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Messages - nddons

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Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: September 27, 2023, 11:44:08 AM »
  The vaxxes were very "effective" at transferring a massive amount of money from the federal government to the pharmaceuticals…
…to the politicians.  Wash, rinse, repeat.

Spin Zone / Re: DUCKDUCKGO
« on: September 27, 2023, 11:40:28 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: September 27, 2023, 11:21:08 AM »
Former President Donald Trump still holds a commanding lead in the Republican presidential primary, but new polling indicates that his grip on the early states may not be as firm as conventional wisdom suggests.

According to a new CBS News/YouGov survey conducted in Iowa and New Hampshire between September 15-24, more Republican voters in the two states have ruled out voting for Trump than have decided they will back him.

In Iowa, just 20% of voters say they are only considering Trump, while 48% are choosing between the former president and other candidates. Thirty-one percent, meanwhile, say they are not considering casting their ballot for Trump.

That leaves a shocking 79% of the electorate either open, or committed to voting for a candidate other than Trump.

The story is similar in New Hampshire, where 23% of voters are committed to backing Trump, 43% are keeping their options open, and 34% are only considering candidates other than Trump.

Still, Trump holds significant leads over his competition when voters are asked who they would vote for if the elections were held today. In Iowa, Trump would have the support of 51% of Republicans. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (21%) trails Trump in second place, while former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley (8%) came in third.

Spin Zone / Re: Ukraine Cluster Fuck
« on: September 27, 2023, 10:57:37 AM »
Story says they are U.S. civilians who volunteered to fight under Ukrainian command. Not U.S. soldiers. Many countries, including the U.S., allow foreigners to fight in their armed forces. The newsworthy aspect is that the U.S. military is providing medical benefits to Ukrainian military personnel.
Yea, I read what the article said. I also am able to look to see what the other hand is doing.

One man’s mercenaries are another man’s Special Forces operators.

Spin Zone / Re: Senator Bob Menendez
« on: September 27, 2023, 10:20:03 AM »
When even Puerto Rican ancestry AOC is calling for Cuban ancestry Memendez’ resignation, you know it’s democrat political gamesmanship.

Spin Zone / Re: Gov owned stores
« on: September 27, 2023, 10:16:15 AM »
I’m not sure it’s the problem you think it is.  Yes, you are seeing it accurately but I wonder if that’s because potheads flock to states that have legalized it.  If it were decriminalized on a federal level, legal everywhere, there’d be no reason for pot smokers to concentrate in just a few places.

As for it sapping the initiative out of people, etc., is that chicken or egg?  Does pot ruin people or do people who are lazy and screwed up to begin with more likely to use pot? 

I don’t dispute what you see. Back in the 70s I saw what became of “potheads”.  Most people who smoked it were no worse than occasional users, but some seemed to get addicted to it, and ended up smoking all day every day. Indeed it turned them into useless zombies.

Personally, right now I am not taking a stand on whether or not to legalize it. As a libertarian of course, ideologically I favor complete decriminalizing and no regulation whatsoever. But as a realist I know that’s not going to happen. The government would probably do something like legalize it and then put it under the FDA to regulate it so only the big drug companies can sell it or something like that, like narcotic painkillers.

And I do recognize that piecemeal “legalization” by state is bad because of just what you say. The druggies concentrate there and ruin the place for the normal locals.

I also believe that the worse the economy is, and the more left the country goes, the more “lazy potheads” you’ll get.  Because a bad economy causes mental depression and anxiety driving people to drugs, but more important, feeding these people enables them to be lazy. The potheads I knew back in the day had some sort of funding. Daddy was paying for their college or they were living on student loans. Let people get hungry enough to the point of facing starvation, even most of the mentally ill ones will figure out a way to get up off their ass and try to find work. 

Our country is too fucked up right now to risk a big move like legalizing pot on the federal level.  It might make lefties happy enough to go vote more.  Just like this was the wrong time for a big move like revoking RvW.  We simply can’t risk anything that will make it harder to kick the current administration the hell out.

