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Messages - Dav8or

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Spin Zone / Re: Critical topic of concern
« on: June 24, 2016, 11:10:02 AM »
You think she paid for it out of her own pocket?

Probably not. A gift from her foundation I suppose.

I never really thought of mercenaries as bureaucrats.  Seems like  different skill set.  Then again, what do you expect after a couple decades of outsourcing war?

You should read the article. It's not about military contractors or our out sourced wars. It's about all the various law enforcement agencies within the country. Basically there are more cops outfitted like Marines than there are Marines.

We're in an arms race. The more the civilians buy better weapons, the more the government buys better weapons. This in turn is followed by civilians buying even more weapons. Basically, we don't trust our government and the government doesn't trust us. More specifically, the government works to maintain the upper hand, but since the government is made up of citizens, the bureaucrats may be shocked one day when their soldiers refuse to follow their orders.

Spin Zone / Re: Change of Pace - BrExit...what do you think
« on: June 24, 2016, 10:54:02 AM »
So the individual doesn't count, only the collective. Well, I shouldn't be surprised.

I didn't elect Pelosi, Reid, Boxer, Feinstein, et al. Neither did the vast majority of citizens.  But we have to live with their edicts.

Umm... that's kinda dumb. You did vote for some kind of creature that either does, or does not go along with the usual suspects. The person you voted for may not have won (mine never, ever does) but your state and your district is represented. If it's not going the way you want, you have to convince your neighbors and others in your district to come around to your position.

From the attached article Carson said-

“I think the people who are protesting certainly feel that they are absolutely, 100 percent right,” he said of Wednesday’s Democratic House sit-in to demand action on gun control legislation.

“But of course the people on the other side feel that they’re 100 percent right too," the former GOP presidential candidate added. "That’s why we need to get back to a point of having civil discussion.”

The thing is, one side has a legal document to back them and the other is just- "What we ought to do..." A civil discussion rarely leads anywhere when you have two sides so diametrically opposed.

Also from the article-

“Let’s put on the table — what is the reason for the Second Amendment?” he said on MSNBC. "And, is there a reason that we need to change those things right now?

What is the reason for any of the Amendments?? Is there a reason to change any of them right now? Once again, the Constitution contains the instructions for changing amendments. Get the votes, or shut up.

Spin Zone / Re: Change of Pace - BrExit...what do you think
« on: June 24, 2016, 09:52:08 AM »

A question for everyone:

What if a state decided to withdraw from the United States right now?  Last time there was a civil war, but honestly, I don't think the People of the United States, nor the government, has the stomach for that right now.

If the state of Madeupia held a plebiscite to withdraw from the United States:
a)  Would they be permitted to do so?
b)  Should they be permitted to do so?

a) In theory, yes but I would expect this state to repay all federal investments in that state before it goes.

b) In theory, yes but I doubt that would happen in reality. In the case of the US, it would be a really bad idea for most states to go it alone. There are a few states that I think could pull it off, namely California, Texas and maybe New York. The rest would likely flounder and go badly, or just be impractical.

Spin Zone / Re: Obama Immigration Blocked At Supreme Court
« on: June 23, 2016, 11:36:01 PM »
I wonder how that vote will turn out if Hillary appoints the next SC Justice?

I wonder how it will turn out if Trump appoints the next SC Justice? Nobody ever knows.

Spin Zone / Re: Change of Pace - BrExit...what do you think
« on: June 23, 2016, 08:50:24 PM »
I didn't think the Brits had it in them to tell the Eurocrats to sod-off....

Oh, they have fended off more than one invasion by continental forces in the past. Apparently there are still some Brits that want stay British. Good for them. I personally support their independence.

Spin Zone / Re: Justice Thomas Considering Retirement
« on: June 23, 2016, 02:33:54 PM »
That's fine when we are disagreeing on the latest NBA draft picks, but we are talking about the future of our nation, which I am afraid has already gone off the cliff like so many other leftist/socialist countries.
Hillary is getting a pass because of who she is and who is in power at the moment. Any one of us in the same position would be in Leavenworth.

