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Messages - bflynn

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The British army was all over the colonies. Why did the colonists need militias? 

Oh, because the British army was the domestic enemy.   ... Being necessary to the security of a FREE state.

Here is how I rationalize it. Imagine your sworn enemy was in charge of the government for good. Do YOU want to have weapons that give you a chance to change that?  Or are you willing to suffer under their rule with no hope of change?  Even if you are not willing to fight for a free state, would you force others who are willing to fight to suffer instead?

The issue is not guns, it is people. Morality used to hold people back from violence. Where did morality go?

Spin Zone / Re: The only viable answer to gun crime
« on: July 06, 2016, 01:20:48 PM »
define "assault weapon"

A mythical weapon that the American public does not own. 

But I'm still not clear how anyone could get rid of guns when they don't know who has them, how many they have or where they are kept. 

Spin Zone / Re: The only viable answer to gun crime
« on: July 06, 2016, 11:53:55 AM »
Just like with drunk driving, the only viable way to prevent gun crimes is to completely eliminate guns.

There are somewhere between 275 and 350 million guns in the United States.  How could you eliminate all of them?  Given that you can get around that pesky 2nd Amendment thing?

Spin Zone / Re: The "Do" and "Not Do" about racism
« on: July 05, 2016, 07:04:48 PM »
Piggybacking here - did you guys hear about the 32 young black men killied on Monday in Illinois?  It wasn't ISIS or terrorism or cops shooting suspects. It was just young black men shooting other young black men on Independence Day. 

Where is the outrage?  The protests?  The hand wringing?  Nobody did this but the people involved.

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary Clinton Set To Be Interviewed by FBI
« on: July 05, 2016, 11:32:22 AM »
I'm thinking Bergdahl and Nishimura might have a 14th Amendment case here...they essentially did the same thing that Hillary did but she goes free and they get punishments.  How is that equal treatment?

The only "term limit" I support would be the "No Running For Office While You Hold Office"

I didn't say anything about term limits. 

The problem I see comes from political gerrymandering of congressional districts.  That means the race for most of the House seats are almost always decided in the primary of the dominant party for that district.  For example, the NC-4th where I used to live holds a D+20 rating on the Cook Partisan index.  Whoever gets nominated out of the Democrat primary will get elected in the general election.  Therefore, the candidate who wins will not be a centrist, they will be the one that is most appealing to Democrat primary voters.  Primary voters tend to be the most dedicated and the most radical, so they will elect someone they like - equally radical and dedicated.  Not to leave out Republicans, but the same thing happens on their side too, 10 of the 13 NC districts are solid Republican, the other 3 are even more solidly Democrat.  Out of 435 races for Congress, only about 50 can be called "competitive" and only about 20 of those are really toss ups.  The balance of power in the House was set by the Census and by the State legislatures, not by people's voting.

Therefore, you get fanatics in Congress, people who have no idea how to set aside one thing they want to get another thing they want more, such as a trade off of acknowledging the right of the States to arm their militias with ARs in exchange for tightening the controls on ho wand by whom the weapons can be purchased.  Or from the right's perspective, securing the right to own ARs in exchange for taking them away from terrorists and the mentally ill.

If I were the sole person in charge of it, I would require that every district in each state be politically balanced to within 1% except the last one.  But I'm not and I don't see that idea being agreed to by the people who draw the congressional districts. 

Spin Zone / Re: Copy of GOP Convention Program Leaked
« on: July 05, 2016, 09:35:37 AM »

The Onion has a really tough go of it lately.  Hard to parody current events.

Yeah.  They've had a hard time lately competing with the real news.  What used to be absurd and satire is now actually true. 

Spin Zone / Re: What a Lady
« on: July 03, 2016, 11:57:51 AM »
What I meant is that when you look at the number of thing Hillary has been accused of - and the list runs for several pages - the right wing isn't big enough or sophisticated enough to have conspired to do all that.

Besides, if they did, there were more important people they would have targeted.  Until recently Hillary was not important enough to have warranted all the effort the right wing supposedly exerted against her.

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary Clinton Set To Be Interviewed by FBI
« on: July 03, 2016, 01:10:45 AM »
The insider information is saying there will be no indictment.

What, are you surprised?  Obama's justice department was never going to indict Hillary as long as it benefited Obama.

Spin Zone / Re: What a Lady
« on: July 02, 2016, 03:09:02 PM »
Vast right wing conspiracy.

The right wing isn't that vast.


Still waiting smart guy.  You are still just pointing at whites and saying "their fault". 

All you're convincing me of is that you just want to play victim.  We commonly condone lynching, castrating and burning people...right?  At least I do, do you? 

So to me, it's apparent that the problem is yours to solve at this point.  You don't get to have a toxic culture and then blame outsiders for that culture. 

Spin Zone / Re: What a Lady
« on: July 02, 2016, 01:47:29 AM »
old news.

And somehow still and perhaps more relevant.

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary Clinton Set To Be Interviewed by FBI
« on: July 02, 2016, 01:44:45 AM »
They're interviewing Hillary.  Are they interviewing Lynch as well?  Seems to me that her little stunt of making contact with the target of an FBI investigation places her into the realm of interesting parties....

Remember the meaning of the term "Clintonian" - a technical truth used for the purpose of evasion.  But Hillary isn't nearly as good at it as Bill was.

Very disappointing.  He touted himself as a true conservative, and turned out to be Obama's bitch.

I tend to think that Ryan is not so much Obama's bitch as he is in an impossible position.  He had to try to ride herd on a large group of fanatics who don't all agree on what they're fanatics about.  None of them want to compromise, all of them look for reasons to disagree and nobody knows the art of compromising.  At the core, that is why Congress is deadlocked.  It isn't Republicans, it isn't Democrats, it isn't liberals, conservative or progressives, it's all of them. 

The solution is get all the fanatics out of Congress, including the one you agree with.

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