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Messages - Dav8or

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Spin Zone / Re: President Obama and Islam
« on: July 08, 2016, 09:07:54 AM »
If they lived next door and treated your wife like this, you'd be good with that?

No I'm not good with that!! That's what law enforcement and the Second Amendment are for. No need to send thousands of military personnel half way around the globe to bomb the crap out of everything and invade foreign soil. Can you not possibly see how that kind of military action causes even more angry people next door?

Good job on the straw man argument though.

Spin Zone / Re: D.L. Highly talks about Police Violence
« on: July 08, 2016, 12:01:14 AM »
K... What are we supposed to do? I'm not the police. Maybe we should just disband the police altogether and allow anyone to carry a gun. How about that? Would that make people happy?

I don't know why the police do what they do. I'm not police. I'm not there when it happens. Why do police shoot people? How many white people have been shot by police? I don't know. How many non white, or non black people are shot by cops? I don't know. Do they report these, or only black killings? I don't know. How many black police officers kill black people? I don't know.

I don't trust the media. I don't trust the cops of any color. I don't trust inner city black people either. I also don't have a great global solution to race relations problems. Probably fixing he Middle East is easier and that's impossible.

Spin Zone / Re: President Obama and Islam
« on: July 07, 2016, 12:23:25 PM »
Yes, we should be nice to them and they'll leave us alone.

Thanks for the idea, Mr Chamberlain.

Liberals have a mental disorder.

See, this is the mental disorder I'm talking about. Ever since WWII, Americans see every conflict in the world and the next Hitler and the next world war and so we must step in and save the day. Please, ISIS is not the forth reich.

Spin Zone / Re: President Obama and Islam
« on: July 07, 2016, 11:57:38 AM »
Maybe we should follow Lynch's advice and show them love?  Or how about finding them jobs as the liberals have suggested?

How about leaving them the hell alone and let the people that actually live next door to them deal with them? Why is that concept so hard for Americans to get their minds around? Ever since WWII, Americans seem to be hungry for a war to go off to.

Spin Zone / Re: President Obama and Islam
« on: July 07, 2016, 09:23:18 AM »
Did anybody ever question as to whether or not Obama is sympathetic towards Muslims? Of course he is and I think that's quite understandable. Is there some unwritten rule for the president that he or she must hate Muslims?

Bill O'Reilly is an idiot. If he wants to go fight ISIS he should volunteer to go fight over there with the forces that are fighting them. The US does not need to be overseas fighting them. I actually wish we would stop with the stupid drone strikes too.

The thought of you guys with your pop guns fighting off the US military or even law enforcement services is laughable at best.  You should get over yourselves.  Better armed folks than you have tried it and it didn't end well for them.

You know, in Iraq the whole weight of the US military was fighting against guys armed with "pop guns". The insurgency did pretty well actually and in the end took a large portion of that country. In Afghanistan, who controls the country, our guys and the mighty military, or guys in the shadows and bushes with pop guns? If you look at a map of the country and the places that the official government controls, I would say the guys in the bushes actually control most of it.

A determined and organized insurgency can stop and even push back a military force. People having arms is pretty much all that keeps soldiers from kicking in doors, you getting a rifle butt to the head and them doing whatever they want. Ask the Jews of Europe how they felt about being unarmed.

Spin Zone / Re: Jason Bourne Wants To Take Your Guns
« on: July 06, 2016, 10:58:53 PM »
Have you seen the Jason Bourne movies? That doesn't work out well for other people.  :P

Yeah, I'm talking about Matt Damon, not Jason Bourne. There is a big difference. Tough guy Damon would take one tap on the head and start screaming for security.

Spin Zone / Re: Jason Bourne Wants To Take Your Guns
« on: July 06, 2016, 10:53:17 PM »
Here's how the academic set deals with the 2A:

The hatred is growing. I saw today on Facebook something that said "The NRA is America's ISIS." That is so unbelievably wrong, but many liberal, progressive types nod their heads in agreement with this. They know it's kind of a joke, but also kind of not.

