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Messages - Dav8or

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Pilot Zone / Re: So, Who's Going to Oshkosh?
« on: July 18, 2016, 10:31:22 PM »
Got tire, tube, event the little thingies that go on top the jack for Mooneys.  What I don't have include an airplane jack, English measure tools (mine are all metric),and even said cotter pin.  I do have safety wire and pliers for it, believe it or not.  Did change out the oil, filter, and battery, so I'm not entirely helpless.  But I've never changed a tire on anything (I pull wheels, but pay to have tires changed) and the last time I used an inner tube on a tire it was on a Schwinn.  Moreover, I've never jacked up an airplane myself either.

All this said, I've got a mechanic coming over from the neighboring airport early this week, so it sounds like my Oshkosh trip is saved.  I'll be paying careful attention, and I thin I'll have my eyes out of a jack.  I do not intend to be in this position again.

Then again, the lack of mechanical services is forcing me to abandon the airport at which I've been based since the beginning of this century.  I am moving the airplane, just don't quite know where yet.  I've been grounded of three weeks with a simple flat because a mechanic couldn't be bothered to come fix it.  I can only imagine how bad it would be with substantive engine troubles.

Excellent!! Other notes- You'll want some talcum powder too. Sprinkle it in the tire for your initial tube inflation. Your A&P will likely show you this. It helps to keep the tube from kinking in the tire when inflated.

Also, for just a tire and tube change, a Mooney can be jacked just for one wheel by inserting a heavy gauge 1" tube, or 1" solid round bar into the gear "knee" (you know where I mean) and using a floor jack, or bottle jack. Just make sure to chock the other wheels and don't try to climb inside the plane or on the wing while it's up. No wing jack is needed if you don't have one. This is a much cheaper option.

My liberal friend watched a Steven Colbert show where he talked with Bill O'Reilly.  She said she agreed with everything O'Reilly said!  This just goes to show that when placed side by side in an actual discussion (which rarely happens) it is possible for a liberal and a conservative to agree on that elusive third thing, The Actual Problem We are Trying to Solve.

Sheesh.  We used to do this all the time, without even thinking about it.  Somehow, we realized that the two approaches (liberal and conservative) actually balanced each other, rather than paralyzing everything.

That may have been true for your friend, but I guarantee you that there where at least 100 people in the audience and countless more at home that that nodded along with Colbert's mocking of O'Reilly.

Spin Zone / Re: Chicago Murder Statistics
« on: July 18, 2016, 10:10:38 PM »
Crime tends to happen more in poor neighborhoods, and many of those are populated by African Americans.  More affluent neighborhoods, where crime rates are far lower, are not often populated by African Americans.

Yes, but black lives are supposed to matter. Why can't these poor people see that? There are poor white people and hispanic people and asian people and even native American people, but you just don't see these kinds of murder statistics with the other groups.

Why is that? I have my theories, I'm just wondering yours.

Spin Zone / Re: Chicago Murder Statistics
« on: July 18, 2016, 10:06:19 PM »
What's missing from this analysis is-

  • Whitey forced these people to drop out of school and take to the streets.
  • Whitey made them all get addicted to drugs.
  • Whitey first introduced and then gave away guns in the neighborhood.
  • In short... Whitey made black on black violence happen against black people's will.

Black lives really matter to black people... unless they are stealing their stuff, or talking shit, or invading their turf, or banging their girlfriends, or disrespecting their Mommas, or looking at them sideways, or...     ::)

Spin Zone / Re: Looks like Mike Pence is Trump's VP Pick
« on: July 18, 2016, 09:19:31 PM »
According to the GOP Obama was a Muslim who wasn't even American.  Now according to the GOP Hillary is the most corrupt person to ever live. Yeah, whatever.

I thought the E-mail thing was pretty classic Hillary, she is private to the point of obsession.  It was dumb, and she brought it on herself.  I never thought it amounted to criminal behavior, and the AG agreed with me.  According to he GOP if Hillary litters she should go for a felony.

Benghazi was a sideshow.  Some guys died, and it was a real pity.  I thought she was right when she told the grandstanding Congresscritters that the job was to not let it happen again, and not to lay blame.  Didn't sit well with them, they had more hearings on Benghazi than Pearl harbor or 911.  Go figure.

I think the biggest problem with Hillary is she isn't anything new.  She's done this before, and its really hard to get that excited about a familiar face.  My dogs get hyper excited when I get home, Mrs. Steingar somewhat less so.

I think Hillary, should she win, will have the least transparent administration ever.  I suspect she'll be enormously effective.

Should Trump win, well the only people who like him less than the Democrats are the Republicans.  Should make damn fine TV.  I suspect Trump will self-destruct before this is all over.  He'll say something stupid and offend the wrong people, and everyone will remember who he is.

You guys better hope Trump doesn't win.  It'll be the end of the GOP if he does.

That's what most of us fear, that she will be successful in implementing terrible feel good, political pandering policies.

Pilot Zone / Re: It was HOT this weekend, until I turned on the fan!
« on: July 18, 2016, 09:11:51 PM »
Cherokees have rudder trim?  Is it of the ground adjustable type?

