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Messages - Dav8or

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Spin Zone / Re: who predicted this?
« on: August 09, 2016, 07:58:25 AM »
hmmmm, the corrupt doormat is a lawyer.

the donald is....?  many things, but is the donald a lawyer?


No, Donald is a guy who loves lawyers and loves to sue people, so he is no champion for tort reform because he is the exact type of person that loves to bring frivolous lawsuits.

Spin Zone / Re: who predicted this?
« on: August 09, 2016, 06:56:40 AM »
Tragically, we are a nation with way too many lawyers. They are hungry for work and there is always some person willing to argue the bizarre case and try their hand at the litigious lotto and possibly make some money and get a reputation for winning idiot cases. Tort reform in this country is long, long over due, but as long as the country is run by lawyers, it will never, ever happen.

Spin Zone / Re: Massachusetts Gun Ban?
« on: August 08, 2016, 09:51:29 PM »
My gun club, and all the other gun clubs in the area are closed to new members due to overwhelming demand for memberships.  There are waiting lines at public ranges to get on a lane to shoot.  Many of the shooters are now women, and first time gun owners.  Demand for guns, and ammo has skyrocketed.  CCW permit applications have increased exponentially.  So I don't understand what you mean by "positive relationship"?  I see all these facts as positive.   

That's great! It is certainly not like that here. Ranges are now far and few and gun stores even worse. I have to say that I don't know if target shooting participation stats are actually tracked by anybody, but hunting is and it has been in decline. So much so that states that depend on hunting licenses for revenue are hurting.

The concealed carry permit movement has been a real shot in the arm for sure, but I question how many true firearms enthusiasts and more importantly, how many solid 2nd Amendment supporters have been created? The problem has always been to get all gun owners to support the 2nd Amendment. It has been demonstrated again and again that a large number of America's gun owners (many who are Democrats) really don't care much about gun regulations and bans as long as it doesn't effect them, or the guns they own.

Lots of hunters and collectors really don't give a damn about the "ugly black guns", or the latest plastic pistol. So when there are proposed regulations against "assault weapons" or "high capacity magazines" they really don't care, or actually agree with the "common sense" regulation and not see in the trap before them. I fear many, if not most of the new CCP holders are in this group as carrying a gun is a novelty and almost none of them will use those those guns for protection.

Spin Zone / Re: What the Republicans should do at this point. (IMO)
« on: August 08, 2016, 03:58:58 PM »
Well, he did work at Goldman Sachs for awhile...

That's OK. Lots of good people work at bad companies and tons of bad people work at good companies. If he owned Goldman Sachs, or was the CEO or something, I might think less of him then.

Spin Zone / Re: What the Republicans should do at this point. (IMO)
« on: August 08, 2016, 12:07:44 PM »
There's someone who is entering the race for president, though I think it's probably too late at this point:

He's going to run into a host of issues, not the least of which will be getting onto the ballot and name recognition. I didn't know who this guy was until I looked him up. I haven't read much about him yet, either.

OK! Great! Go Evan! I looked up as much as I could on the net on him and so far I see nothing I don't like.

Spin Zone / Re: Declassified: No Justification for Iraq Invasion
« on: August 08, 2016, 10:13:46 AM »
No country is perfect, and yes, please provide examples of America causing unjust misery in the world.

Seriously?!?! You can't think of any?? Close your eyes and imagine all the history of the USofA here and abroad. Then think of how all the folks that weren't of white European descent might have felt about our actions.

It is what it is. In history there are always winners and losers. People rise up and others get crushed down. That's how it has always been. No need for reparations and apologies, but we shouldn't gloss over our history and sweep it under the rug either. 

Spin Zone / Re: Declassified: No Justification for Iraq Invasion
« on: August 08, 2016, 09:58:26 AM »
Like what?

Oh, please! Get an grade school history book and have a read. Don't just look at the pictures.  ::)

Spin Zone / What the Republicans should do at this point. (IMO)
« on: August 07, 2016, 09:26:29 PM »
They should admit they have lost the White House this time around to themselves. It is unlikely Trump will win, but even if he does by some fluke, they need to distance themselves from him. At this point they should spend all their time, money and effort on winning as many of the down ticket elections as possible. The country will need them those senators and representatives to put the brakes on Hillary's plans and should the nut job Trump win, they need to keep him in check too although the Democrats will likely have that covered.

Basically the Republicans need to ignore him and let him do his own thing while they work on the important work. They need to deflect attention away from Trump and towards the more sane part of the party. They need to lay plans for 2020 and hope they will be around by then.

Spin Zone / Re: He's not going into Ukraine
« on: August 07, 2016, 08:57:12 PM »
Laughed when I saw this earlier....

