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Messages - Rush

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Spin Zone / MMGW
« on: August 21, 2023, 04:42:20 AM »
it's been man-made global warming or man-made climate change.

Why aren't the woke police all over that?

Why isn't it PMGW? or HMGW? or PMCC? or HMCC?

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: August 20, 2023, 08:05:30 AM »
If he fucking communist democrats hadn’t conspired to steal the government President Trump would be completing his legitimately won the election.

With him running to win back the White House from the fucking communist scum democrats, DeSantis can’t really gain any significant traction.

He is now weakened enough to lose to whatever fraud the communist party (democrats) send out.

President Trump has to win the primaries because no o e else has a chance of overcoming the fucking Demi rats and their fraud machine.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: August 20, 2023, 05:38:49 AM »
My opinion was that in primary elections any venue that gets a candidate in front of an audience can't hurt them and may help. I went looking for articles or studies and found several, this one seemed to confirm your opinion:

Some snippets from

  The problem with debates in today's world is we end up with shit shows such as FoxNews, where underlies a strategy by the organization putting on the debate to favor one candidate over another.   The infamous debate between Trump and Biden that was hosted by Chris Wallace was a perfect example.

  If one could have a setting in a neutral area, and moderated by a truly impartial individual, and no coaching the candidate by giving them the questions ahead of time, it may be interesting.

Spin Zone / Re: Ummm, Really....
« on: August 19, 2023, 06:13:38 PM »
I love that Riley is just sitting there eating her soup.

Spin Zone / Re: Denver to Pay Pilot $300k
« on: August 19, 2023, 02:18:50 PM »
Texted my United buddy and ragged him. Then he tells me and his girlfriend are watching porn lol. Told him you should be making porn, not watching it! He’s such a slut!

Spin Zone / Re: Can Trump win the general election?
« on: August 17, 2023, 01:29:08 PM »
What would change my mind, Peter?

Well, it would have been far more advantageous for the Dem/RINO/cabal immediately to begin releasing ALL election data as requested to show a squeaky clean election. “Oh, my! Some fraud? We need to look into that!” And then do it. Answer all challenges with proof things were done properly. That would have satisfied me.

What actually did they do? Censor, obscure, shadowban, gaslight, label, refuse to answer germane questions, take down videos and testimonies, try to delegitimize actual audits and canvasses, address NOT AT ALL the repeated question of who ordered the counting stopped in six states at the same time, and INDICT and attempt to destroy a former President of the United States for the sole reason that he could expose them once and for all and remove their power.

Add to that the fact that my husband and I saw the 2020 election stolen before our very eyes on election night. We saw the weird jumps in numbers, the way too early call of Arizona, took screenshots, watched multiple sources covering the election, and watched in horror as the counting continued the following day as is the modus operandi of the fraudsters which we have seen many times in our state.

Videos of Republican poll watchers being kept 100 feet from the actual counting. Depositions and hearings and of course video of the suitcases of ballots being pulled out from under tables, after the counting was “stopped” and most workers sent home. Those ballots were then run multiple times through the machines. On camera. Someone forgot security cams were running. We saw the video.

Depositions of workers comparing ballots and saying ballots were brought in with the ovals filled in for Biden with the exact same off-center position. Printed on a printer along with ballot itself. Analysis of paper, finding that fraudulent ballots indeed were not legal. We saw these testimonies.

Dominion employees testifying they were told by their management to sit there and not do anything to the machines. Not to touch them, even if someone told them there was a problem. We saw these testimonies.

And on and on and on. Answer each of my statements above with proof I didn’t see what I saw, or that what I saw was not true. The depth and breadth of this fraud were chillingly obvious, and not just to us. There are people at all levels in place to do it again, there is no question.

I’ll grant that my premises have the potential to be falsifiable. But in three years they haven’t been. I wish I were wrong. But to expect President Trump to stop talking about this massive steal is absurd. THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT THE DEM/RINO/CABAL WANTS HIM, AND YOU, TO DO.

Rusty & Student Pilots / Re: Accelerated Instrument vs. regular
« on: August 17, 2023, 09:04:10 AM »
Met with the instructor.  And old fart that loves tailwheels and used to have a Cessna 140. He would love to fly with me but he's swamped with primary students.  Very disappointed that he can't do training in the 170. He pointed me to one of his old students that he trained commercial and CFI and CFII.  She has a Cub and is very tailwheel experienced.  We'll see what she says.

I upgraded my 170 to be a great instrument trainer. Garmin 355 GPS and three Garmin 275s.  Practically glass panel.  A second nav-com for ILS or VOR approaches, ADSB transponder and it's good to go.  The only thing missing is a heated pitot tube.  But good enough for VFR IFR training.

