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Messages - Gary

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Don't worry, Gary. Some of us still have a sense of humor left.  :)

What, me worry?  (with an attribute to Alfred E. Neumann)

Spin Zone / Re: Quick Trump story
« on: March 13, 2017, 12:17:29 PM »
Good story!!  ;D

Yes, Eric was at Hill School, lot's of different "encounter" stories floating about.

Can't argue he travels in style!  ;)

PS - Lock her up!  ;)

Spin Zone / Re: Trump said the media is the enemy of the people.
« on: March 13, 2017, 11:23:55 AM »
>:( >:( >:(

I get so sick of hearing and reading that.  Last night my in-laws repeated that during a birthday party I was throwing for one of them.

From USELESS A Today:

Just by slightly twisting a phrase and leaving out a critical part they manage to make Trump look stupid.  The media in general is not the enemy of the people; but the FAKE news people are.

As we all know, this is just one example, but it is the one that got me going last night to the point I may have succeeded in keeping my in-laws away for quite a while!  :)

I agree completely that the media takes joyful glee in criticizing the President, much more than I can remember from the past.  All of the recent press on the replacement of Justice Department attorneys is a good example – as Anthony pointed out, this is a common occurrence – but the press covers it as though this is a horrible new thing.

That being said, the President (and his Administration) isn’t a blameless victim.  The President is a longtime fan of truthful hyperbole and utilizes it, as well as deflection, to its fullest.

The President is quite adept at manufacturing his own “fake news”.  From his support of the birther theory (when it was useful to him) to his denunciation (when it no longer was), through the size of the inauguration crowds; millions of illegal votes were cast (what ever DID happen to that promised investigation?); the pretty serious charge that a past President wiretapped his phones, to the current claims that TrumpCare will be wonderful - the best health plan ever devised, the President lays these things out there and the press just can’t help but show the  inaccuracies. 

His spokespeople then have the un-enviable task of trying to clean up and clarify just what the President meant.  Neither Mr. Spicer (love the recent quote about unemployment figures used to be bogus, but now they aren’t, possibly a bad joke?) or Ms. Conway (who has extraordinary skill at not answering the question) are particularly helpful, they just add fuel to the fire.

The President was pretty clear when he accused the entire CNN network as fake news.  As long as the Administration keeps throwing out the red meat, the wolves in the press will continue to have a field day, it’s great for ratings.

PS - the ratings thing is applicable to the press across the political spectrum!

Fake news!

Mine is real.  :)

 ;D  Yours is real, mine are alternate facts!  ;D

When you think about it, it makes perfect sense.

To back her up, a new bestselling book is out called Reasons to Vote for Democrats. The book consists of blank pages.

Reviews are stellar.

Good one!

Hmmmm...   Problem was, most Republicans complained it was too long and took too many days to read.    ;)

Spin Zone / Re: RINOS
« on: March 09, 2017, 06:05:32 PM »
Not that I agree with the rest of your post, I only want to address this last point.

No worries! ;)

It should be uncomfortable for politicians to figure out how to pay for any government spending.  Part of the problem is that on the Federal level, it has never been uncomfortable;  they just tax more to pay for everything.  But if we shift the responsibility down to the states, then the politicians who are closer to the voters will have to make the tough decisions.  And those decisions should reside with the individual States rather than the Federal government.

A fair point.  In this case however, the message is that the Republicans are going to (potentially) save some money on the Federal budget by dumping people off health care insurance but don't want the bad publicity.  Therefore, their plan is to put that problem on the states.

Spin Zone / Re: RINOS
« on: March 09, 2017, 05:11:50 PM »
So I looked at the Bill Paul Ryan is proposing on healthcare, and what a piece of crap.

How can that be?  Can you clear up the confusion caused by your panning of TrumpCare©

The President was very clear in his message that TrumpCare© was wonderful! 

Donald J. Trump

Our wonderful new Healthcare Bill is now out for review and negotiation. ObamaCare is a complete and total disaster - is imploding fast!
7:13 AM - 7 Mar 2017

“It’s an unbelievably complex subject. Nobody knew health care could be so complicated.”

"There's many different ways, by the way. Everybody's got to be covered. This is an un-Republican thing for me to say because a lot of times they say, 'No, no, the lower 25 percent that can't afford private'… I am going to take care of everybody. I don't care if it costs me votes or not. Everybody's going to be taken care of much better than they're taken care of now."

“We’re going to have insurance for everybody,” Mr. Trump said. “There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.”

Perhaps the President was ill-informed, unaware of the contents of the bill or mis-spoke?  The President is the leader of the country and the Republican party.  How can this be only the Ryan bill?

That being said, I do agree that the TrumpCare© bill is amazingly underwhelming. 

