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Messages - Dav8or

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Spin Zone / Re: Hillary Clinton Set To Be Interviewed by FBI
« on: July 11, 2016, 09:30:34 PM »
So we should just surrender and capitulate to the Chinese because "that's what's best for us"?


Who said anything about "surrendering"???! We need a long term strategy to disentangle ourselves from Asia IMO, but we don't need to surrender and we don't need to go to a trade war with them either.

Spin Zone / Re: Why not a teen wage?
« on: July 11, 2016, 09:26:21 PM »
The mandated "minimum wage" is as anachronistic as trade unions.

Sadly no. In this globalized world, it is becoming a necessity to provide close to a living wage to people that want to work, but for one reason or another can't just go get a "good job". In the old days, unions and factories filled this capacity and they are greatly diminished. If we drive these marginal workers that make up a sizable portion of the work force into poverty and ultimately unemployment, what do you think that will do to the country as a whole? What do you think that will do to the crime rates?

I personally have come to the conclusion that we need to tie the minimum wage to a fixed formula that is based on the cost of living index and forget about it until something wonderful happens and we no longer need it. Federally, we should fix it so that the lowest paid worker in the lowest cost of living state can get by and then let the various states and municipalities supplement it to reflect a higher cost of living in a particular area. Once this is set up, no more talk about it. No more increases unless the states want to do it by themselves.

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary Clinton Set To Be Interviewed by FBI
« on: July 11, 2016, 08:13:26 PM »
I don't know how anybody can think that at this point we can easily implement any kind of trade barriers and not send the country into a worse recession. The time to think about protectionist policies was about 30 to 40 years ago. We are now dependent on foreign manufacturing and also foreign sales.

Damn near every company in America with over 100 employees has invested heavily in China. China is widely viewed as the future of big profit. Think of a publicly traded company and odds are 100 to one that it is setting up shop in China. At this point, China holds most all the cards. A transition to competent American manufacturing on a diverse scale would take at least a decade to achieve and massive investment at this point.

Some will say, "China really needs us!" and they would be right, but not near as much as we need them! Sadly, at this point we do not have the ability to manufacture hardly anything without Chinese, or foreign help. Sadly, China holds most of our debt and our dollars. Sadly, we desperately need their reinvestment in our country for some cash flow.

It is now a globally connected world and the big tariffs and barriers Trump proposes would send the entire world economy into a depression. The thing is, China followed by Europe are the best prepared to survive and emerge from that depression... eventually. We could likely negotiate better trade deals if everyone in America wasn't worried so much about their retirement 401Ks and quarterly stock prices, but we are obsessed and so Wall Street calls the shots.

If you want your retirement account to go to hell, if you want to be laid off from your job, if you want your home value to plummet, vote for Trump and encourage him to stick to his campaign promises.

Spin Zone / Re: From the religion of peace...
« on: July 11, 2016, 02:54:11 PM »

I know, right? Pretty tiny chunk of real estate to fight about. I think the vast majority of Arab and Muslim countries are coming to this conclusion. It isn't so bad having Israel in the neighborhood and they are good for business. The various Islamic terror groups including ISIS as well as the Palestinians are really the only entities that are actively pursuing Israel's destruction.

The rest have licked their wounds, or swallowed their pride and have made peace with the idea that Israel is here to stay and likely can not be dislodged. Sure lots of countries in the region still have to give lip service to the "death to Israel" communities for political reasons, but there are no active plans to actually do anything about it and that includes Iran.

Spin Zone / Re: From the religion of peace...
« on: July 11, 2016, 02:43:15 PM »
More than that.  At the time of partition Palestine was just the trans Jordan.  The people in it were Jordanians, most were itinerant workers doing stuff for the British.  The situation has been exacerbated and continued by the neighboring powers, much to the detriment of the people.  The Palestinians are Arabs, they speak Arabic and are mostly Sunni Muslims.  The Arabian peninsula is huge, around a million and quarter square miles.  Many of its economies are booming from oil wealth, there is plenty of room for these people.  But the local powers prefer them to be impoverished and in refugee camps.  And they say the Israelis are the bad guys.  Yeah, right.

