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Messages - Gary

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Spin Zone / Re: Global Warming = Snow In Hawaii
« on: December 07, 2016, 01:27:18 PM »
I agree about the change. When you live somewhere that freezes over all winter, a little bit of global warming isn't a bad thing.

I think they don't really understand the oceans well. It was just last year that they announced a discovery of deep ocean currents that move heat from the north to the south pole and vice versa.  While one is getting warmer, the other gets colder.  But all this time and they never understood that.

Oceans went from a ph of 8.2 to 8.1.  I would suspect us dumping stuff into them as the culprit before I'd suspect a changing climate.

The measurement of pH is logarithmic, a decrease in pH from 8.25 to 8.14 is a 35% increase in acidity.  And there is that pesky buffering effect where pH changes slowly at first, then a very rapid change. Suspect the change is more the added carbon dioxide in the atmosphere going into solution.

Spin Zone / Re: Global Warming = Snow In Hawaii
« on: December 07, 2016, 01:01:38 PM »
We have much more to fear from cold than heat.

Heat and cold are the same thing, the only difference is the reference point.  Both are equally advantageous/disadvantageous depending on what form of life you are talking about.

If we strip away the politics and stick with science, we see that cold must also be considered.


The big fallacy I see in things like your carbon sequestion plant is the thinking we can mess with things on that scale and not cause something else that could be worse. Nature is amazingly balanced. That deserves respect.

Yes, nature is delicately balanced.  Most forms of life can only survive within a fairly narrow range of parameters, whether that be temperature, pH, salinity, oxygen level....

While we can argue whether man-made climate change (or whatever you wish to call it) causes unusual snow in Hawaii or droughts in California, by all the weight of evidence, the climate is getting warmer.  The big question is whether that is man-made.  Certainly the climate has changed without the influence of man - that is indisputable. It is also indisputable that man can change micro-climates, see the industrial fogs of London, Pittsburgh or Beijing.  I do not believe that we will ever find that Silver Bullet that definitively proves man is the cause.  But again, the weight of evidence points in that direction.  Quite honestly, I'm not all that worried if Kalamazoo sees a 2 degree F change.  Humans are one of the most adaptable species on the planet.

What does worry me is what happens to the oceans.  The temperature is rising and the pH is becoming more acidic - at a rate not seen in the past, not to mention we have basically trashed them.  Something on the order of 50-70% of the oxygen we breathe comes from oceanic phytoplankton and a significant amount of our food comes from the ocean.  Phytoplankton have that fairly narrow range of parameters in which they can survive.  Will that be a problem?  No one knows for sure with 100% accuracy, but it does seem prudent to avoid the problem if possible.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump rejects new Air Force 1
« on: December 06, 2016, 04:32:43 PM »
Boeing is saying: but from what I understand, that $170 mil is for a design and feasibility study".  That may not even cover any actual design work, much less any per-production work.

I will reserve judgement until I hear some real details.

Best course of action!  Don't know if the cost includes design, purchase, spares, support and what-not.

I have to keep reminding myself the President-elect speaks figuratively, not literally, so who really knows what he meant.  ;)

Interesting quote:

“The plane is totally out of control,” Trump said in a brief appearance in the lobby of Trump Tower in New York on Tuesday. “I think Boeing is doing a little bit of a number. We want Boeing to make a lot of money, but not that much money.”

Wonder how much money should Boeing be allowed to make to be the "right" number?

Or - perhaps it was a response to Boeing's presidents comments concerning trade?

Spin Zone / Re: Global Warming = Snow In Hawaii
« on: December 06, 2016, 01:49:46 PM »
Another question:  is this planet's system inherently stable or inherently unstable?

The entire universe is unstable.  Entropy rules!

Spin Zone / Re: Global Warming = Snow In Hawaii
« on: December 06, 2016, 01:28:47 PM »
Yes, see here:

Here's the PROPAGANDA from the power company on Smart Meters, and how they will "help" the consumer.

