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Topics - Lucifer

Pages: 1 ... 85 86 [87] 88 89 ... 112

Chaffetz also revealed that before Trump became president, Republican leadership pledged to have an ObamaCare repeal and replace bill on his desk by the time he was sworn in.
"I was the chairman, and we were told in November and December, that, hey, we are going to front-load the schedule into January so that by the time the president is sworn in and it is President Trump, he will have a bill sitting on his desk," Chaffetz said. "And I can tell you, there is a great deal of frustration in both the House and the Senate that there is not yet a bill because it really feels like they haven’t yet gotten together and figured out a plan.”

For a group that claimed the Russians hacked them, they sure don't want federal investigators looking into it.

Some critics say CrowdStrike’s evidence for blaming Russia for the hack is thin. Members of Congress say they still believe Russia was responsible but wonder why the DNC has never allowed federal investigators to get a look at the key piece of evidence: the server. Either way, a key “witness” in the political scandal consuming the Trump administration remains beyond the reach of investigators.



Democratic state officials already are refusing to cooperate with the voter fraud investigation ordered by President Trump, saying they will not hand over the extensive “voter roll data” the commission is seeking.

The response comes after Kris Kobach, the Kansas secretary of state serving as vice chair of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, wrote to all 50 states this week asking for their input as well as voter registration data.

“I have no intention of honoring this request. Virginia conducts fair, honest, and democratic elections, and there is no evidence of significant voter fraud in Virginia,” Virginia Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe countered in a statement Thursday, claiming the commission is based on the “specious and false notion that there was widespread voter fraud last November.”


How far can $1 million go to fix long-over-due building maintenance projects?

Just ask Delores Calloway, resident of Camptown Gardens and president of the tenant's association.

The public housing complex in Irvington, New Jersey, is in desperate need of repairs. There are holes in the ceilings due to water damage, electrical wires hanging out and rusty pipes showing through. Sometimes rats fall through the ceiling in the community room.

Walking down into the basement where Calloway's office is located, there is a strong smell of must, with water on the floor under the latest leaking pipe, piles of debris where the ceilings have caved in and a dead mouse laying at the bottom of the stairwell. She said this used to be a space for kids, but the neglected maintenance has made it unusable.


Two weeks. Two studies on minimum wage. Two very different results.

Last week, a report out of the University of California—Berkeley found “Seattle’s minimum wage ordinance has raised wages for low-paid workers, without negatively affecting employment,” in the words of the Mayor’s Office. That report, produced by the Center on Wage and Employment Dynamics at Berkeley, was picked up far and wide as proof that the doomsday scenarios predicted by skeptics of the plan were failing to materialize.

And while another study that came out Monday from researchers at the University of Washington doesn’t exactly spell doomsday either, it wasn’t exactly rosy. “UW study finds Seattle’s minimum wage is costing jobs,” read the Seattle Times headline Monday morning. The study found that while wages for low-earners rose by 3 percent since the law went into effect, hours for those workers dropped by 9 percent. The average worker making less than $19 an hour in Seattle has seen a total loss of $125 a month since the law went into effect.

Spin Zone / I Could Kill You with a Consumer Drone
« on: June 29, 2017, 06:40:02 AM »
Disclaimer:  I don't know anything about drones nor the validity of the article.  I just found it interesting.

As a former intelligence soldier who now sells drones for a living, I can tell you that this problem is bigger than almost anyone realizes.

Right now, I’m holding a drone that can fly thousands of feet in air in less than 30 seconds, getting it to an altitude where no one could see it. My drone could be up in the air, ready to strike a target before you even had time to blink.

A range extender I’ve added to the antenna allows me to control it up to seven miles away. Or I can click a button to activate a tracking device, ordering my drone to follow a vehicle or person, filming every movement in 4K high-definition video. If it ever loses its radio link to the controller, it can automatically return to its launch location. Except — this drone is not meant to come back. It is not meant to take nice photos of my vacation. It is meant to strike. A small mechanism allows it to carry and drop a 2.5-pound payload — potentially grenades, bombs, even poison.

Think that’s pretty high tech? Guess what — you can buy it at your local Apple store or Walmart.

Spin Zone / Liz Wheeler: What the MSM ignored this week!
« on: June 29, 2017, 06:20:41 AM »

Spin Zone / "It's all bullshit"
« on: June 27, 2017, 08:11:27 AM »
And here's a CNN producer admitting to it:

Spin Zone / 9th Circus Loses Again
« on: June 26, 2017, 07:45:15 AM »

The Supreme Court is letting the Trump administration enforce its 90-day ban on travelers from six mostly Muslim countries, overturning lower court orders that blocked it.

The action Monday is a victory for President Donald Trump in the biggest legal controversy of his young presidency.

 Standby for more exploding heads..............

Spin Zone / C'mon, She's Worth It!
« on: June 22, 2017, 12:34:39 PM »

  Pushing back on criticism from fellow party members after the Democratic loss in a Georgia special election this week, Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that she’s “worth the trouble” as Democrats’ leader in the House.

“I feel very confident about the support that I have in my caucus,” Pelosi said at a press conference in the Capitol after Republicans featured her in almost every ad attacking Democrat Jon Ossoff in the Georgia congressional race which he lost Tuesday.

“I think I’m worth the trouble, quite frankly,” she concluded. “I love the fray.”

 Please, please! keep Nancy around!

And here is a Harvard Law Professor (liberal) who makes an excellent argument why the witch hunt is bad all the way around.

Spin Zone / Camille Paglia Blames Dems for Destroying Journalism
« on: June 21, 2017, 01:21:59 PM »
Here's a liberal Professor's view on just how fucked up the democrat party has become.

And as usual, she's spot on.

Spin Zone / Cancel Recess and Get To Work
« on: June 19, 2017, 05:30:26 AM »
Here you will see the establishment republicans try to block this as it plays into their agenda.

Spin Zone / Empire of Lies
« on: June 19, 2017, 04:40:53 AM »

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