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Messages - Rush

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Spin Zone / Re: First Presser is Terrific
« on: January 12, 2017, 10:23:10 PM »
I don't want help from HRC or Trump or any of them, I just want them to stay the F out of the way.

Yes.  This is the kind of "help" I'm hoping for from Trump.

Spin Zone / Re: First Presser is Terrific
« on: January 12, 2017, 10:20:32 PM »

But you see, the thing is, while I agree that HRC would make millions, I'm not so sure she would help the rest of us.

This is the difference.

Spin Zone / Re: First Presser is Terrific
« on: January 12, 2017, 05:03:21 PM »
I no longer care if any politician is ethical or not, or has a conflict of interest and profits somehow "unfairly" from his position, as long as he fixes the economy to profit ME.  All I care about now is maximizing my old age comfort, or rather, minimizing the Hell.  If I can climb up one more rung here in the middle class, so I can afford a slightly better retirement situation, what do I care if Trump has filthy billions or filthy billions plus X?  He's welcome to it, if he can improve MY situation.  It's time for me to be selfish. I've spent my whole life being moral and ethical, and caring about other people, and caring whether a politician I vote for is honest and upright.  I may be slow but I do eventually learn, and I've finally figured it out:  NONE OF THEM ARE.  So I'm done giving a damn. The alternative to Trump was a piece of shit so deeply corrupt with a whole entourage of corrupt friends that have already done untold damage to the country, my wallet and my happiness.  If Trump too is a corrupt piece of shit, fine. He's an amateur, he can't begin to equal the damage done by the Clintons, Obama and the Democrats.

Spin Zone / Re: Someone please take Trump's twitter account away
« on: January 12, 2017, 06:29:51 AM »
Seems the anti-EC crowd won't absorb the brilliance of it.

Witmo, awesomely cogent and concise arguments have been laid out here and all over the documents relating to our government, showing how the EC is actually more representative of the citizenry than the popular vote. What the heck is your problem, dude? Your "arguments" are starting to sound like whining, not thinking.

As I said elsewhere, the EC in just under one generation has saved us from Al Gore and Hillary Clinton. Thus it almost can be considered divinely inspired.

I fully admit Trump is an unknown. But when Door #1 is the zonk, you pretty much have to go with an unknown, no?

They won't absorb it because it tends to work against them, that's all.  If it worked in their favor they'd be all for it.

The left is so full of hypocrisy.  If it's a third world nation and poor villagers against a rich ruling family, they're all for the poor villagers. But not here at home, because they've grown to hate "flyover country".

I keep two 38+P revolvers and a shotgun on hand for home defense.  All my 1911s and our rifles are in the safe most of the time.

Spin Zone / Re: First Presser is Terrific
« on: January 11, 2017, 06:36:44 PM »
Strange euphoria setting in ... a president who loves America, is smart, listens, responds, actually works hard on our behalf. Picks highly qualified people, thinks Constitution is important.

I've got a "strange euphoria" this January.  Complete opposite of my normal post-holiday depression.  Maybe it's due to big, sunny, warm south Texas instead of cold, grey Appalachia.  Maybe it's that our finances are finally turning around. Maybe it's the Grandbaby.  Nah. It's none of that.   ;D

Spin Zone / Re: Hmmm, think I'll go rob that gun store....
« on: January 10, 2017, 08:24:10 PM »
Darwinism.  Don't try to rob a gun store, LOL!

What is the LEFT's fascination with an oppressive, violent, and totalitarian regime like Cuba that abuses its citizens regularly, and keeps them in enslaved poverty?  Why do they love the Castros so much?

It is the left's blindness to reality and to nature.  This blindness allows them to believe that man is on a "progressive" course to some utopian ideal.  They've constructed a belief that the way to achieve this vision is wealth redistribution by a centralized authority.  So they keep trying, and when it fails, as it always does, they must blame anything other than themselves. The oppression, violence, etc., is either a necessary step in the journey toward perfection, or it is a result of outside meddling by others (usually white males). Their obsession results from their rage that their experiment is obviously a failure, and their scramble to rationalize why it's the fault of anything but their unnatural ideals.

