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Messages - bflynn

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Spin Zone / Secret Ballot @ Convention
« on: July 07, 2016, 07:01:46 PM »
That might be a great idea.

Spin Zone / Re: What a Lady
« on: July 02, 2016, 04:22:05 AM »
old news.
Just out of curiosity, was that supposed to be a sarcastic answer based on Clinton's history of:
claim it is old news and doesn't mater any more.

I am at my station in life because I am a statistical anomaly, meaning I slipped through the cracks - a crack that may close at any time.  That's what you don't, can't and won't understand - there's more to it than being industrious - we have been that.

What we need is for men of conscience to stop giving license to men of evil who play games of "hide the resources".  Everytime we uncover one, apologists (like Stan) come along and try to excuse it away, while he rides away haughtily "refusing  to apologize for his White Privilege" in a country that my fore-parents built and one that I continue support every day.

One day you gon' realize that IF Black people all in solidarity one day just said "Fuck it!" that America wouldn't be able to hold up her panties anymore and we could force the economic tables to turn - because that's really what its been all about, use and control of resources.

Screw yourself, JB.  My grandparents came from Poland and Lithuania in the early 1900s. My great greatgrandmother was taken away to Siberia by the Russians and was never seen again.  They all came to America not knowing much English, which was a trigger for cruel treatment by some. 

My Lithuanian grandfather became a share crop farmer in Illinois, and also worked at a factory that manufactured school desks.  He was a welder.  My Polish grandfather sold caskets, and eventually partnered with other immigrants to found a savings and loan association in Chicago in 1920.  When I worked there in the summers while in college, I found old ledger books from that era - all written in Polish.

My Wife's ancestors had similar experiences, from Irish coal miners in Scranton PA to Polish photo engravers in Detroit.

My point is, everyone has a history, and it's not always pretty.  But my relatives worked hard to make their kids' lives, just as they worked to make my life better, and I work to make my kid's life better. 

Am I white?  Yes.  Do I owe ANYONE an apology for it?  Fuck no. 

I am not xenophobic from LEGAL immigrants.  I applaud them for coming in the right way, and wish them well.  I have noticed in my area, an upscale, suburban location, a very, very large amount of people, seemingly from India, Pakistan, Singapore, and I presume, other neighboring countries.  They are polite, friendly, prosperous, and I believe, an asset to the community.  My area includes a lot of high tech, pharmaceuticals, and financial services.

Are companies importing these workers on H1B1 visas and paying them a bit less than American workers to do technical jobs, or are American corporations having a hard time finding people with these skills?  Is this a national trend?   

The corps have a hard time finding American workers who will accept the crappy pay rates that they can pay imported "talent".

Spin Zone / Re: Fifty killed in gun-free zone
« on: June 12, 2016, 09:27:20 AM »
I'm waiting for the President's statement about how these types of incidents don't happen in other countries and that we need "common sense gun laws."

Don't forget that President Reagan was loudly critized by liberals for cutting spending... except the "cuts" were smaller increases than the liberals were demanding.

I remember all of the news propaganda about the "homeless" supposedly due to Reagan policies.

Funny how we haven't seen any under 8 years of the Obama Malaise.

Spin Zone / Re: had a scary thought
« on: June 04, 2016, 09:01:17 AM »
Well Reagan was better than his predecessors, especially Carter, but since Reagan we have had terrible Presidents.  Even the Republicans (both Bush's) even acted like Democrats in the fiscal sense, and some other ways.

There ya go!

Why is it that my first response is to feel honored?

Spin Zone / Where do you draw the line?
« on: May 27, 2016, 06:48:57 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: Today's Funny on Free Choice
« on: May 26, 2016, 05:54:14 PM »

I feel like Sergeant Schultz: "I see nothing".

Spin Zone / Re: State Department Faults Clinton For Emails
« on: May 25, 2016, 11:33:41 AM »

I wonder if this will have any effect on the campaign or if the FBI will take this into consideration in their investigation, if they haven't already?
Here will be the story. It will be on section C 28 of any newspaper that is bold enough to print anything about it:

It was a violation of departmental rules. No laws were broken. Other Secretaries of State did the exact same thing. This is all a partisan witch hunt by the Republicans. End of story.

It seems like the partisan prosecutor has some questions to answer as far as her behavior, also.
The entire case seemed like a charade to appease race hustlers and black lives matters idiots to me.

Spin Zone / Re: Fair and Impartial Jury?
« on: May 24, 2016, 07:48:22 AM »
So you believe in putting people away at all costs, even if it means cheating to do so?
Do you know how many people are in jail today via coerced confessions, perjured witness testimony and downright prosecutorial misconduct??? What world are you living in?
He CONFESSED. He's a sick fuck who tortured and killed an old woman. Yet you think he should get a "get out of jail free" card because there MAY have been a different result if there were blacks on the jury 30 years ago?  What world are YOU living in? 

I agree with Clarence Thomas. Does that make me a racist? 

I don't know MD law, nor the exact charges.

If, let's say, the van was intentionally braked intending to "shake up" the occupants, an accidental death in such a case would be something like "aggravated manslaughter" - death due to wanton and willful disregard for human life - itself a very serious felony with long prison terms associated.

But typically not murder - if there was no apparent intent to kill.

Spin Zone / Re: Whoops! DOJ Just Destroyed Women's Sports
« on: May 21, 2016, 03:13:52 PM »
Interesting article from the Daily Signal:

Quote from: Daily Signal
One fact will remain, no matter how deep in the tank Obama goes for the gender nonconformists, genetics and God’s design of male and female, no matter how repugnant that is to some, cannot be changed. Biological gender remains fixed no matter how many cross-gender hormones are taken or cosmetic surgeries are performed. No law can change the genetic and biblical truth of God’s design. Using financial blackmail to achieve the elimination of gender will become Obama’s ugly legacy.

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