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Messages - nddons

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Spin Zone / Re: Removing McCarthy as speaker?
« on: October 04, 2023, 09:13:06 PM »

Let's cut to the chase

Gaetz is a POS demagogue who repeatedly lied during the House floor debate yesterday, and then, of course, simultaneously was fundraising and collecting email lists on behalf of the people.  He insisted that the House failed to bring up 12 separate appropriations bills.  The fact is they could not get them out of committee because Democrats wanted to spend a great deal more, which would have blown up the budget further, and conservatives opposed the bills.  It had nothing to do with a refusal by McCarthy to oppose regular order.  McCarthy refused to go along with a CR that essentially adopted the Senate omnibus spending agreed to, yet again, by McConnell and Schumer.  Yet, Gaetz kept insisting otherwise.  Gaetz said he's sick and tired of deficit spending and pointed to the $33 trillion debt.   I know of few conservatives who disagree.  But what has he done about it?  He didn't go to the House floor, certainly not on a regular and sustained basis, and hammer away on the outrageous, massive spending for COVID funds, which were used for every imaginable purpose other than COVID and drove the debt through the roof.  Gaetz demanded that the former speaker intervene in his ethics investigation and kill it, and despite text messages to the contrary, denied it.  During his ramblings yesterday, Gaetz blamed House Republicans, who passed the most aggressive bill to secure the border from the ongoing invasion orchestrated by Biden and the Democrats, for not securing the border.  And the worst, to me, is Gaetz working with the Marxists in the Democrat Party, who are literally destroying our country politically, culturally, and every other way, then denying it, while accusing the former speaker of being the Democrats' speaker, trashing Jim Jordan and Jamie Comer's investigations, accusing Chip Roy of being a RINO, and not uttering one word against Hakeem Jeffries, AOC, or the rest of the reprobates.  At the same time, he was frantically fundraising off his anarchy, on behalf of the people and the republic, of course, positioning himself as the David taking on Goliath.  Gaetz and the others wound up killing the greatest effort to slash domestic spending in our lifetimes (30%), worked out with the Senate conservatives who wanted to use the House bill as leverage against McConnell, and now the Democrats control it all.  This had nothing to do with saving the country, regular order, the debt, etc.  This was an unprincipled, personal, political attack led by a demagogue who repeatedly lies to conservatives and the public generally, and who is the favorite Republican of the Democrat Party and their media.
7:22 AM · Oct 4, 2023

Spin Zone / Re: Kari Lake enters bid to run for Arizona Senate seat
« on: October 04, 2023, 02:18:17 PM »
Is Daines inaccurate?  Living in the past, even the recent past, is not forward looking leadership.  Republicans have to lead, not publicly lick past wounds.

That’s important advice for a woman who is a politics chameleon, don’t you think? 

She was a Republican before 2006.

She was an Independent from 2006-2008. 

She was a DEMOCRAT from 2008-2012 and supported John Kerry in 2004 (while she was allegedly a Republican) and Obama in 2008.

But she’s all-in on Trump - for now, while it serves her purposes I guess.  Sounds like a rock-solid conservative to me.

Spin Zone / Re: Removing McCarthy as speaker?
« on: October 03, 2023, 08:16:52 PM »
The need to tie anything negative to President Trump is wearing thin.
Gaetz is a Trump loyalist. This isn’t that tough.

Spin Zone / Re: Removing McCarthy as speaker?
« on: October 03, 2023, 07:42:26 PM »
  Trump backed McCarthy as Speaker.
Trump did finally give Gaetz permission to vote for McCarthy, that is true. So did Gaetz now act without the imprimatur of an increasingly flailing Trump?  Or does this chaos serve Trump in some way?

Spin Zone / Re: Removing McCarthy as speaker?
« on: October 03, 2023, 07:27:20 PM »
We found out there are not many true Conservatives in the House.  A lot of folks really outed themselves as part of the Uniparty.
Not wanting to publicly load the entire House GOP into a clown car 13 months before we elect the next president does not make one a member of the UNiParty. 

Democrats remain united, as always, while Republicans look chaotic and undisciplined. Way to build the Republican brand, in the very months we need to begin to work to get the squishy middle of the country to vote for the Republican nominee.

This chaos has Trump’s prints all over it. And this idea to nominate Trump as Speaker is a wet dream to Sean Hannity. 

Spin Zone / Re: Removing McCarthy as speaker?
« on: October 03, 2023, 02:10:39 PM »
Donald J. Trump. He’ll get things done.  Then when Biden/Harris are forced to step down because they’re there by fraud, the actual elected President will return to his rightful position as President. Perfect.
What did he “get done” that Biden didn’t reverse on his first day as president?  I can only count the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and judicial appointments. 

-Oil leases?  Reversed
-XL Pipeline?  Reversed
-Stay in Mexico policy?  Reversed
-Border Wall?  Reversed
-Trade policy?  Reversed


My point is that this is why Congress matters, and Trump can’t “do” anything about Congress. I don’t see Congress being more cooperative with him in 2024 than they were in 2017-2021. 

Spin Zone / Re: Removing McCarthy as speaker?
« on: October 03, 2023, 01:24:22 PM »
This has become a clusterfuck, and I blame Gaetz.

McCarthy has a challenge in wrangling Republican members of congress to do anything. It’s not all his fault.

Now Gaetz comes in and does this, and now Republicans have to vote on a speaker, and NO ONE IS RUNNING.  Gaetz is disruptive but doesn’t have plans to fix things.

Spin Zone / Re: The EV fantasy
« on: October 03, 2023, 06:56:46 AM »
I heard that article discussed on conservative talk radio in Milwaukee this morning. The host also read something that Ford is losing $60,000 for every electric F-150 they sell.

Democrats never heard of things called “business models” and “profits.”  Just keep the subsidies flowing and they think they can accomplish their green goal, economics be damned.


this thread probably doesn't belong in Pilot Zone... it probably should be moved back to Spin Zone

please excuse me being OCD
Sorry, I tried to move the McSpadden thread to Pilot Zone, and moved this one instead. However, I moved DiFi thread back to the Spin Zone. Is it in the SZ now?  I did this change in Tapatalk which is clunky.

Spin Zone / MOVED: Richard McSpadden Dead in Crash
« on: October 02, 2023, 06:47:09 AM »

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