Conversely, adherents to free market capitalism can also suffer from utopian idealism.  But in general, as an economic system, capitalism works far better than collectivism.  The truth is reality is fluid and capitalism recognizes that reality; collectivism does not. Society will always change around with the flow of time. The nature of man as a living organism is to behave certain ways and make constant micro-decisions for individual and group survival. Capitalism takes advantage of this reality. Collectivism tries to kill it.

Because the left doesn't understand these realities, they're doomed to constant frustration as the world keeps insisting on working the way mother nature made it, that is: individuals seek to trade at a profit to both parties.  It's the most basic of human behaviors and the left's economic theories go straight opposite of it. Because they refuse to see humans as just another working part in the whole of nature (including such horrors as killing and eating other things with faces) they suffer from internal dissonance. They can't reconcile reality with their intellectually constructed notions.  By God they will prove that their theories work if they must torture and kill every human on earth in the process.

Spin Zone / Re: Who are the actual Trump Supporters?
« on: January 01, 2017, 10:37:17 AM »
Real nice post, Rush. I can't say I agree with all of it, but it is thoughtful and well-written.

Thanks, I see you voted Johnson.  He would have been my second choice and I might have gone with him if I'd been in one of the definitely blue states and knew my vote wouldn't matter.

Spin Zone / Re: Marie Locks Another Thread......
« on: January 01, 2017, 10:18:15 AM »
Just curious, do any of you know who the "hall monitor" is over at the red board?

Spin Zone / Re: Who are the actual Trump Supporters?
« on: December 30, 2016, 12:58:08 PM »
I'm a lukewarm supporter. I didn't vote for him in the primary but did in the general of course, because this country cannot survive Hillary, she'd just continue the Obama slide into oblivion.

I am more hopeful about him now that he's been elected; he is becoming more "presidential" (less insane?).  But I understood all along that his extremist rants, like deporting all illegals and killing the families of terrorists, were designed to gain attention, and hence actually successfully win the election, more than literal promises he'd fulfill.  I had no problem with that.  It certainly wasn't as down and dirty and duplicitous as some of the things Hillary's campaign did.

I still have reservations about exactly how he is going to achieve the goal of bringing jobs back to the U.S.  Setting tariffs against imports for example would be the wrong way to do it. This would raise consumer prices, which has always been my beef with U.S. workers demanding the jobs stay home. They want union wages, and minimum wage laws, and the Feds set regulations about safety, environment, etc., plus high taxes, all the costs of which, naturally, manufacturers just pass along to the consumer.  To restrict imports as a way to force goods to be made on our soil, without addressing these reasons the jobs went overseas in the first place, will be disaster for the consumer's pocketbook.

And we need cheap, abundant energy. Trump needs to put an end to this movement to destroy fossil fuel.  Fuel cost impacts every single thing we buy, use, eat or do.  Perhaps no other single item is as important for him to do than to reverse what the left has done to destroy good energy in this country; closing coal plants, killing the nuclear industry, banning offshore drilling, subsidizing "green" energy so the masses do not understand how expensive and inefficient it actually is. Trump understands this but I don't know if he can fight the uphill battle of climate change hysteria.

I guess what I don't want to see is some kind of heavy handed dictatorship methods, the thing the liberals seem to think is a foregone conclusion with Trump. He's basically Hitler, you know, according to them.  Well he isn't. But like Obama, he could abuse executive powers and I'm a little wary of that. And he will have a major influence on the country for generations with the SC nominations. Trump is not going to outlaw gay marriage or any of the other stuff the snowflakes and crybabies are all panicked about. But who ends up on the SC will have an impact on these issues, and being libertarian, I'm more a social liberal, so I'm wary of that.  But I feel that economic collectivism must be avoided at ALL costs, and trumps social freedoms by a huge margin. So I fervently hope the SC positions are filled by anyone but a leftist.

