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Messages - Lucifer

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If it is "written in plain English", why do we need lots of good reading to define and explain?

This is my point. It's the nature of the beast that the Constitution must be interpreted.

  ::)    Understanding the english language has a lot to do with it.

They managed to ignore the part about:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State

So how many of you guys are members of a well-regulated militia?

 Ignorance in action.  There is lots of good reading on the subject that clearly defines and explains, that is if you don't gravitate over to the progressive slanted opinions.

Spin Zone / Re: Did the FBI Conspire to Stop Trump?
« on: December 28, 2017, 12:27:09 PM »
If we want this, and all future investigations, to be impartial, what is the balance between letting the special counsel do his job and answering to Congress?

 This investigation reeks of political bias and those involved have not shown any interest in impartiality.   The fact that the "investigation" that was suppose to be about Russian Collusion is nowhere near what was suppose to be investigated.

 That's what is so troubling here.  Anyone who is a ideologue will refuse to see what is actually going on and what the true intent of this fiasco is for.

Spin Zone / Re: Did the FBI Conspire to Stop Trump?
« on: December 28, 2017, 11:22:44 AM »

Coming forward in what manner? This is still an on-going investigation and thus it makes sense that certain information isn't being released to the press, nor should it be.

 Fuck the press. Where the hell did you come up with that?

 Congress has been trying to obtain the FISA Application and Warrant which the DoJ and FBI refuse to produce.  Since the FISA Warrant is key to the unmasking and ultimate eavesdropping on private citizens, that trail would certainly begin to tell the actual story of what's going on.  Odd how those agencies can't seem to produce a key piece of evidence.

Spin Zone / Re: Did the FBI Conspire to Stop Trump?
« on: December 28, 2017, 11:18:16 AM »

Unless I missed something, I'm not sure that it's been proven that the fake dossier led to the FISA warrant. I know it's speculated that it has, but I don't recall seeing confirmation. It makes a difference, especially since Comey said that it was "salacious."

 Since the FBI and DoJ are stonewalling Congress and not producing the application of the FISA Warrant, or the Warrant itself, it makes one ask "Why?".  If either of these agencies have nothing to hide, then why not produce the application and warrant?

Spin Zone / Re: Did the FBI Conspire to Stop Trump?
« on: December 28, 2017, 09:40:17 AM »
You said he should be charged, so I asked which statutes you think he violated. You didn't answer but instead tried to turn it around.

 Investigations will determine exactly what charges apply.  Even several congressmen and senators have stated they are getting stonewalled on information from the DoJ and FBI.

 Do you not find it a bit troubling that these agencies are preventing information from coming forward that potentially damages them?

Spin Zone / Re: Did the FBI Conspire to Stop Trump?
« on: December 28, 2017, 09:37:25 AM »
This is an investigation in search of a crime.

 Just the more reason to end it. It's a farce.

 After exhaustive Congressional investigations, intelligence investigations and now this, there is not even the slightest shred of evidence of Russian collusion and the Trump campaign. None, zip, nada.

 And millions of dollars wasted.  But now we have an investigation in search of a crime.  So is this the new norm?  When an opposition party gets elected the DoJ and FBI will jump in and appoint a Special Counsel in order to find something of wrong doing, anything?

 The basis of this "investigation is very troubling. A fake dossier to obtain a FISA warrant, unmasking of political opponents, leaking to the media to get a Special Counsel appointed (and a Special Counsel who is best friends of the leaker).

 And it's bullshit to even assume that "Better let them investigate because if you don't it looks like you're hiding something". 

 The "investigation" has nothing to do with it's original intent.

Spin Zone / Re: Did the FBI Conspire to Stop Trump?
« on: December 28, 2017, 06:02:26 AM »
There is nothing new in this article. It's just the same information that's already out there being repeated, again.

 Then move on if you don't want to read it.  Who are you, a self appointed moderator to come into this forum and pronounce what is valid (in your narrow minded opinion) and what is not?

Spin Zone / Re: Did the FBI Conspire to Stop Trump?
« on: December 28, 2017, 05:59:15 AM »
What statutes did he violate?

Why not allow an investigation of him to establish that?  Or are you afraid his rights are being violated?

 If he's innocent, so be it.  But with all of the stonewalling by the FBI going on, they have something to hide.