This is very true. The Palestinians are the Arabian Gypsies. Nobody wants them and that's why they are trying desperately to find a place of their own and they believe it should be all of the areas controlled by Israel. That would be a neat solution to their problem because they wouldn't have to fight with other Arab nations (or so they think!). In fact they try to capitalize on the Arab world's hatred of the Jews to get the job done. It's a simple plan, a beautiful plan, but a stupid plan. They would be wise to give up, but it looks as though that will never happen.

Spin Zone / Re: From the religion of peace...
« on: July 11, 2016, 02:36:51 PM »
It's been quite some time since the Palestinians controlled Gaza.

Before the British occupied it in 1914(?), Gaza was occupied/controlled by, iirc, the Ottoman Empire.

Eventually, claim to land ceases to be credible.

The Palestinian's claim to that territory is just as valid as the Ottomans, the British, the Egyptians or even the Israelis. They can always claim it as theirs. Having the means to actually control it and defend it as their own is a different matter. It is the Palestinian's natural right in the animal kingdom to try to take it from the Israelis if they want. So far they have failed miserably, killed a lot of their people trying and ruined their economy by trying, but it is their right to try if they wish.

Combat is the most common way countries have traded control of territory over the ages and it is no different today.

Spin Zone / Re: From the religion of peace...
« on: July 11, 2016, 09:31:19 AM »
Who controlled Gaza before Israel captured it in 1967?

IIRC, Egypt. What's your point?

Spin Zone / Re: From the religion of peace...
« on: July 11, 2016, 08:21:12 AM »
interesting.  "The Palestinians want their property back "

really?  it was theirs?

Well as we all know, property ownership is always transient. As I have said before, property really only belongs to those that have the means to keep it and defend it against outsiders that might want to take it. Many peoples have failed in their defense of lands over the centuries and lost places they once called home. However this fact of history and mankind's behavior doesn't stop those that have lost from trying to get their lands back, or feel that they have been wronged.

The Palestinians lived there for a 1000 years or so and that is their only claim to it. The Israelis had the power to take it and keep it. The Israelis have been contested constantly since and they prevail, so the land belongs to them. It is what it is, but the Paletinians haven't given up contesting it even though they are clearly beaten. I guess they are stubborn. Very likely many here would be too in that situation.

It's super easy for us to sit over here and say to the Palestinians that they should give up and be good losers, hand over their guns to the winners and do as Israelis dictate so that there can be peace and we don't have to think about it anymore. For them though, it is an epic struggle to the death in an attempt to gain control of lands they consider theirs by birth right. Like I said, this will go on until either the Israelis get fed up, commit genocide and wipe them out, or Israel gives up and disbands as a country. There will not be a "Two State Solution". Apparently Palestinians are more feisty than Native Americans and will not agree to be relocated to reservations.

ISIS may actually be a blessing in disguise for Israel. It is likely that ISIS will eventually try to take over control of the Gaza Strip and attack Israel. This would give Israel a good reason to go to total war on the people of the Gaza Strip and use it as a way to eradicate the Palestinians there and eventually absorb the Gaza Strip into Israel. I don't know if ISIS could take over the West Bank or not, but it seems unlikely now.

Why it is so hard for folks here to understand why Palestinians fight, and teach their kids to fight, is beyond me. The religions aspect of it is a smoke screen. They use religion to inspire people to fight and struggle on by telling them that Allah is on their side and they will prevail eventually. These aren't exactly large groups of brain surgeons and rocket scientists. Religion has been used to manipulate and control masses of people since the beginning of mankind I'm sure.

Spin Zone / Re: From the religion of peace...
« on: July 10, 2016, 10:05:35 AM »
Sorry, Dave. But that's bullshit. In one instance, the target at the range is a piece of paper, or a piece of metal. Period.  In the other, the target is real human beings of a different religion.

