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Messages - LevelWing

Pages: 1 ... 140 141 [142] 143
Spin Zone / Re: Single payer healthcare
« on: January 17, 2016, 07:16:02 PM »
So they government gets to decide who lives or dies, and what quality of life you have left.
That's what happens when you go to a single payer system. Perhaps not right away, but eventually it will.

Spin Zone / Re: Single payer healthcare
« on: January 17, 2016, 06:58:58 PM »
The question that, whether asked or not, has never received a sufficient answer is, "who is going to pay for it"? The money has to come from somewhere (read: the tax payer). When you begin running out of money on a single payer system, you have to start rationing healthcare. It's a terrible idea all the way around.

Spin Zone / Re: Somalia Bans Christmas - "Has nothing to do with Islam"
« on: January 15, 2016, 06:28:45 PM »
Somalia is a hotbed for Islamic radicalism (al-Shabaab and ISIS are the big ones) and doesn't exactly have a strong government capable of dealing with it. That's something we can help with. However, if Somalia wants to ban Christmas, let them. It's their country. Freedom of religion may be a natural right, but the people have to fight for it. Besides, Somalia isn't exactly on most people's top vacation spots.

Spin Zone / Re: Should we worry?
« on: January 13, 2016, 05:50:10 AM »

I won't be happy until I hear him say if you like your gun, you can keep your gun.
He's all but said that multiple times when he comes out and says that he doesn't want to take anyone's guns. The reason gun sales are sky rocketing is because nobody believes him.

Spin Zone / Re: Another Obama FAIL
« on: January 11, 2016, 08:40:23 PM »
John Lott was on Mark Levin's show last week, I believe. Lott was a visiting professor and fellow at the University of Chicago. Guess who else was there in an adjunct role?

Lott said that Obama told him point blank that he didn't believe that people should be able to own guns.

And this was in the late 1990s. The tiger didn't change his stripes.
Of course not. He would've never gotten elected had he run on a gun confiscation campaign. Instead they word it as "common sense gun safety measures" to make those who disagree look like they're against gun safety.

Spin Zone / Re: Thermo-nuclear North Korea
« on: January 11, 2016, 08:37:29 PM »
Why would they do that? What would they get out of it? They can't be that hard up for cash and it would only take a week or less to solidly conclude where this bomb came from. A secret that enormous can't be kept long. Once the source of this tech, materials becomes known, what do you think happens next?

Iran and North Korea are all about survival and growth. This strategy denies them both. They both have developed nuclear programs for one reason and one reason only. To keep the USA out of their countries. It is the only threat that gives us pause. The whole world watched as we rolled over Iraq and Saddam Hussein in record time. Both of these countries have a pretty good idea how they would fare. That's why they have gone looking for an antidote.
Iran would do it to as a means to strike the west. The Iranians can probably disguise it well enough to not trace it back to them, or at least to the point to be able to deny it. I don't think North Korea is in this for growth, unless it's the South. Iran wants to expand their influence. Iran selling the technology, even a degraded version of it, achieves their strategy of growing their influence and striking at the evil west.

Honestly, the North Koreans have to ultimately answer to the Chinese. The Chinese will not be happy if a nuclear event happens due to the aid of the North Koreans. The Chinese economy and strength is now dependent on world stability, not instability.
I agree. The last thing the Chinese want is a war on their border.

Spin Zone / Re: Should we worry?
« on: January 11, 2016, 08:16:37 PM »
I find it ironic that every time the President uses mass shootings as a method to push his gun control platform, he actually causes gun sales to skyrocket.

Spin Zone / Re: POA down?
« on: January 10, 2016, 02:19:44 PM »
It's up and working for me.

Spin Zone / Re: Thermo-nuclear North Korea
« on: January 07, 2016, 04:09:53 PM »
Since Obama and Clinton/Kerry have basically repeated the utterly ineffective approach that both Clinton and Bush took with the Nork's, in their dealings with Iran, the real question is what do we do when the Mullah's announce they have detonated an H-Bomb?

Of course, they probably won't test it underground, and we won't need to wait for an 'announcement' - we'll know when they blow up Jerusalem, or NYC.

