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Messages - Rush

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Spin Zone / Re: Nancy’s Nephew Newsome
« on: June 15, 2023, 08:54:56 PM »
I’d almost rather see Biden get elected installed again.  I can’t abide Newsome.

The senile, walking crime syndicate known as pedophile joe biden, thinks he can build a railroad across the ocean.

I think he should be locked up in a memory care unit and his entire cabinet indicted for crimes against humanity.
That’s what happens when you make national energy policy based on the ramblings of a snot-nosed teenager on the autism spectrum.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump Indictment Watch......
« on: June 15, 2023, 07:06:39 AM »
What is the likelihood that Trump of his people had any kind of inventory of every document in those boxes?  If not, what is the likelihood that the DOJ slipped the documents he's being arraigned over into the boxes or even just said they were in the boxes?

Extremely easy if the investigators are corrupt. I've been part of many search warrants in the past. While you are never suppsed to search alone to prevent planting of evidence, it's never perfect. And with the wholesale corruption we are seeeing with the FBI, I can easily fathom multiple agents being selected and agreeing to planting evidence.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump v DeSantis 2024
« on: June 14, 2023, 01:25:12 PM »
It will destroy their version of democracy, which is better known as communism. 

The communist democrats love changing word meanings to fit a narrative.

Since they virtually own the media, they're getting away with it.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump v DeSantis 2024
« on: June 14, 2023, 12:47:03 PM »
It will destroy their version of democracy,
That was almost verbatim what I was going to post.
But there will be a lot of collateral damage.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump v DeSantis 2024
« on: June 14, 2023, 12:40:05 PM »
I'm sick of hearing MAGA will destroy U.S. "democracy".  What a load of shit.

It will destroy their version of democracy, which is better known as communism. 

The communist democrats love changing word meanings to fit a narrative. 

Spin Zone / Re: Trump Indictment Watch......
« on: June 14, 2023, 08:18:24 AM »
It's also why they hate the first amendment and want to "limit" it.   >:(

Spin Zone / Re: Trump Indictment Watch......
« on: June 14, 2023, 07:32:41 AM »
Well, if the people in the news media are there to report the news, they are failing

Seems that the are their to make money for their masters

  The majority of US news organizations are nothing more than state run media now.  Propaganda outlets posing as legitimate news sources, much like the old Pravda.

  They hate the internet, thus why the government is trying to censor any and all content they disagree.

  Back in Nazi Germany then later the USSR and Red China, they had a total lock on all media.  Only a few that had short wave radio receivers hidden away could gain knowledge of what was going on in the outside world.

 The internet is now that short wave radio, and the communist hate it.   They now have to figure a way to shut it off to the peasants and only allow the elites full access.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump v DeSantis 2024
« on: June 13, 2023, 08:02:25 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Article V Convention
« on: June 12, 2023, 03:38:40 PM »
I'd like to sign, but I'm cautious for another reason.
What if we get what we ask for (CoS), but the result isn't what we desired; sort of like the last two elections.

If someone can convince me we won't lose 2A, and that the over-reach of Fed-Gov won't be maintained and extended, I'll sign in a heartbeat.

How would votes be apportioned?  Would each State have equal votes, or would population enter into it?

I don't see how that is worse than the fucking scum bag democrats shredding the constitution without input.

Spin Zone / Re: Article V Convention
« on: June 12, 2023, 10:18:59 AM »
I share your concern but don't know enough about it to opine how it will end up.  I haven't signed it either yet but might one of these days if I learn more about it and think it's the right way to go. 

My thoughts right now are coming to "what have we got to lose?"  Our country is circling the drain and if we don't do something we're done. Maybe the 2024 election will be the last straw for me.  The Dems HAVE to lose (unless it's RFK Jr... POSSIBLY...) but if they cheat and keep Biden, it will be game over. We have a chance as long as Trump (or MAYBE RFKJr) is elected, because the Uniparty doesn't want them and we will know they didn't succeed with the cheating. But if they succeed again, I don't see a way out.

Then it will be either convention of states or all out civil war which will be "actual insurrection" and land us all in prison (or dead) unless we win.  I'm too old to go there.  So I'll have to go with CoS.

But the real problem is more than just politics. It's culture.  It's education. It's that our children are being indoctrinated into Marxism. It's that we face a catastrophic break in production and standard of living and literal REproduction.  None of this will be fixed with just a populist president.  If the conservative right tries to force cultural change, like DeSantis in Florida in some ways (abortion bans in a state are one thing, if he tries to do it nationally that's a whole different thing), I'm not for right wing authoritarianism any more than left wing authoritarianism.  Only to the extent that the right wing version can at least keep our oil flowing and our economy going.

What we really need is de-centralization.  Bring the power back to local communities. Then you can have your ultra conservative locales and your liberal shitholes.  What is concerning is centralized authoritarianism of either stripe, trying to tell the entire country how to live.

And that still leaves the literal millions of Federal employees in the agencies, speaking of telling us all how to live, that need to be dismantled.  ONLY TRUMP has made any headway in that direction with his rolling back two or more regulations for every one enacted, and even that was way, way below what is needed.

