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Messages - Gary

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Spin Zone / Re: President Trump
« on: December 20, 2016, 04:48:34 PM »
By "amateur" I assume you are referring to political status.  Yes, some of them may be political amateurs, but is that a bad thing?  Look where professional politicians got us.

But in general, you cannot call most of his appointees "amateurs".  They are largely very accomplished professionals in their fields.  Just like Obama was a professional agitator; and he proved to be very good at it at the highest level.

IMHO, you should qualify "accomplished professionals".  While a number of the President-elects cabinet appointees are solid, I'm still scratching my head at Linda McMahon (maybe the $6.2 million political donation?); Ben Carson and Betsy DeVos.

Hussein Obama was the KING of the Executive Order.  He was so foreign, and anti American, the Congress turned R as soon as it could due to the will of the people, and stopped the crazy legislation, so he turned to the EO.

Seems President Reagan has President Obama beat.

Spin Zone / Re: Steingar in trouble
« on: December 20, 2016, 04:32:02 PM »
With all due respect Gary, my point is that Hillary, and the Democrats make a BIG deal out of social, and economic justice, yet turn around and accept money from foreign donors, some of them enemies, or potential enemies of the United States and work on their behalf to influence U.S. policy.  And you are OK with that???

Their hypocrisy speaks volumes.

Are you speaking to Hillary Presidential campaign donations or donations to the Clinton Foundation?

I am no fan of Hillary and the fact she is NOT President is not a disappointment.  At the national level, money flows from various sources, often difficult to trace.  It is a bipartisan effort.  To say the Dems or the Reps are squeaky clean is an outright lie.  All of those people who give money are either in support of a candidates position or looking for access/influence to sway government officials to their position.

Spin Zone / Re: DNC emails exposed
« on: December 20, 2016, 04:23:29 PM »
So emails that showed members of the Clinton Foundation emailing the SoS and her adviser telling them that individuals had made donations to the CF and now wanted to meet her are not corruption? Or criminal?

So contributions by a private individual to a charitable organization to gain access is criminal?  Hmm... maybe someone should tell the President- elect?  It is pretty common for politicians to lend their name/access for charitable fundraising.

Emails that detailed "Friends of Bill" that were donors to the CF that were being given preferential treatment on contracts associated with the government were not corrupt?

 How about Qatar had given millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation, and subsequently received an over 1000 percent increase in weapons exports from the United States during Clinton’s service as secretary of state?

OK - i'm willing to be convinced, who authorized the weapon exports and how did Hillary sway that decision?

And to add to that, here's several laws that the Clinton's have recently broke, many which were detailed in those emails.

1. Bribery


Accusations are easy and I'll give you credit for looking up the applicable USC code (you did look it up yourself... right?).  So... all you need to do is show the evidence that links them, and I'll start believing you.  Start with just the first one - Bribery.  I'll wait..

Spin Zone / Re: Steingar in trouble
« on: December 19, 2016, 05:48:14 PM »
Hillary received over $1.2 Billion dollars from donors to finance her campaign.  She spent all of it.  Those donors, many foreign entities, are now PISSED that she didn't win, and their money was WASTED as they won't have the influence in the U.S. that they thought they'd have.  I LOVE IT!

The same could be said for anyone who contributed to a losing candidate... so what is your point??

Spin Zone / Re: Steingar in trouble
« on: December 19, 2016, 05:46:55 PM »
I got in trouble over this exam question:

The dumbest thing you can do with your money:
   a.  burn it
   b.  invest in a pyramid scheme
   c.  donate to the Trump foundation
   d.  hire a psychic
   e.  buy and smoke cigarettes.

Yeah... that's a tough one.  At least with the psychic, there could be some entertainment value.

Nice to see you back!

Spin Zone / Re: About That Memo To The DOE...
« on: December 14, 2016, 02:18:14 PM »
Lol, drain the swamp, swamp monsters fight back, but letting in fresh air and sunlight destroys them.

Well... maybe.  Hopefully we are just not bringing in a new cast of swamp monsters.

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary Attacks Deadly Fake News
« on: December 10, 2016, 09:59:36 AM »
Reading this morning the Elliot County, KY had voted Democrat for 144 years in Presidential elections, went for Trump this year.  DO the Liberals even realize how many seats they've lost nationwide since Obama was elected?  Take away CA, NY and IL and what do they have?

No doubt the Republicans scored a big win, but it wasn't anywhere close to a landslide.  If 12,000 voters in MI, 69,000 voters in PA and 28,000 voters in WI switched from Trump to Hillary, y'all would be bemoaning President-elect Clinton.

2018 will be an interesting election as 23 Democrats are up for reelection in the Senate.

Yes it will.  Can the Republicans deliver nirvana?  Public opinion is pretty fickle.  I'm sure failures will be blamed on the previous administration (that's just the American way), but they have control so whining is just a reflection on their success.

Spin Zone / Re: Al Quieda thought we would fold
« on: December 09, 2016, 07:28:19 PM »
BDS? TDS? Sounds like a close cousin of ODS.
Sent from my iPhone . Squirrel!!

Very communicable.  New infections occur every election cycle. 

Of course what is left out of your story Mark is that Carrier decided not to move the factory to Mexico just as Trump said.  the jobs that will be lost will be due to automation which is the only way the factory can compete.  In this story on CNN Money it says that manufacturing is up 150% in the last 40 years but the work force is down 30% due to automation

Well John... you have to remember the President-elect speaks figuratively, not literally.  He has made some pretty big and easy to define promises, somewhere along the line he has to deliver.  The President-elect has clearly stated he is going to create 25 million new jobs, though various measures.  The Carrier deal is a big public relations win for him.  It really doesn't matter that 500 or 1000 jobs were saved, what is important from the President-elect's view is "brand"..  In 6 months, no one will remember the number, just the publicity that surrounds it.

The CNN article rightly mentions automation as a leading cause of job loss.  That is true.  In this day and age, if one doesn't have a skill uniquely human (creativity, technical ability, etc.), your job may be replaced by a machine.

Is it worthwhile to point out that the president who started the policy toward Taiwan was Jimmy Carter?

Reference?  Seems to have started here:

Personally, who cares if the President-elect calls Taiwan or vice versa. Don't see the big hubbub at all.

Spin Zone / Re: No Desire to Date......Because Trump
« on: December 08, 2016, 05:13:03 PM »
That is one weird lady...  Not much else to say.

Spin Zone / Re: Is Presdient-Elect Trump channeling Tom Clancy?
« on: December 07, 2016, 02:16:15 PM »
I read "Red Storm Rising", "The Hunt for Red October" and "Sum of All Fears" and enjoyed them.  That was it for my Clancy reading, and I agree that he did get a little weird with success.  Prior to his being an "expert" in all things military, and intelligence, I think he was an insurance salesman.

Loved "The Hunt for Red October" - thought it was his best.  "Red Storm Rising" and "Sum of ALL fears" weren't bad.....

Spin Zone / Re: $50B and 50k jobs
« on: December 07, 2016, 02:12:11 PM »
Foreign investment is a good thing!  Shows confidence in the US markets and the potential for profitability on the part of the investor.  This of course has been going on for a while, 2015 Foreign Direct Investment was 348 billion, up from previous years:

How that money is invested makes all the difference as far as jobs.  A foreign investor buying real estate - maybe not much change.  A new manufacturing plant - certainly.

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