So my stand for now is this:  Pot legalization is on the back burner.  We have far bigger fish to fry.  Our biggest problem right now is the Biden administration and the deep state tanking our economy, killing our fossil fuel industries, driving us off an economic cliff, driving us toward a nuclear confrontation with Russia, and allowing a literal invasion on the southern border.
The left in Milwaukee and Madison have been using non-binding referendums for pot legalization in the last three election cycles to bring out the losers who otherwise won’t take the time to get out and vote. It has worked.

Spin Zone / Re: Gov owned stores
« on: September 27, 2023, 10:14:33 AM »
I think we need to stop the useless, expensive "War on Drugs". The Feds will never decriminalization Weed. It gives them too much power and it prohibits people from owning firearms and if you lie about it on Fed form 4473 you will go to jail if you get caught unless you are a Black, career Felon.
Or your last name is Biden.

Spin Zone / Re: Republicans Get a New Big City Mayor......
« on: September 27, 2023, 10:02:11 AM »
That is really an excellent article. Now if the citizens of our big cities ever got their heads out of their asses, something might get done.

Spin Zone / Re: Impeachment Inquiry has Begun
« on: September 27, 2023, 09:37:25 AM »
This is the first impeachment in history to occur in the absence of any evidence of wrongdoing.  It is along the first impeachment in history to center around potential deeds that occurred years before the Presidency.
Steingar, you really are full of shit and are trying to gaslight people who actually know what we are talking about.

Clinton’s impeachment stemmed from the Whitewater real estate development when he was governor of Arkansas.

It then progressed to Paula Jones civil suit that Clinton sexually harassed her in 1991.  Clinton took office in January 1993.

Spin Zone / Re: Impeachment Inquiry has Begun
« on: September 27, 2023, 09:21:53 AM »
GOP Congresscritters holding hearings have so far come up with zip.  Funny thing is even if they do, it isn't high crimes and misdemeanors committed during office, which is what impeachment is for.  None of this will stop them of course.
Impeachment is a remedy, not a punitive act, and is not limited to treason, bribery, and high crimes and misdemeanors performed only while in office.

Spin Zone / Re: The xy Chromosone thing......
« on: September 27, 2023, 08:55:25 AM »

Yes, real trans exist.

But do they, really?  Physical (not mental) abnormalities at birth notwithstanding, if a woman has an addadicktome surgery, is she really a man?  And if a man has a takeadickoffme surgery, is he really a woman? 

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: September 27, 2023, 08:10:05 AM »

Spin Zone / Ukraine Cluster Fuck
« on: September 27, 2023, 06:53:46 AM »
US Army hospital in Germany is treating US soldiers injured fighting in Ukraine, according to this article.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: September 26, 2023, 10:50:18 AM »
Refresh my memory. Didn’t Wisconsin do something involving the SC lately that permanently made them Dem?
No, but it will be dem for a while.  In Wisconsin, justices are elected in a “nonpartisan” election to a 10 year term.

Historically the Wisconsin Supreme Court held a 4-3 or a 5-2 conservative advantage.

In 2019 we elected “conservative” Brian Hagedorn who immediately began to side with the democrats.  After that election it was 4-3 conservative, but Hagedorn gets his rocks off being the swing vote.

In 2020 conservatives lost by running Dan Kelly, who was on the Supreme Court for 4 years (he was nominated by Scott Walker to fill a vacancy, but lost to a progressive liberal.

In 2023 conservatives lost AGAIN by ONCE AGAIN running Dan Kelley, losing to a far left progressive, Janet Protasiewicz, who stated on the campaign trail that she supported reinstating Roe, and declaring the legislature-drawn district maps to be racist and unconstitutional.

Currently it is 4-3 liberal, but with Swing Vote Hagedorn it may as well be 5-2 liberal.

So I was shocked that the court held that drop boxes were against the law.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: September 26, 2023, 09:36:18 AM »
That would be a good choice, but I have my heart set on going back to somewhere in or near the Rockies.  Just want to get away from these narcissistic, brainwashed Leftists.  Oh, and they drive like shit.
My brother bought land in Idaho and is building a home so he can leave the Third World Peoples Republic of Illinois.

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