If the left were to ever "rise up" and take arms to "take out the NRA" it would be comical to watch. The only effective way would be for them to hire trained mercenaries to do it for them. Being the pathetic pussies they are, this is likely what they would do. The left has plenty of money. Money they don't freely give to those without money I might point out.

Spin Zone / Re: Jason Bourne Wants To Take Your Guns
« on: July 06, 2016, 10:46:12 PM »
I have worked in the film and video business for over 25 years and I have met many "Hollywood" armorers. They are class III licensed because many of the guns you see on TV and the movies are fully functioning arms with blanks in them and in some cases, live ammo. Some of these guys are NRA members.

I have always fantasized about a walk out strike by the armorers in support of the 2nd Amendment. If they did that, 95+% of movies, TV shows and short films couldn't be made. Nearly every plot written involves a gun in some way and the armorers make it happen. Of course this will never happen because first and for most the armorers are business people. They know that if they make things hard, the movie producers can easily go elsewhere.

So in the mean time, I suggest somebody take Matt Damon out behind his comfy trailer all by himself and beat him soundly around the head with a rock until he understands personal self defense and what that means.

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary Clinton Set To Be Interviewed by FBI
« on: July 06, 2016, 10:11:18 PM »
No I'm telling you that you are using a tired old liberal talking point, one of many that you continually use.

Well, you know, you might want to consider that every now and then the "liberals" are right and perhaps you are wrong. Anyhow, I'd love to see a list of my "old tired liberal talking points". It might be a fun trip down memory lane.  ::)

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary Clinton Set To Be Interviewed by FBI
« on: July 06, 2016, 07:48:31 PM »
Liberal Talking Point.

 Conservatives are often "stupid", "ignorant" and "poorly educated" while Liberals are "enlightened", "scholars", "academic" and "extremely intelligent".

No, it's my talking point. I am not talking about conservatives. I'm talking about Donald Trump. Are you telling me that conservatives can't be dumb?

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary Clinton Set To Be Interviewed by FBI
« on: July 06, 2016, 07:44:37 PM »
Poorly educated?  Do yo know where Trump went to school?  I do because I went to grad school there.

His dad must have paid to get him a diploma. Money can easily buy diplomas. Listen to the man talk. Homer Simpson has a better vocabulary and he has trouble actually putting a sentence together and holding a thought.

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary Clinton Set To Be Interviewed by FBI
« on: July 06, 2016, 07:38:14 PM »
It's unfortunate that the DNC cannot find an honest trustworthy person to nominate.

Or the GOP...

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary Clinton Set To Be Interviewed by FBI
« on: July 05, 2016, 08:22:59 PM »
Seems to me that the minimum punishment should be being permanently barred from receiving a security clearance.  And how could a President possibly do their job without that?

But even if she is a criminal, Trump is just as bad because,

well, uh, because he has orange hair,
and because Jeff says so.

But I guess now that the FBI says she is too stupid to be a criminal, I might as well vote for her for President, since Trump is so bad.

No, because Trump has a long history of being a crass, egotistical, megalomanic, poorly educated, douche bag asshole. The idea is to try to elect the best possible candidate, not the silliest one. There is not one shed of evidence to show we can trust Trump in any way and every indication he will let us down and embarrass the country. Obama was bad enough, now we should double down??!

Spin Zone / Re: What if?
« on: July 05, 2016, 08:13:04 PM »
The fact that the two major parties can only run out these two simpletons for the nomination for President tells me how flawed (corrupt) both the primary system has become as well as how stupid the education cartel has become to cause the current generation of younger adults to be so dumb.

Really? You think it's the young folks that are supporting Trump? There are some to be sure, but there seems to be plenty of all ages supporting him including plenty of old farts. Same goes for Hillary. In the case of the GOP, there were lots of choices and sadly, this is what primary voters in the states that matter came up with. I blame them for this tragedy, although I do recognize that there may have been many left leaning folks that voted for Trump in the primaries just to ensure a Democrat win.

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