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Messages - bflynn

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Spin Zone / Re: Ah, free thought in academia....
« on: September 01, 2016, 04:53:36 PM »
The entire debate from the left side of the political spectrum is about the POLITICS of MMGW, not the facts. Steingar and other leftist academics can puff, huff and blather all they want but his arguments are always about the really smart people who said this or that, without any proof. Without a single one of their models ever being correct, we are still required in their tiny minds, to conform to their political agenda, or face the kinds of stupidity Steingar posts whenever he posts on this topic.
liberalism is his religion. MMGW is part of the dogma and he is as devotedly blind about his religion of the state above all else, as is the State Legislator he claims said that he based his opinion on the Bible.

Spin Zone / Re: Ah, free thought in academia....
« on: August 31, 2016, 12:48:50 PM »
It's an opposing viewpoint that does have merit. Teaching creationism does not mean preaching. There is a difference.

Leftists don't like their belief system to be challenged. It forces them to think, and those thoughts might lead the astray from the narrative to reality. Which is a scary place for the arrested-development liberal.

Spin Zone / Re: Yet another case of Liberal Voter Registration Fraud
« on: August 29, 2016, 03:30:14 PM »

The reason I believe most voter fraud is perpetrated by and for Democrats is because it is the Democrats that frantically fight any sort of voting reform.

The primary reason for Democrat vote fraud of all kinds is that they cannot win a fair fight, and they know it.  It is also why they obfuscate their actual goals and aspirations.

Spin Zone / Re: Gun Ownership Rises to 44% Of All Homes
« on: August 29, 2016, 10:14:25 AM »
I don't think the "no fly, no buy" idea is unconstitutional.  If there is a problem or a violation, it is with how we put people on the no-fly list to begin with, and with out we identify fliers as they board.  Perhaps we need a flyer's photo idea, but the libs would claim that is discriminatory.
I'm not sure how a no-fly list is constitutional to begin with, either. The idea that you can deprive someone of moving freely between the states without due process is frightening. Purchasing an airline ticket is a contractual obligation between the flyer and the airline. But now the government is stepping in and determining who can and cannot fly without actually accusing them of anything. It's all done under the guise of "safety and security". Not to mention it's a mystery how you end up on the list, who is on the list and how to get off the list if you're on it.

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary Clinton, For The Defense
« on: August 24, 2016, 03:59:57 PM »
That's not what was suggested. You are twisting this.
That's what lawyers do.  The better they are at it, the more they earn.

Spin Zone / Re: Reactions to Louisiana Flooding Crisis
« on: August 22, 2016, 10:56:32 AM »
I suppose we are at the point where the system is so corrupt that Hillary doesn't even need to make an appearance for the sake of trying to look presidential.

She's convinced the media will carry her through the election and her campaign wants to keep her isolated so she doesn't have to respond to anything.

Spin Zone / Re: CNN Headline Equates Blacks with Felons
« on: August 22, 2016, 10:12:48 AM »
The identity politics racket that has gotten rich crying "Pacist!" doesn't even know real racism when it stares them in the face.  No angry calls for denouncement from any of the usual quarters -- deafening silence.

That's a new low, even for CNN. It's sad that we've reached the point where it just doesn't matter for liberals anymore.

Spin Zone / Re: Soros Hack Reveals Plot Behind Europe's Refugee Crisis
« on: August 16, 2016, 01:49:51 PM »
If nobody minds, I am going to comment on the George Soros thing.
If the progressives (communists) are this blunt about their intentions, then I would suggest that they have - or think they have - the entire structure of several governments sufficiently under their control to protect them from any blow back.
I am thinking about it along the lines of the utter corruption of the FBI by Comey and the complete criminalization of the DOJ by Loretta Lynch when I say that.
Most of our press corps and many of our courts have become the willing slaves to the progressive agenda and now it looks like the election will be hijacked and the corrupt leftists feel certain that they control enough of the government to insulate themselves from any push back.

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary is better than Trump because . . .
« on: August 14, 2016, 08:47:29 AM »

2.) Foreign policy.  A clear nod to Hillary, I do believe she understands how international politics works.  Negotiations/relations with powerful sovereign nations is very different from negotiations with a contractor for services.  She has developed contacts and relationships across the globe, the Donald can't match that.


 She was a disaster as Secretary of State.  What accomplishments as Secretary are you basing this on?   

3.) Government experience.  To get anything done in government requires cooperation from others who don't agree with you.    That's the beauty of our system.  I do believe Hillary will be better at it than the Donald.  Many have said that President Obama was divisive, if the Donald is President, my fear is that it will be much worse. 

 What government experience?  A do nothing junior Senator with no accomplishments as well as a disaster Secretary of State?

 Please point out where she got anything "done" in either of those positions, other than line her pockets with pay for play.

Spin Zone / Re: Voter Fraud Made Easy
« on: August 12, 2016, 10:17:13 AM »

Also, what part do you not get about the majority of the rest of the free world does it?

oh please.  the rest of the free world does it is not a justification.

sure, it's reasonable to ask people to consider it, but "the rest of the free world is doing it" is worthless as justification.

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary's health
« on: August 11, 2016, 08:26:09 PM »
Move the Republican Party to the right, at least the Presidential campaign, and it'll run smack into Hillary.  Trump's more liberal than she is.

Fucking ridiculous.

Spin Zone / Re: A Place Where the World Isn't So Polarized
« on: August 11, 2016, 05:14:24 PM »
Very few people IN YOUR UNIVERSE.
This begs a question.  Do we exist in multiple worlds, or do we exist together in one world?  For example, is there your world, my world, and the world we make together? 

If your world is in your head, it is easy to calibrate everything in the world we share toward what you want to see.  And some find it easier to remain captive than to break forth, grow, and reclaim their lives from the chains that really don't exist.

Sez Byron:

My very chains and I grew friends,
So much a long communion tends
To make us what we are: —even I
Regain'd my freedom with a sigh.

Spin Zone / Re: Communist Party Supports Hillary
« on: August 08, 2016, 07:45:43 AM »
The Democrat Party IS the Communist Party. 

Spin Zone / Re: A Place Where the World Isn't So Polarized
« on: August 08, 2016, 07:01:41 AM »
For the most part, only the race hustlers (overwhelming to the Left, go figure...) give two shits about any of this.

The continue the race narrative agenda purely for personal gain.  Money, power, and influence. 

Spin Zone / Re: A Place Where the World Isn't So Polarized
« on: August 08, 2016, 06:27:45 AM »
I guess officially we're a mixed marriage as I'm Caucasian of European decent and my wife is Indian (Native American for the PC crowd) although I can't recall which tribe off the top of my head.   We live a happy life on our farm with horses, goats, ferrets, cats to keep the mice at bay, and therefore the snakes, a rabbit and dogs.  Our friends and neighbors are of all colors/backgrounds/sexual orientation of life.  We just don't bother with the pigment of one's skin or anything else but character.  Character is the driving force with whom we associate.  When a storm comes through we all pitch in to help recover from any damage that occurred.  We help each other mend fences and help round up the occasional horse or donkey that breaks through the fence row.  It's a good life.

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