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Messages - Gary

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Spin Zone / Re: Can you imagine if Trump were a Democrat
« on: July 22, 2017, 01:29:58 PM »
I'm actually all for that. I want a competitive third party so badly. Unfortunately, I'm pessimistic that the current structure even makes that possible.

Would love to see a viable third party.  The fireworks would be something to behold!  If you believe that the Republicans and Democrats go at each other with gusto, just wait to see how they would unite against a third party!!

Spin Zone / Re: Why Government Can't Fix Healthcare
« on: July 22, 2017, 01:27:31 PM »
Give us the House and we will fix it.
We gave them the House, they did not fix it.
Give us the Senate and we will fix it
We gave them the Senate, and they did not fix it.
Give us the White House and we will fix it.
We gave them the White House, and they still cannot fix it.

7 fucking years later, 7 years of promises, 7 years of show-votes, and they now admit they don't have a workable approach that they can pull themselves together for, let alone get a few vulnerable Dem's to support.

Understand your frustration.  "Repeal and Replace" was an effective campaign slogan, unfortunately, up to a few months ago, anyone using the slogan had no idea what it meant or how to implement it.  The AHCA and the BHCA were secretly devised by a small group of people with zero input from anyone actually involved in health care, so we ended up with "replacement" programs worse that the original ACA.  I'm glad a few Senators had the gumption to realize that they weren't good bills that actually improved things.  During the last few months, never seen a person stand up and truly explain why the new bills were better.  President Obama did a much better job of understanding the ACA and going out there and publicly providing support.  President Trump was incapable of either.

All that being said, the ACA, AHCA and the BHCA are doomed to failure as they all share a fatal flaw, none address the basic problem of how we deliver health care and the cost of doing so.  That's a tough one, since reducing heath care costs means some very politically powerful organizations will see a reduction in profit.

That is sad news.  Wish him the best and a complete recovery.  From what I have read of that form of cancer, the future may not be so bright.

Spin Zone / Re: Food Stamp Use Falls to Lowest Level in Seven Years
« on: July 22, 2017, 12:59:45 PM »
The problem with all of you - conservatives and liberals - not wanting able bodied people to live on the dole is being able bodied does not necessarily mean a job is available.

Yep, good point!

Bring manufacturing back to the inner cities and to rural small towns.

In an ideal world, that would be a good solution.  Not so easy in the real world.

Get rid of regulations on small businesses. Get rid of regulations on big businesses.  Get rid of taxes on all businesses.

Hmmm... simplifying regulation, particularly on small business would be a good thing, actually one of the items I'm in agreement with the President, has made some measurable progress on that.  Simplify the tax code - big issue there for me.  It is a nightmare and would help both jobs and the economy.  Can't say eliminating taxes on all business is a good idea however.

Stop incarcerating people for non violent offenses.

Excellent idea!!!

Spin Zone / Re: Voter Fraud Database Tops 1,000 Proven Cases
« on: July 22, 2017, 12:53:00 PM »
Democrats want illegals and convicted felons to vote because they usually tend to vote for the democratic candidate. Look at Virginia re-instating voting rights for a bunch of felons last year, for example.

Certainly some people have that opinion.  Never seen any official Democratic position that states that, nor any court cases when that was shown to be a fact.  Conversely, it isn't all that hard to find court cases where it was shown that voter ID laws did indeed have the intent of disallowing otherwise valid voters from casting their vote.

Spin Zone / Re: Voter Fraud Database Tops 1,000 Proven Cases
« on: July 22, 2017, 12:44:53 PM »
I haven't been through the whole database yet, but I've combed through some of it.

Me neither, but did get some time to browse.

first thought was: only 1,000 cases? What is that, 0.0007% of the 2016 votes cast? But looking through the database, this isn't focused on the 2016 election. I see cases all the way back to 2000. It's also not fully centered on presidential elections or vote fraud. I see a case involving signatures on initiative petitions, which do not appear to be election-related or voter fraud related. It's also clear that absentee ballot fraud is one of the largest opportunities for fraud.

Yes covers a pretty large time frame and literally hundreds of millions of votes cast.  Since they lump together a whole bunch of issues and call it all "voter fraud" it doesn't support their position all that well. Agree that mis-registration and absentee ballots are the preponderance of "voter fraud".  Of course, voter ID will do nothing to solve that.

The article also makes a silly comment wondering whether the voter rolls are a mess, and says the commission will look into it. Uh, yeah, they're garbage, because we have an antiquated and disjointed registration system.

Saw that as well.  Rather sloppy on the part of the Heritage Foundation.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump Criticizes Sessions
« on: July 22, 2017, 12:36:59 PM »
No idea why the President would throw Sect'y Sessions under the bus.  Although I disagree with many of his positions, everything I've read about him seems to indicate that he is a principled and honest guy.  But, then again, that behavior is true to form from The Donald's old days.  You are either completely with him or completely against him.

Gotta admit, the President does have a talent for making enemies that he doesn't need to.  Bit by bit, I see support eroding.

I agree that elections are state affairs.  But if the results of those elections are going to be used to elect the President of the United States, then the people of the United States (should) have the right to know that those elections are fair and legal.  Verifying that all voters are eligible to vote (according to their states rules) should be a partisan, or states rights issue.

edit:  I meant to say "shouldn't be partisan..."

Fair enough.  I do support the investigation.  As mentioned, elections are state affairs.  If a state has it's own rules on what information is public knowledge, they should release that information in accordance with their own laws.