As for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, show me where the Israelis commit unprovoked and random violence against Palestinians. Please, show me. The "real, inevitable" danger is not inevitable, and is dictated by the terrorists in their midst.  Those terrorists may likely be the fathers and mothers who send their kids to these indoctrination "schools," which, by the way, we American citizens probably fund through "humanitarian aid."

See, you're making the mistake of thinking the Palestinian/Israeli conflict is all about religion. It's not. It's about land, control of land, living conditions and prosperity. They use religion to justify and their actions and to inspire them to continue, but it's not about religion at all. The Palestinians want their property back and they are willing to fight with whatever they have for 1000 years if need be. It's what happens to a people when they have nothing, nowhere to go and nothing to lose.

The irony is, Hitler's "Final Solution" that the Jews ran from, is likely the solution they will come to with the Palestinians. The Palestinians will never stop fighting for their property back, they will never stop getting support from outsiders and they will never be satisfied with crumbs and scraps for Israel. This will go on for 1000 years unless the Israelis get fed up and burn them from the land. I see no good solutions at this point and neither does anybody else.

It's foolish to not understand the Palestinian position and only see the Israeli side of it.

Spin Zone / Re: From the religion of peace...
« on: July 09, 2016, 05:38:40 PM »
Bringing kids to the range has any relevance to a play about killing Jews?  You are as off base as Jaybird in this matter.

Not really. It's all about instilling values on the kids. One is teaching their kids to be ready to face some kind of imaginary, or hypothetical danger and the other is preparing them to face a very real and inevitable danger. The Israeli, Palestinian conflict has now been going on for generations and some of those kids will grow up to face the Israeli army.

It's all a matter of perspective. To us here in the states, It seems all so clear and simple, but to people that live there and grew up in it, it's very different. Don't get me wrong, I fully support the Israelis in this issues, but I am not so blind to not be sympathetic to the Palestinian people that are stuck in this mess. Religion really isn't the cause here, but it does make it worse for sure.

Spin Zone / Re: First Dallas, now Missouri
« on: July 09, 2016, 09:57:51 AM »

Regardless of whether the recent events where white cops shot black motorists was justifiable or not,

this is not the way to respond.  This WILL make things worse for blacks.  Much worse.

A full blown race war is not the way to fix things.   I Suggest following MLK's tactics.

No kidding! If somebody thinks that white cops where trigger happy before, imagine how it is now after Dallas.

Spin Zone / Re: From the religion of peace...
« on: July 09, 2016, 09:44:47 AM »
How about these parents?

Or these parents?

Or these parents?

Or these parents?

Or these?

You can go on all day as these kinds of images are super easy to come up with?  OMG, Those kids are just so adorable!   ::)

Spin Zone / Re: Castile Stop: Other Side Of The Story
« on: July 09, 2016, 09:36:25 AM »
Yeah, I don't put a lot of weight on these sort of after the fact revelations to try to justify things. This account may be true or it may be a CYA maneuver. I don't know.

Spin Zone / Re: President Obama and Islam
« on: July 08, 2016, 09:20:08 AM »
"Not all Muslims are terrorist, but all terrorist are Muslim."

Who the hell are you quoting? That is seriously stupid.

Spin Zone / Re: President Obama and Islam
« on: July 08, 2016, 09:15:08 AM »
1) That would be Fourth Reich
2) If ISIS had the power they would wipe out every single infidel in an instant, then go to Miller Time. You and the goofy prof first.

and IF you had the power to vaporize all of ISIS you would. Those are two very big ifs and neither is realistic or going to happen. ISIS members are also very strict Muslims, so there is no "Miller time" for them.

During WWI and WWII, there were American volunteers that traveled to Europe and Asia to fight in those wars and help other nations. There are other nations actively fighting ISIS right now over there. I suggest all the people that feel so strongly about ISIS volunteer and go over there and fight them. You first.

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