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Messages - Lucifer

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Spin Zone / Re: Yes, FOX News is biased, but . . .
« on: December 02, 2017, 03:17:16 PM »
At least they cover all the news, good or bad.

I often listen to other news media (CNN, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, etc.

If I hear something good about the Dems or bad about Trump, I will often switch to Fox to see the "other side".  Inevitably Fox will cover the topic.

But when listening to FOX, if I hear something bad about Dems or something good about Trump, when I switch to one of the others, they will be talking about something else; usually something bad about Trump.  Half of their lies are lies of omission.  It is easy to see why Libs that refuse to watch or listen to Fox have no idea what is really going on in Washington.

I dumped all of them, including Fox.  Now I go to reliable websites for news and don't have to listen to endless pundits sitting around the glass tables pontificating about the story and trying to convince me they have the inside track.

 Even more satisfying that they don't get any of my money.  Fuck 'em and their fake news.

Spin Zone / Re: Tillerson Possibly Out; Pompeo Possibly Innv
« on: December 02, 2017, 01:20:10 PM »
And you display the limits of your reading comprehension. I would never knowingly defend a despot like the North Korean Dictator, or as he might be more realitically labeled, their king. True dictatorships are usually not dynastic in the modern age.

I was trying to illustrate his motivations in his actions. Wisdom is the ability to see things past the lens of your own experience. If you understand something about the other guy you’re likely to make better decisions.  Super Fragile Ego Extra Braggadocious has gotten rid of a great many of the people in the State department who really understood the other guys. We are collectively the poorer for it.

You prefer the blunderings of your Bigot in Chief, since in your eyes he can do no wrong. I prefer someone who thinks carefully about what’s going on before spouting off their big gob.

I understand you like communist dictators and in your post you attempted to justify his actions as defense of his country, which is laughable.

 You've  never sat foot on the Korean Peninsula and have obviously never cracked a book open on the subject, yet you use faculty lounge bullshit and try to cloak it as knowledge.

The North Koreans are not concerned about the SK’s storming the DMZ and launching an attack of the north.  The South Koreans have long wanted a peaceful unification without bloodshed because they realize those in the north are their relatives.

However there have been many attempts of the North to build tunnels that they could move thousands of troops through rapidly into the south.  That doesn’t sound like the North is worried about security.  The majority of incursions on the DMZ have been the North as aggressors.  The North has continually stated all of Korea is theirs and they are willing to take it back at any cost.

And why does Kim hate America?  Because the Americans fought along side the South to prevent the North from taking over and successfully pushed the North back.  And the Americans have protected the south from aggression.

 On the current affairs of the State Dept you are mindlessly spouting off talking points and once again clueless to what has really happened. 

 Those dismissals at the SD are of useless beauracrats, many which are embedded Obama sychophants who are only interested in pushing a failed policy.  And frankly is time to clean house at multiple agencies since the Chocolate Commie filled them with useless people. 

Funny, millions have said the same about Obama's "signature legislation" posing as a health care bill.

You mean the bill (Afordable Healthcare Act, aka Obamacare) that was so good it had to be passed in the middle of the night using reconciliation?  That same bill that no republicans backed it?  The same bill that democrats voting on it didn't even bother to read it?  The same bill that it's architect stated it had to be done like this because of the stupidity of the American voter?

 That bill?

Spin Zone / Re: Tillerson Possibly Out; Pompeo Possibly In
« on: December 02, 2017, 08:23:40 AM »
Kim Jun Un is neither crazy nor irrational. As others have wisely pointed out, he has invested heavily in nuclear weaponry to keep us at bay. His motivation is to keep himself and his dynasty in power. He isn’t likely to stage a first strike on us, since he knows his dynasty would be destroyed in the aftermath.

I could see a nuclear strike on us as a last desperate measure after the territorial integrity of North Korea wa abrogated due to an invasion. Easiest way to forestall that is to not invade.

Unfortunately, the bombastic verbiage from Hair Fuerer is just making things worse. It allows Kim Jun Il to truthfully paint himself as standing firm against a foreign aggressor. This will do nothing but endear him to his followers.