So how in the world does calling people names do anything to change anything that goes on in our country??? Honestly, unless being in politics is your profession, or you are a serious volunteer, or something, politics and political discussion pretty much is just entertainment just like the NBA. Getting all wound up because Hillary gets off scott free, is silly. Since the beginning of history, the wealthy, powerful and privileged have always lived by a different set of rules and realities. We have a little republic and we all get to vote, but nothing has changed about that and IMO, it never will.

Spin Zone / Re: Justice Thomas Considering Retirement
« on: June 22, 2016, 08:40:20 PM »
For someone in academia your stupidity is astounding.  That goes for your understanding of the law as well.  You are cherry picking what you agree with and disregarding the other parts of the law.  Maybe you use that technique when you lecture your students to mask your ineptitude, but to someone who knows better you look like a buffoon.

Doesn't matter, the law is not grandfathered.  Once the law was enacted it covered everyone at that point.  Or perhaps you can show us where in the Act it excludes certain individuals from complying?

 Now that is a moronic statement if there ever was one.  Secretary Clinton was indeed a government employee as she received a paycheck and benefits by being employed by the government. Everything the woman did while being a Senator and a Secretary is covered under FOIA, hence the reason she went to great lengths (and committed crimes) to evade the FOIA process.

Gee, what nice little inclusive forum we have here...   >:(  If it weren't for the conservatives being divided and fighting about douche bag Trump, it would be pretty much useless. Clearly discussing topics with people from other points of view in an adult manner is not how it goes here.

Spin Zone / Re: Justice Thomas Considering Retirement
« on: June 20, 2016, 10:09:09 PM »
Yep.  Republican primary voters sure fucked that up.

Thank you for putting it the way it is. Maybe, just maybe... Supreme Court Justices are more important than a Mexican wall? Oh well, I'll just have to see if there is a way to make money and profit off of America's decline because either way, America is not going to be great again.

Spin Zone / Re: Reasons to Vote for Trump
« on: June 20, 2016, 09:02:27 PM »
I couldn't get past your first sentence.  Are you now equating the creation and running of Trump's Worldwide enterprise to "running a family business"?

No, it's not "Presidential" experience, but name ONE President that had Presidential experience when he first took the job.
Trump's experience "trumps" Obama's experience, any day of the week.

Dwight Eisenhower.

Spin Zone / Re: If the GOP denies Trump the nomination . . .
« on: June 20, 2016, 08:24:06 PM »
I am late to the thread and didn't read all the responses, but yes, I would vote for damn near anybody they propped up, even the "good ol' boys". Trump is an abomination. He probably has wrecked the GOP and I can live with that, but now I am sure he will wreck the country and that's a whole other matter.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump Shatters Republican Primary Vote Total
« on: June 20, 2016, 08:13:44 PM »
This is why he's on ignore.  Individuals such as Jeff aren't worth wasting time over.  Attempting to hold dialogue with a moron is futile.

Says a guy who calls himself "Lucifer" and who's avatar is flipping us the bird.  ::) That shit is lame. I don't like being flipped the bird, not by you or the red neck motherfucker idiot with the Calvin and Hobbs sticker on his truck showing Calvin flipping the bird to me. Seriously, look beyond the sound bites and speeches.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump: "Shut up and let me handle things"
« on: June 18, 2016, 10:40:12 AM »
There are a ton of sheeple who will vote for Hillary whether she debates or not, whether she wins or loses any debates, whether she is indicted, or pardoned.  They don't care about all these witch hunts by the vast right-wing conspiracy.

And there just as many sheeple that are going to vote for Trump because he has an R next to his name and well... because Hillary!!

Spin Zone / Re: Trump: "Shut up and let me handle things"
« on: June 17, 2016, 09:25:52 AM »
If the GOP folks were really smart they'd find a way to get rid of Trump at the convention.  Yeah, they'd lose the Presidential election, but they'd probably keep Congress.  Trump is so toxic that not only will they lose the Presidential election, but I bet by association they lose the Senate as well.  GOP Senatorial candidates are already dancing around the Donald's absurd proclamations, and it will only get worse.  What a fun election season.

Agreed. Trump is embolden, so he will be spouting off all kids of crazy, off the top of his head stuff and now all those down ticket folks who pledged support for him have to deal with the crap he says. It's going to be brutal for them. As a registered Republican, I have to hope there is a way out of this tragedy.

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