Anthony, in all due respect……

We share the same power district (PECO) so here is my take on the Smartmeter issue.  The primary difference between a Smartmeter and the conventional meter is the ability of the Smartmeter to send the readings over a radio frequency.  A Smartmeter can indeed send a meter reading without the power company having to send a person door-to-door to take the reading, they can simply drive down the street, interrogate the meter and get your usage, this saves a considerable amount of labor and is more accurate.  A Smartmeter can detect tampering and it can indeed shut off power remotely, I do not believe this is a negative and the power company already has that ability.  It can also detect problems with the line.  I had a personal experience with this when the squirrels decided to sharpen their teeth on the neutral line.  This caused flickering of lights and different voltage readings in different outlets in the house.  The PECO technician was able to do diagnostics to quickly isolate and fix the problem.

A Smartmeter in and of itself, cannot determine what loads are being used by different appliances.  While this is technically possible, it takes a LOT of effort to figure out your water heater came on at 10PM.  If a power company wanted to do that, they can do that with or without a Smartmeter.  A Smartmeter cannot control individual appliances in your home without additional wiring and special devices AND requires consent by the property owner. 

There was a lot of concern over the radio frequency exposure risk.  This is way overblown.  At the power level the meter operates at, I see no increased risk.  I believe the opponents of the Smartmeter cherry-picked and drastically over-emphasized the RF risk and presented it poorly.

I understand you believe this to be an intrusion of some type, but I'm obviously not of the same opinion.  While there may be some potential negatives, the benefits clearly outweigh the negatives.  Of all the risks we face of having personal information being revealed, this is WAY down the list of things to worry about.

I do not remember having to pay for the Smartmeter, if I did, it sure didn't make much of an impression.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump already winning!
« on: December 02, 2016, 05:39:23 PM »
So you approve this method of government intervention because a "Republican" conducted it? I find it funny that conservatives would cheer on any form of government intervention into private business.

I'm not against this deal. If the deal is as good as it sounds I'm all for it. I'm also all for lowering taxes, but I'm curious. With all this lowering of taxes, who will pay for our government's budgetary needs?

Sent from my iPhone . Squirrel!!

Most likely we will borrow it.  Will prove interesting in 8-10 months when it becomes time to raise the debt ceiling.

Spin Zone / Re: MSNBC is hilarious
« on: December 02, 2016, 05:34:41 PM »
Many liberals, including several of my in-laws, say that Rachel Madow is the smartest woman on TV.

And they say that Republicans insult women.  Sheesh.

That clip was hilarious.

Rachel is more or less the left wing equivalent of Sean Hannity.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump already winning!
« on: December 02, 2016, 04:45:47 PM »
I haven't seen any details, I'm sure there was some quid pro quo, hopefully it was a good deal.

This was a very smart public relations move on the part of the President-elect.  No matter what quid-pro-quo was given or not given, in 6 months the only thing that most people will remember is that the President-elect fought for American jobs and "saved" 1000 of them.  It will quickly be forgotten what the cost of those jobs were and if they are truly saved.

Glad that tariffs on the incoming A/C units was quickly and quietly discarded.

Spin Zone / Re: Popular Vote
« on: December 02, 2016, 04:31:27 PM »
Lol, what is required to win the presidency of the US?

Money!  ;)  Not that the most spent automatically wins.

Spin Zone / Re: Popular Vote
« on: December 02, 2016, 02:35:52 PM »
This is beginning to resemble the Monty Python "Argument " skit.

Spin Zone / Re: Popular Vote
« on: December 02, 2016, 02:27:50 PM »
But nobody claimed that Trump won the so-called "popular vote".  He won the electoral vote.

OK, so of all the candidates, who got the most votes?

Spin Zone / Re: Popular Vote
« on: December 02, 2016, 01:57:24 PM »

By the same logic, 73,028,196 voted against the President-elect, while 62,200,000 voted for.  Yes, just a mathematical excercise.

Spin Zone / Re: PoA MC touchy after the election
« on: November 30, 2016, 05:50:13 PM »
I certainly agree that it was their call.
I can also disagree with their call, even if it makes no difference.

Fair enough!!  No quibbles! ;D

Spin Zone / Re: Trust
« on: November 30, 2016, 04:31:20 PM »
A couple of F-16s screeching over the area faster than the speed of sound would have scattered them like rats.

Naaa.... think pretty much anyone in the Middle East is used to screaming jets overhead.  ;)

Spin Zone / Re: more from You Can Make This **** Up
« on: November 30, 2016, 04:30:21 PM »
I thought the funny part is that the median age of the FOX demographic is 68.  Man, I haven't been on the low end of an age demographic for ages!

Ouch!  I am getting old!   Seriously, the median age was 68???

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