Trump is not an ideologue. (This is why some on the Republican right reject him.) I guess my preference would have been a libertarian ideologue in a perfect world. But Trump is a businessman who will negotiate or bend, or change position as needed to accomplish his goal.  This is why I'm wary of him, and only a lukewarm supporter. His flip flop on some gun rights issues for example.  But, it might turn out to be a good thing because there's nothing more dangerous than a rigid thinking ideologue, on any end of the spectrum.  Those are the types who will keep a utopian ideal in mind while people around them suffer.  A pragmatic businessman on the other hand, will see the reality of the journey to the goal as well as the goal itself, and will see the nuances, variations, compromises along the way, that need to be managed to actually make the good thing happen.

For example, I expect Trump to flip flop on immigration when he sees that although Americans SAY they want the jobs that the illegals are taking, in reality they won't actually take them unless they get a high wage, which of course, means high prices for the consumer, and of course, those same Americans will then bitch about high prices.

But immigration is a touchy subject, and the real problem is cultural. When a people invade a land not to assimilate, but to replace that land's culture with their own, in the end, that country will cease to exist. This is the heart of the "nationalism" that Trump tapped into during the campaign.  Trump voters want to keep America America - no, NOT to go back to slavery - but to retain a culture supportive of free enterprise, prosperity, relative safety, and relative freedom from government molestation, that the immigrants from the century before last sought when they came through Ellis Isle. 

How Trump will reconcile these forces to result in a country with good employment, low prices, increasing wealth for the middle class, declining poverty, and a reasonable immigration policy that welcomes the hardworking, law abiding applicant who wants to actually become an American, regardless of skin color or ethnicity, remains to be seen.

I am guardedly optimistic.

Spin Zone / Re: Removing fire extinguishers?
« on: December 25, 2016, 06:25:20 AM »
Liability when you hurt or kill yourself trying to stop a fire with their inferior provided fire extinguishers.

That's what I was thinking. They don't want people trying to fight a fire, they want them to exit the building, period.

Spin Zone / Re: The Clinton Archipelago
« on: December 21, 2016, 08:57:36 PM »
I don't post any political on FB.  Nothing at all, don't reply to anything, don't LIKE anything.  No matter WHAT I posted I would piss off half my friends and nobody would change their mind.

I got into some political discussions on FB this election because I have a couple of young nieces who were voting for the first time and were being brainwashed by the zomghegrabbedpussy hysteria and needed some facts and history filled in before they lost all grasp on reality and threw their vote to the "deserving vagina".  They were undecided and I had influence and that was the platform. But it was under protest - I have grown to HATE Facebook. The only reason I haven't deactivated my account is because some people I care about use Facebook to post updates about themselves (like their progress fighting cancer).

Spin Zone / Re: Monday, Dec 19th
« on: December 17, 2016, 10:22:36 AM »
“What is evident is that Donald Trump lacks more than the qualifications to be president. He lacks the necessary stability and clearly the respect for the Constitution of our great nation,” say the celebs.

Being as Trump's response to the question "Who would you appoint to the Supreme Court" was "people who will uphold the Constitution" as opposed to Hillary's "People who will promote a liberal activist agenda",  it's pretty clear Trump respects the Constitution FAR more than the person they wanted.


Prevalence of depressive symptoms among high-stress occupations include 7% among emergency medical technicians, 10 to 17% among police officers, and 12% among deployed and 13% among previously deployed military personnel, the researchers estimate.

In future studies, the researchers hope to examine the risk factors for depression among pilots.

"We suspect that disrupted circadian rhythm and/or sleep disturbances may be associated with having a higher depressive score," said Wu.

Maybe it comes with the territory.  In other words, it's "normal" for this level of depression to show up in this group of people as a result of the occupation itself.

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