to carry concealed is because so many people freak out over open carry.

Personally I would be OK with not carrying guns IF we could own any weapon and exercise them regularly in a militia environment. But libs will never agree to relax the ownership provisions so it is a moot point.

Mea Culpa, doing math in my head, the 20% number above is wrong.  But the general idea is right.

I'd mention that what you describe is illegal, but you have retreated to your safe-space where you don't have to trouble yourself with facts, so why bother.

It is not illegal.  Companies like Tata, Cognizant and Infosys do it every day.  Between these three companies, they bring almost 20% of the H1B workers to the US.  They and other companies are gaming the system to not hire Americans in favor of bringing underskilled workers from overseas.

When I say gaming the system, they do recruiting in ways that ensure they do not find qualified candidates at the salaries they want to pay.  The combination of the job requirements + salary ensure no American can afford to take the job.  Then they bring in inexperienced people from India in mass and throw bodies at the problem.

All legal.

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