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Messages - elwood blues

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Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: December 21, 2021, 11:20:09 AM »
Well, that does seem to be his shtick:  nice guy, does a lot of good, but online a bit of a blowhard (à la Steingar:  I'm right you're wrong, I'm smart you're dumb) and his skin is so thin, it's transparent.

Spin Zone / Re: Where We Are Headed....
« on: December 20, 2021, 09:03:26 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: EO to Nullify the Constitution
« on: December 10, 2021, 10:28:59 PM »
Good grief people -- that's a coup d'état.  There are only two outcomes from an attempted coup:  one is either successful and the person becomes a dictator (and there is no constitution), or the coup fails and the person is executed (and the vice-president assumes control).  There is no provision for the military to assume control.

Spin Zone / Re: Rittenhouse shoots Dirtbags
« on: November 20, 2021, 11:55:11 AM »
"Terrorism doesn't work if the people aren't terrorized."

This sums up the Rittenhouse prosecution.  The Democrat Communist, who have a long history of supporting and operating hate groups such as the KKK, BLM and ANTIFA know that their tactics are useless against a population who can fight back legally.   This is why they were so rabid in trying to get this kid put away for life, to show everyone else "If you try to prevent us from using terrorism we will through you in the gulag as well".

Communist love show trials, history has shown this time and time again.  They (DC's) were hoping to make this a show trial.  They became very perturbed they didn't have one of their hand picked leftist judges appointed to overlook the absolute stupidity put on by the prosecution.   They were also incensed that they weren't allowed to bully the judge and jury into taking orders from them.

This trial is a huge setback for the DC's and their terrorist network.

That's Tucker Carlson's take as well, and the reason the left is going insane.

Spin Zone / Re: Gas Prices Going Up? Here's a Solution
« on: November 18, 2021, 07:22:42 PM »
Xiden's not mulling, thinking, or doing anything.  We need to find out who is behind the curtain and kill them.

Spin Zone / They're not coming for your guns ....
« on: November 11, 2021, 10:28:03 AM »


Milius warned conservatives against embracing left-wing comedian Dave Chappelle on a political level. Political desperation among conservatives for celebrities to resist “woke” ideology leads them to clutch at figures like Chappelle, she said.

“[When I saw] conservatives flocking to [Dave Chapelle], I had a weird feeling,” she recalled. “I had a funny feeling about it. I didn’t really like it after having seen [his] special, and I’m a big fan of his. I say this as somebody who is a big fan of his comedy. I actually love all his stuff; however, conservatives are so excited to have any celebrity on their side that they’re like, ‘I believe in this entire thing wholeheartedly, and he needs my support.'”

She concluded, “The entire special is about how he hates white people. It’s literally him pleading with the woke audience not to cancel him. The whole special is about his fixation on being careful for the LGBT stuff, so it’s not exactly the savior of conservative values. … We just get so excited over somebody who’s doing something kind of sane. …He’s not on our side. He hates Trump voters. He hates Republicans, [and] pretty much says he hates white people.”

Spin Zone / Re: Bare shelves Biden
« on: November 04, 2021, 10:30:06 AM »
What I want to know is [how] are these people not working paying their bills?

We all know how.

Spin Zone / Re: VA Governor Race
« on: November 03, 2021, 08:03:02 PM »
Several reasons:

Yes, but the thing you're overlooking is that Trump didn't lose the election.

Spin Zone / Re: Fed gov under Biden/Dems witch hunt
« on: October 30, 2021, 09:03:17 AM »
We no longer live in a free society with free speech and thought.