I am amazed he can keep power though. A soldier who recently defected from there (he had to evade a fullisade of gunfire to do it) has malnutrition and was full of intestinal worms. If this is the state of the soldiery things are far worse than I could of imagined. The first rule of dictatorship is you kept the soldiers well fed, well paid, and happy.

 I would expect a alt left progressive to come out in defense of a murderous dictator of a communist country and you certainly don't disappoint in that regards.  And in your endorsement of said dictator you of course have to take a swipe at the President of our country.

 You don't have a fucking clue as to what your blabbering about, which is nothing more than the bullshit being bantered around the faculty lounge.  Anyone who has read and studied the Korean Peninsula going back pre WW2 can understand what is going on there, and it's not lil Kim defending his homeland against the rogue Americans (which, btw, is a major theme of NK propaganda).

 You defend a dictator who has murdered his own people in the thousands, subjects people, entire families including children to concentration camps and even murders his own family members if they dare disagree with him.  You defend a dictator who is starving his nation by spending huge sums to prop up a military.  You defend a dictator who wouldn't think twice about trying to over run a free democracy to his south and murder millions of their citizens in the process.

 Perhaps you should go over to South Korea and lecture them on how your pal Kim is only defending himself against them and their American friends.  It would be amusing watching them tear you a new asshole.

Spin Zone / Re: Really Mueller?
« on: December 02, 2017, 07:20:05 AM »
The Mueller investigation is about nothing but politics.  It's retribution by a political party that suffered one of the most spectacular defeats in history. 

 After millions of tax dollars spent, a congressional investigation, a senate investigation and Muellers investigation there has yet to be one piece of evidence that shows any collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians.  And all of this while ignoring the real collusion story which involved the Clintons, Uranium One, Mueller and Comey as well as Obama.

Spin Zone / Re: Tillerson Possibly Out; Pompeo Possibly In
« on: December 01, 2017, 04:26:57 PM »
I’ve spent considerable time in South Korea, have many friends there.  I’ve also spent time up on the DMZ and the JSA. I’ve even stood in the conference room on the NK side (with a ROK guard by the NK door).

These people know just how crazy Kim is and what he is capable of.  And they wouldn’t put it past him to do something a sane person wouldn’t do.

Spin Zone / Re: Tillerson Possibly Out; Pompeo Possibly In
« on: December 01, 2017, 02:19:34 PM »
If NK launched nukes at us, would we not completely annihilate them? And I mean annihilate like we haven't seen for a long time. Or ever. Kim knows that. I don't think he's keen on having his body melded with the newly-glassed surface of NK.

If you are dealing with a clear thinking rational human I would say yes, you are correct.

But Kim lives in a world where everyone agrees with him, everyone praises him and tells him he is wonderful. Do you think any of his advisors or his generals are willing to tell him the truth?

He has executed family members for disagreeing with him.

Spin Zone / Re: Tillerson Possibly Out; Pompeo Possibly In
« on: December 01, 2017, 02:15:44 PM »

Sounds like the MSM is busy with the fake news again.

Yep. Citing a media outlet such as the NYT and their anonymous sources means pretty much nothing.

Spin Zone / Re: Tillerson Possibly Out; Pompeo Possibly In
« on: December 01, 2017, 12:20:55 PM »
Hmmm, I certainly know plenty about it, but if you have info on the payload onboard, would really like to know. Certainly, any air-burst would be an issue. I guess I'm relying on the fact that Kim knows for sure that any attack on the US would destroy NK completely. Nuclear brinkmanship is an interesting field of study. Kim is still on the learning curve, but he seems to have the hang of it. Sending up a nuclear payload, even if it hits in some part of the ocean might be enough to get the world powers to slap him down hard. Difficult to say.

Dictators who live inside a bubble where everyone idolizes them ( or they go to the camps) become detached from reality. His regime goes day after day putting out propaganda on how Dear Leader will crush the evil Americans.  They are immersed in that bullshit so much he’s beginning to believe his own bullshit.  He’s just delusional enough to attempt a launch thinking he would survive the outcome.

China can stop this crap at any moment if they want. They have let him play his silly games because they know it torments the SK, the Japanese and the US. However now they have a real problem as the NK are next door to them playing with nuclear warheads.  It’s always been my assumption China will intervene before anyone else does. The problem there is once they intervene now they are stuck with a country full of starving people and no resources (oil, minerals, etc).

