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Messages - Gary

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Spin Zone / Re: Another whiny Liberal......
« on: January 23, 2017, 10:43:25 AM »
Oh, hell no. Have you ever seen a picture of AP?

No, but we have met a few times... your point being what??

Spin Zone / Re: Spicer Slams Media
« on: January 23, 2017, 10:38:29 AM »
Whether there was ½ million or 1.5 million attendees at the inauguration, or a bust of MLK was or was not on a table at the White House (which the reporter quickly noted his error) is pretty small potatoes.  The inauguration was well attended, was it the biggest ever, no, but so what.

What is disconcerting is the reaction.  The President and staff could have easily ended the whole issue, yet decided to make a mountain out of a molehill and the press happily took the lead and continued the controversy.  It then turns into a vicious circle of point/counterpoint that makes both parties look stupid.  If this was an isolated event, I’d chalk it up to some petty disagreements between different personalities.  But, it’s not, this is very similar to the spat with Mr. Khan back during the campaign, another issue that could have been quickly and graciously ended, but the President decided to go on the attack.  The President has made it quite clear he believes (with some justification) that the press are the most dishonest people on earth, they treat him badly and is due greater respect or they will re-think how they deal with the press.  Maybe he is correct that a re-set is in order.  That being said, if the President wants greater respect, there is some measure that both sides need to earn it.

The President will have to live with the press, why needlessly make enemies?

Spin Zone / Re: Anarchy In D.C
« on: January 22, 2017, 02:13:10 PM »
Peaceful protest is the right of every American.  Violence, and destruction of property is NOT a right.  These people should serve the prison sentence they deserve.

Fair enough.  If the protesters cross the line to violence and destruction, prosecute away, won't be shedding tear for them.

Spin Zone / Re: The Return of Camelot
« on: January 22, 2017, 02:10:40 PM »
True.  Has Melania said anything hateful about our country?

Not that I'm aware of.

Michelle has.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion.  ;)

Spin Zone / Re: Spicer Slams Media
« on: January 22, 2017, 02:09:08 PM »
I'm a little concerned that Spicer seems to be mirroring Trump's incessant need to be "the best" at everything and to contest every bit of negativity thrown his way. They'll learn.

Should not be a surprise.  History shows that the President is extremely protective of the "brand".  All presidents get criticized, some of the criticism is justified, some not.  Picking fights over inconsequential stuff isn't a good sign.  One thing the President does not need is additional enemies.

Spin Zone / Re: Spicer Slams Media
« on: January 22, 2017, 10:44:23 AM »
There's nothing wrong with the press asking questions, that's part of their job. Trump is going to have to get over the fact that most of the media doesn't like him.

Yes, it is part of their job.  Half the country are not fans of the President.

It's one thing to call them out for lying or purposely mis-representing facts. It's an entirely different thing to have an adversarial relationship with them and continue it.

There is no problem if the President's press secretary calls out the media for lying or purposely mis-representing facts.  In the case of the missing bust, the media reporter got it wrong.  But, that is a two way street.  Most, if not all President's have a love/hate relationship with the press.  IMHO opinion, that is a good thing.

Spin Zone / Re: The Return of Camelot
« on: January 22, 2017, 10:36:59 AM »
The leftists are going after Melania for the dress she wore to the inaugural.  They just can't help themselves.

Dunno, thought the entire first family was elegantly dressed as befitting the event.  Seems to me the overwhelming opinion in the media was pretty positive.  Should we all start drawing conclusions based on appearance?  There are certainly those on the right that disparage Michelle's appearance as well.

Spin Zone / Re: Inauguration Day
« on: January 21, 2017, 07:34:17 AM »
My most fervent hope is that Trump can somehow help unite us.  I realize there is a low probability of that because most liberals I know will refuse to admit that they agree with anything Trump says or does.  But I still hope.

We shall see.  The President made the point numerous times that he is there to make life better for all Americans.  If that is borne out, kudos to him.  If it turns out that life improves for a select group of Americans of his choosing, his administration is likely to be rocky and a single term.

Spin Zone / Re: Inauguration Day
« on: January 20, 2017, 04:17:41 PM »
Congratulations to all of the Trump supporters!  Hope y'all enjoy the celebrations on this Inauguration Day.

Also hope that today is not the high-water mark of President Trumps administration.

It's not the $3.6B that bothers me most.  It is the $70B.  But I think that number needs qualifying.  I believe it only covers food stamps.  There is a lot more grouped under "welfare" than food stamps.

And just maybe the fact that the cost is "only" $3.6B explains why it is run so poorly.  Too many undeserving people collecting.  If we paid more to administer it, we could probably cut the $70B in half without denying any of the truly needy.

This is a valid point!  The tough part is defining just who qualifies, whether it be disability payments, medicare or social security.  We have plenty of laws against fraud, however, enforcement is often weak and it does take people to evaluate and take action if necessary. 

Seems as though the knee-jerk reaction in Washington when program costs rise is to cut the benefits.  While this may reduce the cost, it does hurt the people who are truly entitled to a benefit.  Most high dollar fraud is a concerted effort by a group of people, crooked doctors, lawyers and even judges:

Would make sense that the increased cost of enforcement would easily be paid back in getting the fraudsters caught.

Spin Zone / Re: The next Video To Inspire Embassy Attack
« on: January 12, 2017, 05:49:18 PM »
That's pretty funny!  Would hate to be around if a wardrobe malfunction occurs!!

Spin Zone / Re: First Presser is Terrific
« on: January 12, 2017, 05:46:11 PM »
... snip..   President-elect Trump, however, thinks we should just trust him because we all know he is a man of his word...

I was under the understanding that the President-elect spoke figuratively not literally and we should judge him by what's in his heart, not what he says.  Do you have the decoder ring?  That would be most helpful.

Spin Zone / Re: First Presser is Terrific
« on: January 12, 2017, 05:42:07 PM »
Why even bother trying to avoid an appearance of conflict of interest?  The opposition will just make s*** up.

Suspect that with the President-elect, they won't have to make things up, just follow the Twitter feed and the money.  The President-elect does have a particular ability to make enemies, not a good thing over time.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump won states having 55% of the population.
« on: January 12, 2017, 09:26:07 AM »
With so many on the Left talking about popular vote, I've heard some express the idea that apportioning the EVs according to the popular vote breakdown in each state was a good idea - for example, Hillary won 59% of the vote in New York, so she should get 59% of the 29 votes, rounded to 17 votes.  Trump would get the other 12.  So if that happened, what would the EV count have been?

There is a non-obvious rounding problem due to the small party candidates, sometimes rounding would not apportion all the votes.  And I think it's a silly idea, more denial from Hillary supporters so I haven't really gone forward.

Is this what you are looking for?

The President elect still wins, the margin just gets narrower.

Spin Zone / Re: First Presser is Terrific
« on: January 12, 2017, 06:31:03 AM »
Gary, the documents were given to Obama and Trump as an example of disinformation to which  Trump would be subject.

Yes, that is true.

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