I think it's unlikely to see Iran use a weapon on foreign soil. They aren't stupid, they know what would happen. I'd be more concerned about them or North Korea selling the technology to a group (such as ISIS or another group) that would then make a dirty bomb and use that.

Spin Zone / Re: Ranchers ,BLM ,FWS
« on: January 07, 2016, 12:26:27 PM »
Thanks. He's clearly passionate about this. This has gotten national attention now and I hope the militia men see this, that someone in Washington is making an effort. Let's see if anything comes of it. I think the militia men are still occupying the refuge.

Spin Zone / Re: Should we worry?
« on: January 06, 2016, 08:45:19 PM »
I'm not convinced that confiscation will ever be a realistic option, much less happen. That would require law enforcement and potentially military (if we're at that point Posse Comitatus is likely suspended anyway) to physically remove them which is going to risk a lot of gun fights. I also wonder how many would actually be willing to do that since many law enforcement and military are strong supporters of the 2nd amendment.

I think that the government would try to re-instate the assault weapons ban, restrict ammo, place further limitations on who is eligible to purchase weapons, etc. all before it got to confiscation. They would just find a way to render the weapons you have useless.

I don't doubt that if President Obama got his way that there would be a lot more restrictions on guns, making them nearly impossible to get. Thankfully with the mass proliferation of guns in America, that's next to impossible at this point. Even after Sandy Hook and his push to pass that legislation, it failed. Taking away guns is something the American people don't want.

Spin Zone / Re: Ranchers ,BLM ,FWS
« on: January 06, 2016, 08:23:41 PM »
What would be the worst that could happen if the federal government IGNORED the clowns out west? We are talking about cabin in the literal middle of nowhere.
To be fair, there are a lot of claims of abuses by the federal government towards ranchers out west and the mis-management by the BLM of federal lands. Further, they aren't causing any harm or damage, they just happen to be armed which is what is making people call them crazy and what not.

Spin Zone / Re: Ranchers ,BLM ,FWS
« on: January 06, 2016, 08:14:48 PM »
I'd like to hear others take on the standoff in Oregon .
Spoiled Ranchers mooching off the rest of us or Government overreach?
Will this get its own TFR?
Would you violate this TFR to drop supplies?
There's two separate issues at play here. The first is the Hammonds, which were sentenced by a federal judge, served their sentence and then were re-sentenced after federal prosecutors appealed the sentence to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. The original sentence didn't meet the federal mandatory minimums so the 9th Circuit re-sentenced them to the full minimums, less time already served. The Hammonds reported back to federal prison on Monday to serve the remainder of their sentences.

The second issue are the militia men. Bundy and his group showed up and occupied an empty building, which basically amounts to a park headquarters. They're protesting what they claim to be the government overreach (owning and mis-managing so much land, especially out west). There's a lot of backstory to the whole situation.

I'm indifferent to the whole thing. I think the Hammonds' whole situation is messed up and I think the militia men are choosing the wrong battle. Either way, neither the militia men nor the government want another Ruby Ridge or Waco.

Spin Zone / Re: Another Obama FAIL
« on: January 05, 2016, 08:12:48 PM »
Politifact parsed his words and rated them "mostly true":
That's splitting hairs. While what was said may have been "mostly true", he chose those words to make it seem as if violent felons have the same access to weapons as non-felons and it's easy for them to do so, especially over the internet.

Spin Zone / Re: Another Obama FAIL
« on: January 05, 2016, 07:38:24 PM »
I thought it was intellectually dishonest to couch his actions under the guise of "doing something" about recent tragedies...
It was also dishonest to say that a convicted felon can go online and purchase a gun without a background check:

Quote from: President Obama
"A violent felon can buy the exact same weapon over the Internet with no background check, no questions asked."
That's not true. Firearms must be transferred to an FFL. Failure to do so will result in the seller losing their FFL and possible criminal consequences.

...without mentioning that the actions he took today would have had zero deterrent effect on those tragedies.
Correct. The weapons in the San Bernardino attack and Newtown were purchased legally. In fact, more times than not, weapons used in tragedies like this are purchased legally.

GA waives background checks for concealed permit holders, since the check occurs when you apply for that permit. I wonder if today's Executive Order will affect that.
Same with Arizona.

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