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Messages - Number7

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Spin Zone / Re: Obama's sex secrets laid bare
« on: May 03, 2017, 02:46:57 PM »
Although he had/has an effeminate persona as President, I always was way more concerned with his far left, radical policies, and politics, than his sexuality.  (YUCK!).  Michelle is MUCH more masculine anyway.  I guess that was to try to balance things out.  :)

"Michelle" is a male.

Spin Zone / Re: Obama's sex secrets laid bare
« on: May 03, 2017, 02:46:06 PM »
Rush Limbaugh had a good point on this story last week.  We are continually told that being gay is not a choice.

The "attraction", I guess, is outside of your conscious control.

The behavior/lifestyle definitely is.

Spin Zone / Re: Hannity Goes After Debbie Schlussel
« on: April 28, 2017, 08:20:35 AM »
I've never had a lib try and explain how the fairness doctrine would protect anything other than lib opinions....

Does anything else matter?   ;)

Spin Zone / Re: Would you support overturning Roe-v-Wade?
« on: April 13, 2017, 09:33:43 AM »
In the end it is all about breaking down common societal limits to 'free' the freaks from their shame about their behavior and damn it all to everyone else.

It is the elimination of RIGHT, and WRONG.  Everything, or almost everything is OK now so there is NO responsibility, nor accountability because it makes people FEEL badly, and it isn't "INCLUSIVE".  Whatever the hell that means.  It is a purposeful, and deliberate devolving of society so more government dependency, and control is created. 

Academics seem to always redefine history to suit their corrupt concept of political correctness, then add a dash of smug stupidity in an attempt to shut down either intelligent refutation, or simple truth.
Steingar appears to be all in on both.
The triple- zero IQ is working overtime.

Faculty lounge bong is firing 24/7.

You are officially designated a sexist, racist, islamophobic, homophobe....

Pleas turn yourself in for execution at your local emergency room.
Licifer is a subversive, isn't he? 

Spin Zone / Re: Handshake
« on: March 20, 2017, 07:41:47 AM »
Not everything seemingly negative about Trump can be hand-waved away.

Not everything seemingly negative about Trump is actually negative. The press has taught us that.

Spin Zone / Re: To brighten your day
« on: March 07, 2017, 10:44:58 AM »
Trump has opened the White House for tours, and surprised a fifth-grade class this morning. I love the cheers!  And that when leaving, he said, "Work hard, everybody. Work hard."

Becky is happy today.  :)

Spin Zone / Re: Russia Hijacked the Oscars
« on: February 28, 2017, 09:11:56 PM »
I will be starting a petition to have next year's Best Picture award presented by Steve Harvey and Warren Beatty.  Everyone deserves a second chance.

And the Oscar goes to....Gone with the Wind?

Spin Zone / Re: Russia Hijacked the Oscars
« on: February 28, 2017, 11:21:19 AM »
It was Russia collaborating with the Tea Party, and legal gun owners. 

Spin Zone / Re: I guess Trump really is a misogynist!
« on: January 24, 2017, 10:48:52 AM »
Isn't it nice to know we won't have smarmy, virtue-signalling liberal women in charge of important things?   :)

Just saying "Trump" to a liberal woman is like holding a crucifix up to a vampire.

Spin Zone / Re: I'm still wondering ....
« on: January 23, 2017, 09:18:37 AM »
When you allow yourself to hear opinions outside the echo chamber of stupidity that is the left, you discover that people who ACTUALLY know Donald Trump say he is far more comfortable talking to bricklayers and painters than he is bankers and stock brokers, because he spent his life actually working around construction projects, instead of going to dinners and talking about who actually work for a living.

As for doing what he talked about: New Trump White House Website Sets Agenda That Mirrors Campaign Pledges

Revised website features issue pages for energy policy, foreign policy, economic policy, expanding the military, bolstering law enforcement and rethinking trade

Instead of embarking on an apology tour and picking up an empty Nobel prize, like the fucking dog, Obama, Trump seems to be actually working. What a shock. A working guy that works, instead of a fucking pansy that talks.

Yes and this is why I have hope.  I'm loving this.

Spin Zone / Re: Inauguration Day
« on: January 20, 2017, 04:17:41 PM »
Congratulations to all of the Trump supporters!  Hope y'all enjoy the celebrations on this Inauguration Day.

Also hope that today is not the high-water mark of President Trumps administration.

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