Spin Zone / Re: Did the FBI Conspire to Stop Trump?
« on: December 28, 2017, 05:56:11 AM »
Indicting the entire FBI is a bit of a stretch. No doubt there are issues and it goes to the top (Comey, McCabe).

Where did I state indict the entire FBI?

Why shut down Mueller? It just makes Trump look like he's afraid of something when in fact, there is no evidence of collusion. Just let the investigation play out.

If you have bothered to keep up with all of these shenanigans you would see Mueller is up to his eyeballs in this fraud along with several others.  This is an orchestrated attempt.  There is no Russian Collusion. It's now evident the whole Mueller appointment and probe was a part of the "insurance policy".

What would Mueller be investigated by Congress for? Exceeding his mandate? Criminal charges against whom, exactly, and for what?

 Mueller is involved in a conspiracy by his associates.  Of course you will come back and try to deflect that, but so far everything out of the DOJ and FBI are pointing in that direction.   Comey leaked a document in order to trigger a special prosecutor, and Rosenstien appoints Comey's best friend and confident, who then fills his investigation with hard line progressives and Clinton supporters ( even a Clinton attorney). We have text messages that have FBI personel referencing how to keep Trump out of office, and an "insurance policy" just in case he wins.  We have other officials whose spouses are employed by Fusion GPS.  We have a phony dossier that was used to obtain FISA warrants.  We have Mueller obtaining emails illegally.  We have Obama administration officials unmasking private citizens under false pretenses.

How would you restructure the FBI?

Start removing everyone involved with this scandal. 

 And you see nothing wrong here?  Unbelievable.

Spin Zone / My Liberal Friends Say My Trump Defenses Are 100 Percent Right
« on: December 28, 2017, 05:41:23 AM »

Politico wrote about a few top media and political figures and how they dealt with being mentioned by President Trump on Twitter. For one Hillary Clinton supporter, liberal Democrat Alan Dershowitz says his family has seen better days. Dershowitz, a lawyer, is seen regularly on CNN, Fox News, and other outlets defending some of President Trump's decision, arguing there is no grounds for an obstruction of justice charge after he fired FBI Director James Comey earlier this year. While hoping that former Vice President Joe Biden challenges Trump in 2020, the liberal lawyer has said he’s lost several pounds this year, thanks to friends not inviting him to dinner anymore. He said his closest friends have told him that he’s 100 percent right in his arguments defending Trump's decision to fire Comey, but added that he should also shut the f**k up. In all, Dershowitz says he’s merely defending the principles of the Constitution, not Trump—though that’s fallen on deaf ears from his liberal colleagues.

Spin Zone / Re: United behaving poorly - again
« on: December 27, 2017, 12:14:51 PM »
Like I said earlier, she is congressional royalty, she can’t be expected to sit among the peasants in coach.

Spin Zone / Re: Did the FBI Conspire to Stop Trump?
« on: December 27, 2017, 08:36:09 AM »
More than any other President, Obama politicized the DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, IRS, EPA, NASA, NOAA, Interior, and many other agencies, and departments.  I hope Trump is removing the leadership down to Bureau heads that display political hostility towards the current Administration, and thus hostility towards the American citizens.   

 You have McCabe sitting under the radar hoping to get to March 1st so he can get his retirement.  He needs to be brought up on charges and fired from the FBI, he doesn't deserve his pension in light of what he and others have done.

 It was a crime to let Lerner at the IRS retire with her six figure retirement after she conspired against opposition political groups.

Spin Zone / Did the FBI Conspire to Stop Trump?
« on: December 27, 2017, 07:21:16 AM »
Good read.  This is IMO one of the biggest if not ugliest scandals in our lifetime.  A federal law enforcement agency acting to promote a presidential candidate and fabricating evidence against a presidential opponent is staggering.

 Mueller needs to be shut down and the FBI put under a Congressional Investigation.  Everyone that has fingers on this needs to be discharged from the DOJ and FBI.   Criminal charges need to be filed and a total restructuring of the FBI.

Spin Zone / Re: United behaving poorly - again
« on: December 27, 2017, 07:15:00 AM »
I seriously doubt the passenger cancelled her own flight.  If UAL feels they have the proof, they sure don't want to show it.

 And there was a seat in coach that Rep Jackson-Lee could have taken.  But we can't have Congressional Royalty mixing with the serfs, I mean, could you imagine?

 UAL pulled a fast one and was hoping the $500 voucher would shut up the passenger.

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