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Messages - bflynn

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True, but not the entire story.  There are limits on successful application of this idea.  The limitations are not as great as they were 20 years ago, but they are still there; denial doesn't make them go away.

What limits?  You keep suggesting that somehow high school limits children of black (and BTW brown) color, but not white or yellow color skin.  But you can't talk about it.

You run in here, drop a load of crap on the floor and the strut around talking about how hurt you are.  Sorry, I don't buy it.  In the past 30 years I have never heard a black person say that they went to school, paid attention, studied hard, graduated and then say that they can't find a job because all the businesses are racist.  Why?  It doesn't happen.

No, it's called common damn sense.

So if you think you're full of common sense - are the DC schools racist or not?  If not, why are black kids quitting more than white kids?

Spin Zone / Re: Change of Pace - BrExit...what do you think
« on: June 30, 2016, 02:40:44 PM »
And now the Dow closed 1 point ABOVE the Monday opening....

Guess it's all just a memory, huh?

One day you gon' realize that IF Black people all in solidarity one day just said "Fuck it!" that America wouldn't be able to hold up her panties anymore and we could force the economic tables to turn - because that's really what its been all about, use and control of resources.

That's f***ing racist.

Spin Zone / Re: Limits
« on: June 30, 2016, 02:33:57 PM »
Are you being facetious?

Choosing to wear no-show socks or eat vegan is a lifestyle choice. Making America white again is not a lifestyle choice. And no one is arguing that he doesn't have the right to declare his beliefs and be proud of them, but he certainly is in control of who he is.

I am absolutely not being facetious, I'm being liberal, with a lower case "L".  Or libertarian if you prefer.  I'm promoting freedom.

if you want to argue the semantics of whether "lifestyle" is the correct word or not, I'm not interested. 

I doubt very strongly that anyone could have just looked at your father and known right off that he was Irish.  No doubt the brogue gave him away.  His kids probably didn't have it and could pass for whatever.  Those of African ethnicity didn't exactly have that advantage.

Yes, it didn't happen when they looked at him, it happened when he spoke.  My grandfather still had a touch of it and my grandmother  sometimes slipped into polish.  My father was born in New Jersey and had a different accent and a different kind of bias when he went to school in Greenville, SC. 

Go discover how redistricting works and let's talk.  It's racism under the cover of economic redistribution, cloaked in the shield of resource reallocation.

Dude I'm from North Carolina.  I'm very aware of how redistricting works.  It's one of the reasons I took my son out of the failing public schools, because they changed our district 4 times in 3 years.  We're also the land of gerrymandered congressional districts, take a look at the 12th congressional district in NC and remember that this is the "better", redrawn map.  It's that way to ensure a black representative.

Do you really think that white people achieve more on strictly merit? 

I think they have done it on effort.  At least it worked for my family. 

Why do you think black in DC are dropping out of school?  Are the schools racist against them?

My people have been working since we got here in 1555.  So don't give me that crap!

What crap?  The crap that I wasn't here, my family had issues too and we've beat them by applying effort and not getting hung up in victimhood and defeatism?  If you consider effort and work crap then I have a lower opinion of you.

I'm for us not hearing more complaints and start hearing recommendations for solutions.

Poverty and income differences between black families and white families?  How about comparing that to HS and college graduations?  More white people attend and graduate HS and college, so you would expect college graduates to make more money.

WHY do more white people graduate HS and college? Now you're getting somewhere.  DC is one of the worst where 86% of white students graduate high school but only 58% of black students do.  Are DC schools institutionally racist or are black students dropping out of school?  Where does the fault lie?

I also think that when white people experience racism, we write it off.  Black people write it down.  Yes, I live in the south and when I'm out I experience racism pretty much daily in some form.

But I don't really care.  My family has only been here about 100 years and we've dealt with our own racism.  Nobody would hire my great-grandfather, the Mick, so he opened his own business, a bar and worked his way up.  My grandfather worked that bar his whole life and pretty much went from working there to dying in the hospital from cancer.  My grandmother was from polish mine workers, slaves to the company store - it's not just a song, it's family history.  I was only the third fourth in my family to go to college and the first to go to graduate school. 

How did we do it - work.  It's four letter word.

You're OK with people not having planes and tanks because they're too expensive, right?  The expense effectively bans them.

Spin Zone / Re: Appearance of Impropriety
« on: June 30, 2016, 12:16:45 PM »
The role of the Attorney General is the top law enforcement officer of the United States. The White House Counsel's office is the President's lawyer:

There is a difference.

And the White House Counsel is not even the president's lawyer.  There is no attorney client privilege there either, the counsel is an advisor on legal matters. 

Your ideology has clouded any chance for you to realize what is actually happening.  that I'm actually right


Core problem.  Left and Right.

I'm not in favor of anyone losing their rights without due process.

I'm not in favor of terrorists or those who are mentally ill of having weapons but that must first be adjudicated by the proper authority, which is a court.

I'm not trying to twist this - can you see my confusion?  You state once "not in favor of anyone losing their rights", but then "not in favor of terrorists...having weapons".   

I get the due process part of what you say, but I even said there was a due process part and you still disagreed.  So you ARE in favor of terrorists and others losing their rights when declared by a court.  I propose that the militia clause of the Constitution is the constitutional way to do that.  Of course there has to be due process involved. 

You disagree on what is essentially agreement, so it just comes across to me as you wanting to disagree. 

outside of a select few people in the U.S., who can actually afford that? It's also not something a single person can use.

If we put a $19,000 tax on ARs and raise the price of to $20,000, you'd be ok with effectively banning them?  Because outside a select few, who can afford that?

My answer is that sniper rifles, tanks, airplanes ships and nuclear weapons are strategic, they are political weapons.  There are political consequences to their use.  War is diplomacy continued by other means, a private citizen is not authorized to conduct diplomacy.

Spin Zone / Re: Another Clinton Scandal off the table
« on: June 30, 2016, 07:37:31 AM »
The dream scenario is that both of then get indicted, withdraw and we all get do-overs at the convention.

So is Donald actively begging money from MPs or is it possible that someone's email address was on a mass emailing by accident?  I don't think I'd make the jump to felony right now when stupidity works.

Where did I say anything about terrorists or mentally ill?
I'm not in favor of anyone losing their rights without due process.

You're not in favor of anyone, including terrorist and the mentally ill, losing their gun rights without due process.  You understand how I make the leap to you supporting terrorists and the mentally ill having guns, right? 

And yes, I am a little caught up on the militia since it's keenly intertwined with the 2nd Amendment.  If you want to say it's an absolute then should anyone be able to have a .50 sniper rifle?  Tank?  Nuclear hand grenade?  B2?  SR-71?

I have answers for these but I'd like to hear yours.

No, they shouldn't. If someone is so enraged and determined to hurt someone in the home then they'll find a way to do it regardless if there's a weapon accessible. Being arrested is not due process, either.

So in addition to being in favor of terrorists and the mentally ill having guns, you're also in favor of accused spousal abusers having guns.

Please don't tell anyone else that.

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