Rusty & Student Pilots / Re: Accelerated Instrument vs. regular
« on: August 16, 2023, 04:05:52 PM »
I've been informed that I need to get off my ass and finish my instrument rating.  About 20 years ago I was nearly done and in the "polishing" stage when my wife got very sick and my priorities changed.  Some 16 years later I took the written again, got training lined up and then Covid.  Two years later I took the written again, got an instructor lined up, and then he moved to Florida leaving no choices.  I'm finally ready to go again.

So... do any of you have any experience with one of the accelerated instrument training programs?  Total immersion for a couple weeks and just get it done.  Or I can go the usual route with a couple flights a week and get it done that way.

Advice?  Comments?  Suggestions?
How old are you?  IOW, are you able to drink from a firehose?
I think one of those total immersion programs would have been great when I was young. 
Today, I need more time to digest what I am learning.

And yes.  I hate to admit that.

Spin Zone / Re: oh... the tragedy... the horror
« on: August 16, 2023, 05:24:39 AM »
First world problems.

This country is full of weak, mindless wussies.  We’ve had it too good for too long.  We have to invent ridiculous shit like this as a problem because we have no real problems. Our basic survival needs are too well met, we’ve forgotten what real problems are.


She needs to be dropped in the Amazon rain forest and see what she has to eat to survive.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: August 15, 2023, 03:13:31 PM »
I’m saying no candidate is worthy to be President unless they relentlessly and publicly hammer the obviously political and relentlessly ongoing persecution by this deep state-controlled puppet administration and its lackeys in Congress of the one man who has relentlessly pledged to dismantle the deep state. They must also relentlessly hammer the issue of election fraud and relentlessly hammer the need to restore election security and the actual will of the voters by whatever means necessary.

No scientist or mathematician or even geeky libertarian can deny that Joe Biden did not legitimately win the 2020 election. That election attracted geeks from all over the world and it has been analyzed and established beyond doubt that a Biden win is not just statistically improbable, but impossible.

Ignoring that fact is exactly what the election thieves want you to do. Turning away from their only real and powerful public challenger is exactly what they want you to do. We’re now in a bizzare horror movie where our only hope is to outsmart and deal a death blow to our captors.

If, as some here say, President Trump is a loss and liability to We the People, why don’t our captors leave him alone and let him self destruct?  Because he won’t. His blunt and consistent message has been against them and for us. And they know we know that.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: August 15, 2023, 08:07:22 AM »
Any true reformer will be afraid to run after seeing the legal and otherwise persecution of anyone of any influence who goes against the establishment. They’re making examples of people right and left.

  Exactly.  The democrat communist are letting it be known "If anyone dare take us on, we will destroy you".   Just like any tyrannical regime.

  Right now this country should be in an uproar over the regime's banana republic style subversion of the law.  Our elected representatives should immediately come back into session and fight this garbage.

  But they won't, and the communist know this.  Kevin McLoser will put out a tweet "condemning" what is going on with no real mention of DJT, then he will go back to his vacation.  A few committed conservatives will raise hell, but be drowned out by the RINOs and media.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: August 15, 2023, 05:49:36 AM »

Spin Zone / Survey: Number 1 Quality Men Look For In A Wife
« on: August 14, 2023, 07:06:25 PM »
Survey: Number 1 Quality Men Look For In A Wife Is A Woman Who Will Fight Off Invisible Lizard People On The Plane Who Aren't Real

 Aug 14, 2023 ·
U.S. — A new survey of single men has found that the number one qualification they look for in a wife is "someone who will shout at and fight off the invisible lizard people on the plane who aren't real," sources confirmed Monday.

While qualities like "a good homemaker" and "a strong personality" also ranked high on men's list of good characteristics of a potential mate, the number one thing they look for, by far, appears to be "the ability and willingness to absolutely freak out when a demon-lizard appears on a flight and we're all about to die."

"Yeah, I mean, looks, personality, and future parenting skills are all a plus, obviously," said one respondent to the survey. "But honestly, the number one thing I'm out there scopin' out is whether or not she'll just go absolutely bananas on an airplane when no one else is willing to point out the not-real demonic entity on an airplane so we can escape that death trap."

"I'm pretty introverted, so I need a chick to speak up for me," said another man. "Like, if my mashed potatoes don't come out right, or if I've got a problem with our cell carrier's customer service. Or, if there's an invisible Lizard Space Lord on the airplane with us and I'm just too shy to speak up."

As it's the year 2023, "doesn't have a penis" also ranked highly on the list.

Is your wife being hysterical again? Do you need a sandwich ASAP, but the Mrs. is unreasonably upset? Watch this video for all the best techniques for calming her down.

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