Similarly to ObamaCare, it does very little to nothing concerning actual health care costs.
Shifts the burden of health care insurance to the poorer folks and the elderly folks.
Provides an impressive tax cut to the wealthy.
Will likely cause 10-15 million people to lose their health care insurance
Puts the states in a very uncomfortable position of figuring out how to pay for Medicaid.

Spin Zone / Re: Flynn Resigns
« on: February 16, 2017, 10:10:37 AM »
Well, you need a little break from the work sometimes, and I was getting bored having continual self loathing and guilt for being a white man, not paying my fair share, and being a racist, homophobic, misogynistic xenophobe.

Welcome back!   ;)  I can understand how the bolded activities could be boring!  ;)

So I thought I'd rejoin the swamp.

So, what's been shakin'?

Still a swamp!

Spin Zone / Re: Flynn Resigns
« on: February 15, 2017, 11:18:26 AM »
(1)  The contact was after the election.  You must be listening to that FAKE news.

Not sure we really know the full timing of the different conversations, they clearly were before the President was sworn in.  General Flynn should have known better (if he didn't, thats a whole different discussion).  Haven't seen the transcript, for all we know, the contacts could have been completely innocuous.  The FBI certainly knew about them and they were enough for the FBI to brief the President.  It does seem that General Flynn was not honest and forthcoming in his informing the President and Vice-President on the substance of the conversations.. I can understand the President with his "eroding of trust" comment.  He put both in a very uncomfortable position.

I do have a problem with who ever released the information that the transcripts existed.  To me that is theft.  Leaks are a way of life in Washington, every President has been vexed by them and they are exceedingly difficult to control. 

(2)  I have not called you stupid.   Yet.

Would hope that you don't, because he isn't.

Spin Zone / Re: How can these 9th courts overrule the president?
« on: February 11, 2017, 08:23:22 PM »
Your circular argument is liberal bullshit.

 ;D ;D  LOL!!!   ;D ;D

Then you should be able to logically refute the entire arguement!

Gimp beat me to it with the "Most Hilarious Laugh Ever".

Spin Zone / Re: Donations from employees of Soros Fund to Republicans
« on: February 11, 2017, 05:09:49 PM »
These Establishment Republicans are no better than their Democrat cohorts.  They just want to keep gorging at the big government trough.  Trump threatens them.  GOOD!!!  I am tired of these Republican career politicians that take advantage of the American taxpayer purely for their own gain.

 ;D ;D  when it comes to political contributions, really doesn't matter where they come from, all are happily accepted!

Spin Zone / Re: Texas Woman Gets 8 Years For Illegal Voting
« on: February 11, 2017, 05:08:28 PM »
Don't know of a single  person that has said no voting fraud occurs.  Any system will have fraud, there just isn't a perfect system.  That being said, all the evidence that exists confirms that the rate of voting fraud is so low to be barely measurable.

So.. this tread has identified 3 instances of voting fraud.  Keep those examples coming until we hit the 3 million... I'll wait.  ;)

Spin Zone / Re: How can these 9th courts overrule the president?
« on: February 11, 2017, 05:00:02 PM »
Even if he was to do that, some dipshit AG from a 9th Circus district would challenge it in court, and you would see the same result.

 The decision of the 9th Circus didn't even bother to cite the law that gives the president the authority. And their decision was purely "we don't like what the president is doing", nothing more.

They didn't have to, and that wasn't their decision..  The Ninth Circuit Court involvement in this was only to determine if the stay in the implementation of the Presidents EO granted by the lower court through a temporary restraining order, was to continue.  The Ninth Court in no way has determined whether the EO is legal/illegal or constitutional/unconstitutional. 

So... the issue goes back to District Court where the two sides can present their case.  This of course may all be moot, since rumor has it the President is writing a new order.  Or, the government can appeal to a higher court - that is their call.

There is no doubt that Federal law gives the President wide latitude in immigration affairs, but even the President cannot do something illegal or unconstitutional.

The fact of the matter is that the presidents EO was hurriedly and poorly written, no consultation with the agencies that had to implement it, no guidance on applying the EO, and all wrapped in the cloak of national security/safety when there isn't any solid evidence that the EO would truly make America one whit safer.  So yes, the restraining order is back effect (as it should be) and the President/staff can try again.  If the President wants to improve the vetting of immigrants, have at it, there are a lot of ways to do that, but in typical fashion the President decided to take the path of an "official tweet" that was quickly shot down.  Suspect the President won't make that mistake again.

Spin Zone / Re: How can these 9th courts overrule the president?
« on: February 09, 2017, 05:24:57 PM »
It's important to have checks and balances.

This... The President is not a dictator.

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