No, the Warriors, Archers and Arrows I've flown all have had a proper rudder trim knob. I have never flown the earlier ones that were just "Cherokees" though.

Spin Zone / Re: Two cops shot in Baton Rouge
« on: July 17, 2016, 06:57:19 PM »
Meet the shooter:

I don't follow the news obsessively for my own well being, so I remember reading when this shooting happened that this guy got shot, but did he die?

Spin Zone / Re: And in news from Turkey
« on: July 17, 2016, 12:10:13 PM »
She's welcome to propose anything she wants. Getting it passed is a whole other story and it's not likely to happen. She may manage to get it through Congress but she won't get 3/4 of the States to ratify it.

Exactly! I actually applaud the progressives for once trying the way that the constitution actually spells out to bring about change. No more feel good legislation, no more endless court battles, no more activist judges, just put it to the vote.

Of course all this political grandstanding is to get support and votes. Everybody wants to hear about all the dynamic action the new president is going have in the "first one hundred days". It's a load of hooey and only the dumbest voters buy it. She can chuck her amendment idea out there and she knows it will go nowhere, but she can just moan on about obstructionist Republicans then. It will also become a debate topic so she can try to illustrate how Trump and the conservatives are just in the pockets of big money.

Pilot Zone / Re: So, Who's Going to Oshkosh?
« on: July 17, 2016, 10:02:11 AM »
He must use a "single payer, government sponsored" repair facility.

If you like your A&P, you can keep your A&P...  ;)

Pilot Zone / Re: So, Who's Going to Oshkosh?
« on: July 17, 2016, 09:59:20 AM »
A one hour job.  Tires and tubes that hard to come by in Ohio?

Sporty's is in Ohio. Overnight the tube/tire if he doesn't live in Cincinnati, then spend the hour putting it on. Don't even need the A&P. He will need some tools, a jack, a cotter pin and a bit of safety wire.

Spin Zone / Re: Looks like Mike Pence is Trump's VP Pick
« on: July 17, 2016, 09:40:10 AM »
Nah.  An awful lot of liberals are fed up with, and can't stand Hillary.

Sure, but where are they going to go? They could stay home and let Trump and Pence win, or suck it up and back Hillary just to stop the Trump/Pence nightmare from happening. I suspect they will do the later.

Spin Zone / Re: Looks like Mike Pence is Trump's VP Pick
« on: July 17, 2016, 09:33:55 AM »
So would he be better off picking a running mate that is a social liberal to make the liberals happy?  The better and more conservative his pick, the more energized liberals will be against it.  So if Pense "energizes" the liberals, that must mean Trump made a great choice.

IMO, if he wants to win in the general, yes. It's all about getting independents and defectors now. It was proven in the primaries that he already had the support of the evangelicals and social conservatives. Why does he think he needs to bolster that now? I guess Pence is supposed to make the Cruz supporters happy, but I suspect that they supported him for his constitutional positions rather than his bible thumping.

Anyhow, I think Pence is a poor choice, but that's just my opinion and the truth will be in November.

Spin Zone / Re: Looks like Mike Pence is Trump's VP Pick
« on: July 17, 2016, 07:44:33 AM »
One small problem about the liberals getting "energized" this election cycle: Clinton Fatigue.

They don't actually suffer that bad from that. It's conservatives that are tired of her. They look at all the hearings on emails and Benghazi and all that stuff like Steingar does. Much ado about nothing and politically motivated, so now that Bernie's done, I'm starting to see Hillary bumper stickers showing up. Remember, I live smack dab in the heart of liberal territory, so I get decent pulse of mood of the left.

The left is not fatigued. The left is disappointed, but after the convention they will be resigned about Hillary, after all she is still married to their version of Ronald Reagan and all eyes will turn to this Trump/Pence ticket. We'll see how it goes, but I think that combo is horrifying enough to left leaning folks that they will get out the vote.

Spin Zone / Re: Looks like Mike Pence is Trump's VP Pick
« on: July 16, 2016, 08:06:35 PM »
Why do you say that?

My limited knowledge of Mike Pence is that he is mostly known as a social conservative. Those types energize liberals.

Spin Zone / Re: From the religion of peace...
« on: July 16, 2016, 07:53:46 PM »
I don't remember any stories where the gypsies pledged their intention to exterminate an entire country. But maybe that is just me. If the Palenstinians acted like gypsies then there wouldn't be a problem. Heck, if they would just quit shooting Israelis and quit launching mortars and rockets and quit blowing stuff up, it would get better for them.

Yep, they could make all their lives better by giving up on the dream of defeating the Israelis. However, it's not likely. The rhetoric about destroying Israel and pushing the Jews into the sea is mostly political. While they fantasize about such things, it's mostly to look tough to their base and to broadcast their resolve. They need help from outside in the Arab world to get in any position to negotiate with Israel. The narrative of the plucky underdog that has been egregiously wronged by the wicked alien invaders plays well in the Arab world. However, to get any assistance, they need to show they are serious and willing to go the distance.

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