From We The People

While Americans of all parties were asleep at the wheel the liberals and progressives instituted socialism in this country.  Yes, socialism is here and they are now in the process of implementing communism.  Have you not noticed that the socialist politicians don’t even bother to legislate new laws or change existing laws?  Federal law legislated by Congress defines legal and illegal immigration yet they have ignored and broken those laws allowing an uncontrolled flow of illegal immigrants into this country.  They allow and even support far left groups to attack and even lame and murder individuals and destroy businesses and federal buildings while directing law enforcement and the judicial system toward groups that don’t meet their socialist agendas.  They even turn the injustice toward parents and label them as domestic terrorists when the parents threaten the control the socialist have managed to inflict upon our children.
Why don’t they just change the laws via legislation?  There are several reasons?  The first is that these laws may be useful for them later but the biggest reason is they don’t need to.  Using their wealth and platforms of social reform, the oligarchs have managed to fracture our system of checks and balances creating control and an imbalance of power.  This has occurred behind the scenes at the local, state, and federal levels.  These oligarchs are both domestic and global and manage to pull the strings of the puppets they have installed at the local, state, and federal levels.  These are elected and non-elected officials, politicians, and bureaucrats.  From city councils and school boards to AG’s, judges, Secretaries of State as well as federal and state agencies and the military.  The other necessary piece they also control is the media.  The state and federal politicians and bureaucrats are the folks that ensure the socialist agendas, policies, and ideologies are enforced.  Meanwhile the cronies of the media twists the corruption into tasty marcels to spoon feed or, like their legislative and executive comrades, cover it up or ignore it.  In addition, there are thousands of Chinese nationals in our educational systems, institutions, research labs, and corporations. Every Chinese citizen is expected to be loyal to the communist party with an emphasis of infiltrating our state and federal governments, institutions, and universities in order to destroy our form of government, steal intellectual property, and spread the ideologies of communism.  The Chinese government provides large sums of money to these universities and institutions to gain influence and have been successful for years in pushing socialistic policies and teachings. 
Socialism can only exists through suppression.  New laws, social programs, and socialist policies are now hidden within large funding bills and budget plans making it difficult for the public to recognize the socialist agendas within the legislation.  The socialist propaganda wings would never expose what lies within the legislation.  When it is exposed by real journalists the socialist media and politicians go into overdrive to convince us the journalist are liars and conspiracy theorists and they add those journalists to their lengthy blacklist for censorship.  The socialist feel strongly that they have the public under their control.  So how do they maintain control and how do they move on to the next step of communism?
The answer is to occupy the population with constant manipulation, drama, division, and chaos.  It keeps us from organizing and reduces our ability to recognize the true agenda.  Divide and conquer.  In the meantime they are destroying the framework of our democracy.  Controlling the adults is not enough to move into and maintain the next stage.  The children must be groomed.  That is why they have placed their leftist comrades in positions of control and in teaching roles in the school systems.  They establish and teach their socialist curriculums with an intent to mold the students into their ideologies.  Once they have the children they now have the entire population and the control of future generations.  They hope to maintain this control by hiding their agenda from the parents just as they have hidden the domestic agenda from the population.
We have allowed them to manipulate us while they implemented a new form of government without the need to fire a shot.  Yes, socialism is here and communism is on its’ way.  It is implemented and controlled by a small group in strategic places.  We can ignore it and go back to sleep or we can decide to pay attention and take our government back.  Back to the people where it belongs.  The majority of Americans, regardless of political affiliation, do not desire socialism or communism but far too many are still asleep at the wheel.  The socialist are not going to give back this power easily but those Americans who have awakened to the reality are not going to allow them to keep it.

Spin Zone / Re: Kristi Noem and Rick DeSantis ticket?
« on: October 29, 2021, 12:09:28 PM »
  She reeks of establishment.   I don't trust her.


Nope. The only fact we know is that a homicide was committed. That’s it. “Homicide” is not synonymous with murder or manslaughter. It simply means someone killed another person. It includes killings that are purely accidental with no criminal negligence, no lack of due caution or circumspection. We don’t know what, if anything, unlawful, he is guilty of.

That more correctly describes Brian Laundrie.  The difference between Laundrie and Baldwin is that we KNOW that Baldwin pulled the trigger.

Spin Zone / Re: Why I’m not getting the vaccine
« on: October 26, 2021, 08:00:20 PM »
CDC says 166, still a very small number

Do you trust the CDC to tell you the truth?  I'll bet they had to stretch to get the number that high.

Spin Zone / What They Think of Us
« on: October 22, 2021, 05:43:53 PM »
A little more insight into how the Xiden Administration and the "elites" view the electorate.

Spin Zone / Re: Is Manchin Going to Leave the Denmocratic party
« on: October 20, 2021, 08:28:37 PM »
Apparently he's been asked and his response was Bull Shit

That tells me he's thinking about it.

He could declare Independent and Caucus with the Republicans

I think that's his plan.

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