Laugh, but it could be just as true as Hillary having seizures. There is definitely something not right in the head with Trump as well.

Spin Zone / Re: Declassified: No Justification for Iraq Invasion
« on: August 07, 2016, 06:22:45 PM »
Always blame, and hate America first.  The liberal/progressives since the 60's have always bitten the hand that feeds them unnecessarily.  We have done much more good than harm around the world, including the Middle East.  The M.E. has been a HELL HOLE well before we were involved.

Have you ever, for one second even, consider that maybe, just maybe America is to blame for some of the misery in the world??? If you care to look, the evidence is there. Of course you can always dismiss it as left wing fabrications and lies by enemies of our country if it makes you sleep better at night.

America has done a lot of good in the world and they have done some bad. Not uncommon for countries, particularly powerful countries that have the most control. The Romans did a lot of good and did a lot of bad. The British did a lot of good and did a lot of bad. We are no different than those before us.

Holes in revenue or in spending?

In this case I meant revenues, but there are holes in both for sure. Basically, IMO the practical solution to balancing the budget is to cut back, but not eliminate both discretionary and mandated spending and reduce the amount of tax deductions, rebates and credits. This is something everybody can live with both on the left and the right.

Is this meaningful ,accurate or hogwash?

Interesting break down. Thanks for sharing. The only real surprising thing to me was the amount tax deductions allowed was greater than all of the discretionary spending combined. It seems to me there many holes that need to be plugged.

Spin Zone / Re: Massachusetts Gun Ban?
« on: August 07, 2016, 12:25:49 PM »
Hunting is alive and well as is recreational shooting. More and more people are stepping into the world of legal and responsible gun ownership.

Sure, if you say so. I guess there won't be any trouble at all with all this anti gun legislation. Surely all these new owners will step up and call their representatives and vote pro 2nd Amendment, right?? All should be well then. Nothing to worry about.

Spin Zone / Re: Massachusetts Gun Ban?
« on: August 07, 2016, 12:21:22 PM »
Yet we've had record gun sales since Obama was elected, and record numbers of concealed carry permits.  Also, many states are going to Constitutional carry, or becoming SHALL issue.  The legal gun community is alive and well especially with first time gun buyers, and women.

I do concede CCP states will boost firearms sales and ownership initially, but how many of these people will be repeat buyers, or gun enthusiasts, or politically active, or ever actually use their gun? I suspect many people buy guns when the CCP law is enacted for the novelty of it. Others likely buy because they feel threatened one time, but when the threat goes away, so does the interest in guns.

Again, defending yourself from a potential threat is not a positive relationship with firearms. It's being proactive against a very negative thing. In addition, buying a gun because it may well soon be banned isn't very positive either. When ever the Democrats start passing anti gun laws, people run out and buy guns, but how many of them are new first time buyers? How many of these new buyers run down to the range and become enthusiasts that weren't already enthusiasts?

The NRA has always had enough members since I've been a member (mid 1980s) to potentially decide who is going to be the next president all by themselves, yet the NRA is rarely much of a factor in any election. This tells me that continued gun ownership isn't all that important to a whole lot of gun owners. Other issues outweigh any 2nd Amendment issues.

I may have mis written. I never meant to imply that gun ownership was in decline, but rather that a positive relationship with guns is in decline. It's the positive relationship that makes all the difference in the voting booth.

Spin Zone / Re: "This is how freedom dies"
« on: August 07, 2016, 10:25:20 AM »


'Journalists' clap and cheer for Clinton during 'press conference

Following her speech, Clinton participated in a Q&A with five pre-selected journalists.

The event's organizers and Clinton's campaign team maintain that the Q&A portion of the candidate's appearance at the journalism convention constituted a "press conference."

That means, then, that the Democratic presidential candidate held a "press conference" in a room filled with people who just moments earlier were cheering and applauding her vision for the White House.

NABJ President Sarah Glover said Friday that Clinton's appearance marked the "largest press conference with any presidential candidate before a room filled with journalists of color."

From the rest of the political press – silence.  That this travesty of journalism could go unnoticed and unremarked upon by other reporters covering the event defies belief.

This is how freedom dies – with thunderous applause.

You nailed it. This is what happens when an ideology controls the education system, the media, the news reporting and much of the judicial system. There has been a slow, but steady transformation of America since the early 20th century and it's picking up the pace now. The America as we have known it, will be gone in one, maybe two more generations. In the future, if they bother to hold elections at all, it will be a choice between left and further left.

People think that when the backwards thinking right wing is finally buried in the past and only correct, enlightened, educated thinking prevails, that life will be good for all. They know this because they can look to Europe and see all the sweet harmony and prosperity over there.

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