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Messages - Mr Pou

Pages: 1 ... 89 90 [91] 92 93 ... 96
Spin Zone / Re: Romney, the real reason.
« on: March 07, 2016, 05:46:33 AM »
He's speaking for his handlers. GOP establishment is bought and paid for.

Both sides bought and paid for, strings being pulled by those above. We have the illusion of choice, but do we really have choice? With the same people pulling both sets of strings?

Spin Zone / Re: I cant stream the GOP debate.
« on: March 04, 2016, 07:55:47 AM »
It's no longer watchable and really is a joke. Other nations must laugh.

Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: March 03, 2016, 04:41:45 PM »
Has anyone looked at the network news tonight? The media/GOP smear campaign against Trump is in top gear. It's disgusting, actually. The republicans are eating their own, and the result is going to be a loss to Hillary. It almost looks like they WANT to lose.

I guess I just don't get it.

Pilot Zone / Re: A Raft Of Problems
« on: March 03, 2016, 01:18:58 PM »
Looks like he blew it!

Spin Zone / Re: A New GOP is Born- Pat Buchanan
« on: March 02, 2016, 07:13:13 AM »
  I would vote for anyone over Hillary.

A vote for Hillary is a vote for flushing what's left of the old USA down the toilet.

Spin Zone / Re: A New GOP is Born- Pat Buchanan
« on: March 02, 2016, 07:10:53 AM »
unless reports of McConnell being willing to torpedo a Trump candidacy are true in which case all bets are off and we are no longer being governed by people with even a  shred of concern about the Nation and nothing any of us do will amount to a hill of beans.

At that point the only change will be when revolution comes.

Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: March 02, 2016, 05:45:10 AM »
I know, I haven't answered your question.  Let's just say it would be really, really repugnant to me to vote for an adulterer who is also a childish bully, and give him the nuclear codes.  I have eight months to swallow the bile he raises in me.  We'll see.

Wow, hard to believe. Yes, Trump is hard to swallow sometimes, but at least he's DONE something. He took a $1M loan from his father and turned it into ~$4.5B of net worth[1]. That's a 450,000% return on that original seed money[2]. WHAT has Hillary done, really, other than break laws and get people killed?

Hillary is like Obama, big on hot air, little on accomplishment.


There is some argument that his net worth could be anywhere from $3.5B to $10B.

[2] True, his father's good name and connections did help pave the way to success.

But still, he's accomplished a lot.

Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: March 01, 2016, 06:26:17 AM »
Laura Ingraham has correctly identified where the problem lies with the RNC.  I don't see her column as pro Trump but instead a critical review of the Republicans and why they are now in the mess they are in.

 And she is dead on with her assessment of Rubio.

Correct on all counts, and why Trump is popular. We all know 16 years of the Bush/Obama presidency has gotten us nowhere, and both sides continue to foist the same shit sandwich upon the populace.

I'm damned near ready to vote for Trump, as I feel we need to blow the place up, burn it down, and start over. Trump can certainly do no worse than the past 16 years of asshatery.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump is being audited by the IRS
« on: February 26, 2016, 12:53:05 PM »
Commissioner of the IRS is an appointed position. Just sayin'.

Spin Zone / Re: Hmmmm........
« on: February 26, 2016, 06:28:42 AM »
Why the obsession with Bryan?  Seems like a good guy.

Guy's an attention whore.

Spin Zone / Re: My God, Did POA Just Become as Boring as AOPA?
« on: February 25, 2016, 12:54:58 PM »
Funny (ironic funny not ha ha funny) how what was once ok is now verboten.

Yes indeed. POA definitely had a much more front porch feel in the early days, and it was fun to go to the flyins and meet people face to face.

Spin Zone / Re: My God, Did POA Just Become as Boring as AOPA?
« on: February 25, 2016, 08:11:54 AM »
Nick resurrected a thread from 2006 and it lasted a little while before it got closed.

A nice experiment failed.

Spin Zone / Re: Nationalism and Populism Propel Trump- Pat Buchanan
« on: February 23, 2016, 09:27:53 AM »
Not just Trump, but the large support base behind Bernie shows that many Americans are fed up with status quo politicians and will get behind some fairly radical ideas to get the point across. Bernie/Trump? Just depends if they're dissatisfied D's or R's.

Spin Zone / Re: A Valentine's present for Pilot Spin!
« on: February 17, 2016, 02:21:16 PM »
Why then doesn't Trump just run as an Independent?

That would be very bad, as it would split the R vote, resulting in a landslide victory for the D's. Remember Ross Perot?

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