Spin Zone / Re: Thoughts on health care in the US.
« on: June 28, 2017, 03:11:42 PM »
I'm almost centrist enough to almost somewhat, partially agree with that.

Appreciate your support... sort of..  ;D

The problem is that Democrats use that as an excuse to lavish people with free stuff with little means testing and support.  If you want to provide a safety net for the "truly needy", you need to draw a very firm line as to who qualifies, and for how long, and then enforce it.  If you merely make benefits available to the truly needy, then everyone that doesn't own an airplane (and some that do) will make a case that they are truly needy.  Personally, I NEED an air conditioner in the Bonanza.

I believe you have hit on an important point, enforcement.  When legislation is passed, it it usually kinda vague and almost a "one size fits all".  See this all the time on the environmental side.  Leaves a lot of open issues and a lack of clarity.  Those government agencies that have to enforce those laws generally write up their own regulation and guidance documents to implement the law.  Often those regulations and guidance documents are equally vague.  IMHO, that is why we see so many appeals to the courts for clarification.

This is particularly true when I look at the major causes of fraud, whether it be Medicaid, Medicare or SNAP.  It isn't some single Mom trying to squeeze a few extra bucks, the big multi-million cases are a group of people deliberately scamming the system.  Do wish we had better enforcement.

BTW - do agree that you need AC in a Bonanza on a hot sunny day.

Spin Zone / Re: Thoughts on health care in the US.
« on: June 28, 2017, 02:49:11 PM »
Let them suffer the consequences of their choices.  It's not just advice, it's a real-world, fixed equation for success or failure; its results can be seen just by looking around.

We have to come to the point where we're willing to stop subsidizing bad choices, even if we must let several million people suffer for a time now so that countless millions will NOT suffer later.

Believe that Marie Antoinette had similar beliefs.  ;)

In my mind, it is a grey area where the government should draw the line between subsidizing those that are truly in need verses those in need through their own poor decisions.   Personally I'd rather err on the side of some getting aid they may not deserve while not penalizing those that truly need it.  Where that line is drawn is admittantly difficult.

Spin Zone / Re: Thoughts on health care in the US.
« on: June 28, 2017, 02:42:15 PM »
I take issue with that. It's just a premise, likely flawed, to justify why abortions are acceptable. That means that, at the federal level, everyone who is against abortions not only has to accept it, but has to accept that their tax dollars are being used to fund it. I understand there are laws on the books that say it's illegal, but that doesn't mean it's not happening anyway.

That argument is easily turned around.  Why should those that oppose abortions set the law of the land when many believe otherwise?  A major point in a lot of these posts is that the Federal government is paying for discretionary abortions.  As you mention, that is illegal.  I'd be happy to change my opinion, should be easy to find examples of Federally funded discretionary abortions.

I've posted this before, but according to the liberal Brookings Institution, there are three simple rules that, if followed, will significantly reduce your chances at living in poverty. I would suggest that these three are probably better than providing a means to legal abortions (at the federal level) and trying to justify that it's a good way to reduce crime and poverty.

1. Graduate high school
2. Get a full time job
3. Don't have kids until you're married

That's it. Pretty simple.

Those are good rules. 

Spin Zone / Re: Cancel Recess and Get To Work
« on: June 27, 2017, 06:30:00 PM »
Dems love to keep saying that, as if it removes the stigma from the fact that they were the ones that set the precedent.  The Republicans would be idiots to stand back and play by some erroneous sense of fairness while the Democrats used every trick in the book.  If the Dems don't think it is right, they should never had opened the door.

Reconciliation was most certainly not invented by the Dems to pass ObamaCare.  It's all about votes, at the time the Dems had them, the Reps didn't.  Now the situation is reversed.  Both sides use what ever trick in the book exists to pass their agenda, neither side are snow-white innocents.

Spin Zone / Re: Cancel Recess and Get To Work
« on: June 27, 2017, 06:01:14 PM »
No, I'm not. I thought I was pretty clear about that.

If you did, I missed it, my error.

Funny, the right said the same thing when the Democrats were ramming Obamacare through and they didn't seem to care. Now all of a sudden it's a big deal because it's a significant portion of the economy and will affect millions of people.

That was a surprising response.  I'm sure your ability to look up the history of ObamaCare is equal to mine.  Very different process.  Yes, the Dems used reconciliation at the end.  The Reps howled, yet are perfectly happy to use the same process when it suits their purposes.

Spin Zone / Re: Antifas are at it again, now it is Gettysburg
« on: June 27, 2017, 05:31:03 PM »

Gettysburg is one of my favorite places.  Just so much history there, and maybe a few ghosts running around.  It is a beautiful place that when not crowded is very tranquil.  If these Antifa types burn flags, and desecrate graves like the say they are going to they are in for a rude awakening.

I'm with you on this.  If the protesters want to march - have at it.  Desecrating graves, lock them up.

Spin Zone / Re: Thoughts on health care in the US.
« on: June 27, 2017, 05:27:05 PM »
Yes, I know this a straw man argument, but I'll respond anyway.  Most of the problem a lot of us have with abortion other than it being akin to murder is that it is often funded by our tax dollars.

Why is that a straw man argument?  The decision to have an elective abortion is very personal, emotional and most certainly involves a doctor.

As far as Federal dollars going to elective abortions, those doing so are breaking the law. 

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