Spin Zone / Re: Tillerson Possibly Out; Pompeo Possibly In
« on: December 01, 2017, 11:57:55 AM »
What - did it reach the US? I thought it splashed down in the sea of Japan. Let me know when one is incoming to the US. I'll be sure to watch for it. We developed the capability to track every launch vehicle around the globe back when I worked on them in the late 80s. Here's a brief from just one of the publicly offered systems in place. I won't bring up the others.

Trust me on this - or don't, we knew the size, direction, inclination, azimuth and a bunch of other stuff within 1 minute of the launch. If it had been heading for the US, or Hawaii then other things would have been done. We can tell when they are fueling on the ground as well. The only way a launch might catch us off-guard is a sub-sea launch from the S hemisphere which doesn't have real good coverage. Strategically, that's where I would launch toward the US if I was a state actor and wanted to get away with a nuke strike on us. CA, AZ, TX, FL are all good targets from around the S Pacific near Peru.

The last missle launch flew at a duration and apogee that was a proof of concept that it indeed had the range and payload capability to hit the mainland US. If you were as versed in missle ballistics as you are trying to claim you would know this.

 A half assed shot towards the US with a nuclear warhead would throw this world into chaos. Even if it didn’t hit the intended target a hit somewhere would release radiation into the atmosphere. Imagine that happening over Canada or the western US, or even Alaska.

Spin Zone / Re: Tillerson Possibly Out; Pompeo Possibly In
« on: December 01, 2017, 11:29:10 AM »
No indication that Kim is a mad man. He was educated in Europe and by all accounts an otherwise normal person. One who has rival relatives killed, but hey, family tiffs happen.

Since when does a European education mean a person doesn’t have a mental condition set on seeing mass destruction or inflicting pain on other humans?
North Korea has large concentration camps where he tortures and imprisons whole families including children.   The large part of the NK people are starving.  The atrocities of this guy rivals that of some of the cruelest dictators ever known in history.   

That said:
NK had no nuclear weapon deterrent for decades and was not invaded by SK/US. But it was maintaining a large standing army for all that time - at considerable cost. Meanwhile the people no doubt grumbled about more nylons and washing machines - a nuclear deterrent would cost them a fraction of the cost of the conventional military. No doubt the deciding factor was when they read about a similar system in the U.S. in the New York Times.


Spin Zone / Re: Tillerson Possibly Out; Pompeo Possibly In
« on: December 01, 2017, 08:32:30 AM »
The point is that it's being reported by multiple outlets. I didn't post others because you'll just say those weren't credible, either. Besides, this is PilotSpin, where we discuss things like this routinely.

All of those other outlets are pointing their story to the NYT story. 

I just take any MSM story citing anonymous sources with a grain of salt.

Spin Zone / Re: Really Mueller?
« on: December 01, 2017, 08:30:12 AM »
Yep.  The multi million dollar circus known as the Mueller Special Investigation has turned up another item that could have easily been done with traditional law enforcement.   And once again doesn't show any evidence that there was collusion by the Trump campaign.

Spin Zone / Re: Another One Bites the Dust....
« on: December 01, 2017, 08:11:37 AM »
You might be right. If it were me and I headed NBC, I would just say 'see you in court, Matt'. It's not like NBC has some kind of sterling reputation they need to protect. Unless he's got the COB or the CEOs balls in a vise, I can't see a reason to settle. Let a jury hear about all the specifics of why they fired him in open court, and the jury can decide. While they're at it, maybe NBC can counter-sue for lost income from his dick debacle. Not that I would give NBC any cash, but two can play that game.

He's not the only pervert working there.  That, plus you can be sure he knows a lot of dirt on them, would make a great tell all book, or better yet might get lots of folks in the same position he's in, without the giant golden parachute.

Spin Zone / Re: Tillerson Possibly Out; Pompeo Possibly In
« on: December 01, 2017, 08:09:01 AM »
Here's a Daily Wire article, but it references the NYT article:

I don't consider the NYT and their anonymous sources as reliable news. 

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