  The presidency is a small part of the problem.  The HUGE part of this problem is congress.   Both the congress and the senate are fuckin' pathetic.  If we truly want change, we must cut the head off of the snake, and that's congress.

  It would be super easy to primary and run these bastards out of town (both R and D) if we didn't have such voter apathy.  Wyoming just did it by getting rid of Miss Piggy. That's the example.


Spin Zone / Re: Trump v DeSantis 2024
« on: June 12, 2023, 08:06:29 AM »
That’s cool! On a further musical note …

Spin Zone / Re: Trump Indictment Watch......
« on: June 10, 2023, 01:38:43 PM »

All the things that Americans are coping with thanks to Joe Biden’s complete horror of a presidency are important, but if House Republicans don’t drop all of it right now to aggressively target the attorney general, then none of it matters and they should all jump off a cliff.

Seriously. Merrick Garland, Biden’s head of the nation’s premier law enforcement agency, just chose to seek prison time for a former president, the man right now most likely to face off with the current president in 2024.

The magnitude of the situation isn’t dependent on a conviction or acquittal. It rests on whether the indictment is legitimized at all. And by doing nothing, House Republicans will have sent the message that there’s nothing to do but watch — watch as your democracy crumbles to ashes and blows away with their absolute indifference.

In that scenario, nothing separates us from Cuba. Or in terms that Democrats can understand, nothing separates us from RUSSIA, YOU PUTIN SOCK SNIFFERS!

If House Republicans play this game of “let’s see what the facts say” and “there will be blowback if we overreach,” then it’s over. When Democrats were in power, they impeached a sitting president twice, sued to secure his personal tax returns, and brought in a slew of witnesses to embarrass him in televised hearings without batting an eye. The bare minimum Republicans can do now is impeach Merrick Garland for attempting to throw a leading presidential candidate in jail over a records-keeping issue.

Yeah, historical government records are important and if Trump had things in his possession that weren’t his, the government was in its right to retrieve them. There’s a legal and lawyerly process for that. But initial news reports indicate that the Justice Department is throwing the book at him over classified documents Trump retained, something his vice president, former President Obama, and Joe Biden himself have done.

There are apparently also charges related to obstruction and conspiracy. Those are charges that Hillary Clinton never faced, even though her set-up of a private email server to conduct government business, which she wiped clean after leaving office as secretary of state, was by definition obstruction and conspiracy. The sitting director of the FBI said at the time that Clinton was “extremely careless” in handling government secrets. No indictment.

By every measure, Merrick Garland has corrupted his office in the persecution of a prominent political opponent who is actively campaigning to unseat Garland’s boss. Garland’s entire tenure has reeked of retribution for having been denied a Supreme Court seat in 2016. He has claimed that white supremacy is the foremost domestic threat to America, by which he means “Trump supporters.” He has directed his department to harass concerned parents who show up at school board meetings. And while he chases down pro-life activists exercising their First Amendment rights, he does nothing to actual domestic terrorists waging a violent war against pro-life pregnancy clinics.

Nobody needs to see House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Fox News confessing what a scandal it is, or how outraged Americans should be. The Oversight Committee should be dragging in Justice Department officials for hearings, investigating Justice Department communications with the White House, and immediately drafting articles of impeachment for Merrick Garland.

Nothing is more important.

Accident Review/Never Again (I hope..) / Re: Conspiracy theory?
« on: June 10, 2023, 01:27:56 PM »
In 1999 his Lear Jet departed Orlando for Florida
Where was Orlando on 1999?

Spin Zone / Re: Trump Indictment Watch......
« on: June 09, 2023, 08:23:41 PM »
VDH has said this all can be stopped if the republicans would just start fighting fire with fire, and I believe him.

Right now the republicans could start seeking indictments on Hunter and James Biden.  Bring forward the evidence of FJB taking bribes, and bring the articles of impeachment up for a vote.

Begin impeaching Merrick Garland and Mayorkas.   Push for special counsel on Fauci.

What we get instead is Speaker McLoser going for a 4 day weekend break.   Enough of these fuckin' tweets "condemning" the opposition.

Do something!

Do something?  I think the republicans are doing exactly what their puppet masters have told them to do.

We haven't had honest representative government since before Woodrow Wilson, with the exception of Reagan and Trump and maybe Kennedy, which I think is the reason he was assassinated and why there was an attempt on Reagan.  If Trump survives this, I bet there will be another attempt.

Biden is not running this show and I don't think it's Obama either.  Remember when we used to call him "The Teleprompter?"  No, it goes way deeper than that.  Doesn't it seem strange that after the Bud Lite fiasco, that Target would do the same?  They would if the bankers they depend on told them to ... or else.  Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street control the major corporations including our food supply and that's where the woke agenda comes from.  And where does their leadership get their ideas from?  The WEF? Who knows?

Here's a fun little exercise:  search for 3 0 0 commit tee  p d f (words squished together), one of the first hits you'll get is the see-eye-aye website with the book in pdf. Download the book (maybe using a VPN) scroll down to p. 103 and start reading.  The author missed the dates, but it gives you an idea what they've got planned.  There is corruption on a scale that is unimaginable, and our government is rotten to the core.

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