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Messages - Number7

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Spin Zone / Re: Presidential Election Results
« on: November 08, 2016, 10:34:15 PM »
I hope he treats Cruz well.  Cruz campaigned well for him in the end. Scott Walker surely helped him in WI.  I hope Kasich feels like the ass he is.

Spin Zone / Re: Presidential Election Results
« on: November 08, 2016, 09:41:14 PM »
I am in shock out here in the sticks of Florida.
Just shocked.
PLEASE tell me what you think Hilary does tomorrow morning????
Does she go quietly and never be heard from again?
Does she start running for 2020 as soon as it's practicable?
Does she start suing like Al Gore in 2000?
Will anyone much care if she actually loses tonight?

I think she concedes and will not run again for President. DNC put up a shit candidate (and screwed over Bernie in the process), and they are paying the price. This is the bright spot for a Liberal like me even in the face of a GOP win. It may send a message: Wake the fuck up, DNC!

PS - And please let me not hear, at least for a long while, you guys blabber about how vote fraud guarantees a Democrat win.  ;)

Spin Zone / Re: Presidential Election Results
« on: November 08, 2016, 09:30:59 PM »



Spin Zone / Re: Presidential Election Results
« on: November 08, 2016, 09:21:41 PM »
Big argument and whining on ABC among commentators that Trump's rallies were violent and people are scared of a Trump presidency. What does all this violence blah blah say about these voters!

Honey, HRC sent people to incite violence so she could delude you.

Saw Chris Mathews say that people lied to pollsters to create distrust of the media!

These people are beyond mentally ill.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump's Cabinet
« on: November 07, 2016, 03:25:14 PM »
I am so sorry to all my conservative brethren but I am still voting for the Giant Meteor of Death!

to clarify:  is that the donald or the corrupt CAB doormat?

Spin Zone / Re: Redstate Watcher Assange Video
« on: November 06, 2016, 09:00:31 AM »
Kaine is probably viewing this as an opportunity. If she's elected, faces charges and either resigns or is convicted, Kaine would be the next president. I have no doubt that that thought has crossed his mind at least once.
Tim Kaine is probably the only person on the planet who makes Joe Biden look like a reasonable choice for VP, or dog catcher.  One heartbeat, or indictment, away.


Spin Zone / Re: What The Leaks Tell Us, So Far
« on: October 18, 2016, 08:06:03 AM »
You are racist, sewxist, bigoted, homophobe for demanding that logic, proof and reason be applied to an attack made by a lying piece of shit, liberal.

Sewxist: discriminatory against seamstresses.

Spin Zone / Re: Response to Paul Ryan Fundraiser
« on: October 15, 2016, 11:00:44 AM »
I disagree because the two aren't joined at the hip.
Paul Ryan has been a monumental failure at leading based on conservative principles.
What Donald Trump thinks or does has no bearing on what Paul Ryan did and does.
Don't try and use facts or logic with Jihad Jeff, he is so broken record on that I still have him on ignore as a total no-value-added waste of time and wouldn't have even seen what he said had you not quoted it - but I already knew what it would be anyway.

Conservatism is not on the Presidential ballot this year (or any year really but that is another story) - what is on the ballot this year is a continuation and expansion of the disastrous policies of the last 8 years, or something else. 

I only say 'something else' because the details are actually not that important - on any of the issues I could be a single issue voter on, Trump's official platform positions (and the history of his public life, on balance) far more closely align with my own than do Clinton's.  SCOTUS, Gun Control, Abortion, the Political-Media-Complex, Immigration, Trade, Radical Muslim Terrorism, the UN, the Republican Elite/Establishment, DC vs the rest of the country, the rigged system - I could go on but he is far closer to my own positions than Hillary could ever believably pretend to be.

Is he an ideal candidate, no - never said that.

Is he a rock-ribbed conservative, no - never said that.

Is he a paragon of moral virtue and propriety, no - never said that.

Borrowing from a good friend of mine, we are minimizing the election by calling this one a choice between 'the lesser of two evils' - simply put:
  • One is for the murder of unborn children one is not - that is not the lesser of two evils, that is for the greater good and is for me an easy choice.
  • One is for the elimination of the foundation of our Bill of Rights (2nd Amdt) and one is not - that is not the lesser of two evils, that is for the greater good and is for me an easy choice.
  • One is for appointing radical left wing idealogues to SCOTUS (and every other court in the land) and one is not - that is not the lesser of two evils, that is for the greater good and is for me an easy choice.
  • One is for allowing unvetted refugees from dangerous areas of the world (and anywhere else frankly) into our country without a single thought as how to support them and one is not - that is not the lesser of two evils, that is for the greater good and is for me an easy choice.
  • One refuses to name or even try to truly quantify the danger we face from Radical Islam and one is not - that is not the lesser of two evils, that is for the greater good and is for me an easy choice.


Spin Zone / Ghetto Thugs Rioting in Charlotte
« on: September 21, 2016, 06:45:56 PM »
I have a friend who is a Charlotte-Mecklenburg police officer on duty in Uptown Charlotte tonight.  Keep him in your prayers.

These filthy ghetto thugs make me sick.  😡

Spin Zone / Re: As President, Who Will Hillary Represent.....
« on: September 16, 2016, 08:20:54 PM »
You're better than that, Becky.
Thanks. I do not respect her at all, however.  And it has nothing to do with her color.

Spin Zone / Miss you, Ron...
« on: September 01, 2016, 06:12:41 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: Yet another case of Liberal Voter Registration Fraud
« on: August 29, 2016, 03:30:14 PM »

The reason I believe most voter fraud is perpetrated by and for Democrats is because it is the Democrats that frantically fight any sort of voting reform.

The primary reason for Democrat vote fraud of all kinds is that they cannot win a fair fight, and they know it.  It is also why they obfuscate their actual goals and aspirations.

Spin Zone / Re: Good Samaritan Killed By Teens He Helped
« on: August 17, 2016, 01:57:43 PM »

"(Newser) – Two South Carolina teenagers are charged with murder in the shooting death of a Good Samaritan who helped them pull an SUV out of a ditch, the AP reports. North Charleston Police spokesperson Spencer Pryor told local news outlets the victim stopped to help the teens pull the vehicle out of a ditch about 11pm Monday and was robbed and shot after the vehicle was freed. The Charleston County Coroner's Office has IDed the deceased as 45-year-old Chadwick Garrett, per the Post and Courier. "

Pretty sad.  Those kids need locked up forever.

Waste of perfectly good cell space.

Bullets in back of head.

Spin Zone / Road Sign
« on: August 16, 2016, 10:43:54 AM »
In South Carolina

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